Information on romance scams and scammers.
#15287 by The Enchantress Thu Oct 22, 2009 1:50 pm

Liar and romance scammer

Claims 32 years old, divorced with no children, raised in the UK or USA, but currently living and working as "personal auditor" with (now deceased) "father" in Africa

Mail address used [email protected]





I wouldn't know what exactly you want in a relationship,but i guess the most important thing is being honest with each other.Though i feel reluctant discussing about myself and my current situation to you,cos i don't know how you'll feel.But i guess its important that you know all about me and the current status i am in,so that we'll know if we are to move further.

I have had loads of bad experiences in my past relationship and i wouldn't want to fall into the same situation anymore.I want to count on you, as a respected and honest person with sincerity, trust and confidentiality.I will like you to give me your words that you'll treat me right,if we are ever going to be together.I am telling you all this, then you can decide if you still want to meet me or not, so that we will not waste each other's time.

I've been married for 2 years and now divorced without kids.

I've been having problems with my Late Dad who i live with but right now due to our differences, i have left the UK after the death of my Mom in United Kingdom. MY Dad works with Oil Contractors in UK and Africa include some parts of the Asian and American. I work with my father as his personal auditor and we move around for his contracts wherever he is awarded.

My first boy friend, Victor Glashow, absconded with my dad's money which was kept with me after a completion of a contract in EAST London,UK. When my boy friend got absconded with the undisclosed sum of US dollars, this brought the first broken up between me and my dad, cos he thought, we have the deal together, but not knowing that I'm an innocent about this. So my dad has been harsh and tough against me about this.

After all these happened to me and caused by my Ex Husband, Then when I perceived all his behaviors towards me and the bad acts of his newly gotten wife I joined a dating site ( where I met an African guy online here who promised heaven and earth that he wants to marry me and make me happy in life; 'I never knew I was going from Fry-pan to Fire'. The African man told me of an investment opportunities in Africa and he convinced me to come along with lots of money while coming down, which I did. On getting here, all his intention was to take away the money from me and leave me alone..

I came from the United States with a total sum of 3.2 millionUSD with all the money I've gotten from my Dad's business and contracts renumeration before he died. Because the African guy told me of an idea to investment in Oil firms here. When I got here, he made all possibles means to get the money from me and get away with my money. Then when I noticed this, I took the money and my traveling boxes and deposited it with a Security/Insurance Company here in Africa in order to safe myself and my assets. Thereafter I left the guy's apartment to an hotel where I am in right now and from which I am communicating with you now.

Now, I'm in need of your help, I will pay for your rent and give you 30% of the total money in the boxes,only if you could be of help and be honest with me. have gotten the enough money to run myself when I get to USA, i want to come over to your end and we can start a new life together.I want a relationship that base on truth and love, I don't want to live here anymore, you know I'm a foreigner here and it is absolutely danger for me here, so that is why i need your gesture assistance.

How i want you to help me? I have some money, which I've gotten from an over invoiced Contract renumeration executed by my dad with some contractors in Trinidad and Tobago under an Oil Firm , that was the money I brought here for an investment while coming to meet the African guy, but I've hiding the money up from the guy here in West Africa and I've left his apartment, because i might got setup if I did not act fast, so for me to be more safe and secure, I put this money in 2 traveling boxes and got it locked up with a security code known to me only, and I deposited the boxes with some of my traveling luggages with a Security and Insurance Company who render private diplomatic delivery service and i told them that the two boxes are my traveling luggage, which I want to send forth to U.S.A because I'm returning home, then i paid them up their custody and security fee, but I did not tell them that the boxes contain money in order to make everything secure and safe.

So, I want the boxes sent to you while i catch up with you as soon as it is been delivered to you while I come over to meet you and we can start a new life together. Every arrangement for the delivery is kinda perfect, I have obtained customs papers for private freight and there are seals on the boxes showing that it is a private delivery and check performed, it is free from customs checks, it will be delivered at your door step by the diplomats of the security company, you do not need to burn out to receive it. And the boxes have security codes lock known to me only, only me can open the boxes, except if I tell anyone the Code, so the Boxes cannot be opened on the Way of delivery to you.

I am counting on you and i will really appreciate your trust towards this.Let me know if you are still interested in me and if you are willing to help me towards this so that i can give you the contact information of the Insurance company. Hope to hear from you soon.
here is my email :[email protected]

God Bless...

