Fake banks, couriers, law firms, escrow and other fake sites used in scams.
#218509 by Cathode Wed Sep 10, 2014 7:28 am
Further to my recent post "Fake Phishing scam pretending to be PayPal" I have also received one pretending to be from BT, which from the timing and similarity of style could easily be from the same scammers. F-Secure also apparently did not know about this one when I forwarded it to them - so it is new. They have now given the attachment a Trojan name. BT appear to only allow online reports from their customers of scam emails so I have not contacted them. The main text of the scam email is thus:

"Important: We need to confirm your BT account information.

This e-mail has been sent to you to inform you that we were unable to confirm your BT account information.
This might be due to a recent change in your personal information. (eg: billing address, phone).
The secure way to confirm your account information:
Download the attached Document..
Follow the instructions to Confirm you account information..

You might need your BT account number for this you'll find it at the top of your bill. We'll send you a confirmation email once your account information verified.

Thanks for choosing BT,
Libby Barr
Managing Director, BT Sales and Service"

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