Information on romance scams and scammers.
#56616 by Isabelladonna Wed Jun 22, 2011 5:37 pm
He wrote me about armysingles - I think, the email is very strange...................!!!!

Dear xxxx,

good morning from America, thanks so much for the messages, i appreciate reading from you. i actually have a problem retrieving your email yesterday that is why i could not reply you. i am so sorry for that. you ask me if i am on facebook, yes i am on facebook but i am not frequent on there as i dont like social that much..... i am a fun,genuine,compassionate,communicative, sensitive, sincere and out going person who enjoys life and trying new things. i and my ex was divorced 15 years ago and she passwed away 8years ago. the reason for our divorce is because she was cheating and to a surprise, the black man eventually had sex with her in a manner that her bladder was broken that causes injury in her pelvic girdle which eventually put an end to her life. i have a daughter who is 22, she studying Medicine and surgery at Oxford University, UK. I love music, romantic dinners, gardening, , campfires, wine, travelling, long walks,and spending time with family and friends. I love to laugh and share special moments and enjoy what life has to offer with that someone special. An Optimist.

I am looking for someone adds to my life and me to theirs. I need someone to be their authentic self and to be honest and open with me. Someone loyal and respectful to the relationship. Someone who knows how to make time and prioritizes the people who are important to them and I need to be one of those people. Looking to create new memories and have new adventures with that special someone.....I like to travel to lots of places, i love good food and wine,I like to laugh ( i smile a lot) self assured...i am easy to please. i am not a perfectionist please. do not expect me to be a perfect man but i am very sure i will never disappoint you....Life is worth a living if you have someone interesting in your life

i will be glad to read form you soonest.

Truelly yours

#56625 by Dotti Wed Jun 22, 2011 8:26 pm
You are absolutely right - he is a scammer (with very strange tastes in scripts). The writing is unmistakeably African.
Could you please post his email address so that others can find this information?

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