Last edited by The Enchantress on Fri Oct 23, 2009 7:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

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#15288 by The Enchantress Thu Oct 22, 2009 1:52 pm
Dear xxxxx,
How are you doing?hope you doing fine and great.i just want you to know that have been thinking about you so much and i really want to be with you.I was on my way to bed and wanted to write you a little note. Thank you so much for having so much faith and trust in me and in us as a couple. Thank you for making me a better person, and for giving your heart to me and opening up so much.

It's been wonderful; I never expected to feel this way nor actually be with you in this way, experiencing life with you. You are wonderful ... to me. You make me really happy and even though we are far apart so much, it's made up each time I see your picture's. The feeling that I get is overwhelming every time that I do get to see you for the first time and as time goes by my feelings for you grow dramatically.

I was thinking so much about that earlier tonight, when I am going to meet you at the airport. I am getting butterflies in my stomach just at the thought of seeing you. You make everything complete in me and I can't imagine spending time with someone else and having these feelings for anyone else. I'm anxious to see you xxxxx. Time is ticking, and it's going by really slow.

It truly seems like I've known you forever and I honestly can't imagine life without you now. There will be no looking back, no second thoughts and no regrets. I want you and need only you ... and that love will only grow stronger. Do not be scared my love. Sometimes life hits you with unexpected things that take you totally by surprise. All I can say is you're the best surprise life has given me and your capacity for love, caring, and understanding never ceases to amaze me. I've truly been blessed by finding you, You say that you are going to make me a happy woman ... well, you have already done that, just by being you and showing me love and being so open with your feelings. You are what I dreamed of when I was a little girl, someone with integrity, honesty, love, affection, handsome, and with such a charming personality. I never thought I would find you, but here you are.

I love you so much, and can't wait to see you face to face at the airport when we both meet. I want to give you my heart and soul. I don't care about anything else in the world because I am in love with you, xxxxx. I love you. Thank you xxxxx, for you have made all of my dreams come true. I could not ask for more. I am the luckiest girl in the world to be called your girlfriend, I'm truly honored.i just cant wait to be in your arms right now for you have stolen my heart and my soul and it belongs to you xxxxx. Thank you.

Love always


How are you doing ?hopr you doing fine and great.i just want you to know that i just cane back from church and i just have to send you this mail.i really miss you so much for have been thinking about you so muhc and i can wait to be with you soon.i want you to know that am really having problem with my laptop,it's really messing up so i have to restart again,but before i came backl online you left and it really hurt me for i was thinking i said something bad.Am really sorry if that hurt you my love.i will like you to know that am online right now waiting for you to come online for i want to talk to you and i dont know how am feeling right now for you have stolen my heart and my soul and it belongs to you xxxxx.

Hugs and Kisses

Hi Sweetheart,

How are you doing ? wow i truly miss you so much babe and i can not wait to hold you and make passionate love to you.

Honey am online right now and i truly need to talk to you.

I want you to please add me to your yahoo messenger [email protected]

Am online right now and am waiting to have a chat with you.

I love you so much and i will never stop loving you till death do us apart.

You will always be the true love of my life.

Honey i want you to tell me what kind of investment you are going to investment with the money cos i want you incharge of everything.

Please add me now so we can chat.

Load Of Love

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#15289 by The Enchantress Thu Oct 22, 2009 1:52 pm
Excerpts from IM chat;

Hey <<<<<<<


Okay good to know \how are you doing

Okay good

I will like to tell you what i am going through honey

i just have to tell you this cos i see you as a man that is honest and what happened was that i am the only child of my family and my dad have an oil company in the United state also many house's.

As the only child of my parent, my parent WILL all their property on my name after their death...i want you to know that i have always love my ex boyfriend so much,i change all my name on the property to his,i did this all becos i Love him.

i want you to know that i never knew he was a gold digger and he was after my parents property...he sold the oil company,also the house's all that belong to me...i never new this,before i got to know he have already sold everthing....i don't know what to do any more.

After all his bad behaviors to me with his new gotten wife i left the states to UK,cos my mum have a house in there by the time i got there i also found out that he sold my mum house in UK...i was so mad and i don't know what to do no more...Before my dad died,he use to tell me that he had a 500 Acre's of land in west africa Republic Of Benin(Cotonue) ...i left UK to west africa ,i have all the documents of the land with me.

