#70273 by bellacastle
Mon Oct 10, 2011 8:47 pm
well my story started about 4 weeks ago said he'd found me while looking for a friend on facebook and found me!!! well ive kept it all going till tonite when he asked me to put in to the american army for his leave with the address to send the email to he told me a few weeks ago it would cost $1000 yeh like i have money to give away the email address is info-rescueteam@mail2army TAKE NOTE he even scripted out the letter for me to send but a lot of the time i was talking to him he did make spelling mistakes and the content was a bit mish mash i'd ask things and he'd repeat things like he'd forgoten he'd actually already told me so he must of been writing to more than one person and got mixed up, tonite when i asked him if i should get in touch with the american embassey in london as i told him i'm on thier mailing list cause i send a postcard 9/11 every year and they send me a letter of thanks what got me yesterday was someone hacked into my email address and my facebook account and changed both the passwords on them i was so livid i've reset them all now but it's scary i've not told him that i know it's a scam (in my sub consionsous i did know) i've been getting junck mail from africa for ages but never thought it went this farthe only way i found this site was i put in the address he gave me on bing AND bingo here we are everything confirmed THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! so gratefull