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#219924 by AlanJones Mon Sep 22, 2014 1:15 am
From: James Harny-Google Android - [email protected]
Reply-to: [email protected]
Tel. No.: +447024022791

Dear XXX,

Either you or someone entered your information on our web Ad for the Google Android Cash Splash Promo and we are using this medium to officially notify you that the result of the promo was recently released as shown below:
2014 Result S/N Winners List Amount Won Ticket Number Status
1 XXX 1,000,000.00 GBP Confidential Unclaimed
2 XXX 500,000.00 GBP AD540201H Unclaimed
3 XXX 200,000.00 GBP Confidential Unclaimed

We are happy to inform you that you are our second prize winner and you won 500,000.00 GBP (Five hundred thousand Great British Pounds) at this promo. Your ticket number is AD540201H. Please take note of your ticket number as it will be needed for verification.

To receive your money, winners are expected to reply this email with the following information for verification: 1. Your Full Names 2. Residential address 3. Mobile number 4. Email address 5. Ticket number

Your payment will be issued to you when we receive your reply with your information as outlined above.

Please bear it in mind that you won big in this promo because you are one of our valuable customers. However, if you wish to decline the receipt of your prize money, you are to notify us on time so that the opportunity will be given to another Android user.

WARNING: Because of numerous fraudulent schemes going around the internet, confidentiality should be accorded at all times. You are expected to keep the news of your winning and your ticket number to yourself until you have received your prize money. This is to avoid false claims and abuse of the program. Android Inc will never ask you to pay any fee before you receive your prize money.

You can call +44-7024022791 if you wish to speak to someone from our office.

Please inform us as soon as you receive your money


James Harny
Chief Financial Officer
Android Inc - Google - United Kingdom

Tel: +44-7024022791

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.

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