I got to west africa Republic Of Benin(Cotonue and i found the land....i want you to know that the land is all i have left...i have been in Republic Of Benin(cotonou for weeks now and the Government in here bought the land from me cos i put FOR SALE on the land...I sold the land for the goverment in here for $2.5mill {$2.5,000,000:00

After i was paid i took the money to a bank in here to tranfer the money to an account,i was told that they can not tranfer money from Republic Of Benin(Cotonou) to another country cos they are underdeveloped in here,i want you to know that i went to about 10 banks and i was told the same that the can only transfer within there country...I don't know what to do no more.

we meet @ the internet and i am not okay with that relationship because of what happen to me lately... .and i am scared in here cos i don't want all this bad boys of republic of benin to find out that i have this kind of money in here cos i might get setup and they can kill me and have the money

Now i have to go and deposit the money in a security company...I have put the money in two boxes wish i have lock with 4 codes and its only me can open the boxes with the 4 codes and i do not let anyone no that i have money in the boxes....i want you to know that i have deposite the money with a security company,the company is a Private shipment company....and there is no problem with the boxes when the company are shipping the boxes.

Now i am needing your help and trust with this...i want you to help me with this boxes...honey i want to come over to your end and start a new life again...and also i hope you are really serious having a serious relationship with me... i need your trust and help with this boxes,i want the boxes to be shipped to you while i come to you as soon as you get the boxes

i know we have just met and i know i can trust you with this money...cos my heart is set on you and my heart tell me that i can trust you...this is where we have to build our trust and Honey can i trust you with this and will you help me?Trust is Letting others know your feelings, emotions and reactions, and having the confidence in them to respect you and to not take advantage of you,Trust is Sharing your inner feelings and thoughts with others with the belief that they will not spread them indiscriminately

30% of the money is yours and also what kind of inverstment do you think we can do as soon as the boxes get to you

what i really want from you is your honesty and nothing more...the money is nothing to me ...the 30% is okay for all the assistance you are given ....Never did I imagine that I would ever meet you, especially not in the form of a chat friend......God has got his own reasons for us to meet and come this far. But I hope our love will flourish beyond what it is right now. Distance maybe just a part of the reason why sometimes we think we can't handle this whole relationship, but I am sure our love for each other is way far stronger then any oceans can come across.

So all you will do for me to get the boxes, is to write to the security company as the receipient of my travelling luggages and do not tell them that boxes contains money, just you are my fiancee and you want my travelling luggage sent to you . Because i told them that it is my travelling luggages, and i have locked the boxes with a security 4 codes, which prevent it from been opend by an authorized person.

So i deposited the boxes with the security company as a Private shipment (free from checks) and it will be deliver to your door-step, you do not need to burn out to receive. Therefore, below are my deposit details and the contact of the security company. You can write to them to inform them that you want the boxes delivered to you as soon as possible and ask them how much the clearance fee will cost. I did pay them already the Deposit Fee Security Fee Shipment Fee, only the clearance fee is payable upon clearance. Please, bear in mind not to tell the company that the boxes contains money, only say travelling luggage

Deposit Details
Deposit Number: GSC-POL-0665-PRVT3450
Sort/Clearance Code: GSC/576-45/MP54 33
Deposit Certificate #: GSC 33 96 07
Consignment Description: 2 Travelling Boxes

Contact of Security Company
Contact Person: Mr AILERU ABIOLA (Custodian Manager)
Contact Email: [email protected]

did you get the details?

you can write to them and get back to me asap. Please Darlin you will help pay them the clearance fee,and as soon as the boxes get to you, i will let you know the code and you can have your money from the boxes and then send me money for my flight, so i could aover and meet with you

email the company ask when the boxes will be delivered to you

and how much the clearance fee will cost

do you undersdatnd


you send them all the deposite details and ask how long the boxes will be delivered to you and when it will be delivered. how much the clearance fee will cost because you will help me pay the clearance fee

contact the company . I will Brb , My computer is messing Up , I will be right back , If i dont get this fixed . i will be back online In 2 hrs , make sure you are here

will you be here?

when will you contact the company?


i will be back online in 2 hrsr

i will be looking forwrad to talk to you then\

make sure you are here


I will talk to you in 2 hrs

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#18761 by began steele Mon Dec 14, 2009 3:46 am
Banned on
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We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.

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