Aww did you wish I was there having the walk together holding hands and showing each other how much we admire and cherish ourselves. By the way I hope you prayed for me as well honey.
Sweetheart, there is something I want to tell you and I know you'll love to hear it.
I want you to know aside my work, I'm also into buying and selling of precious minerals, such as gold, diamond and others. Sorry for not telling you this earlier, but I'm glad to tell you now. I got into this work due my professional work. We sometimes discover these precious minerals on some lands when we go for projects and through that, I got initiated in this highly profitable business.
For now, I have secured some gold in Africa, which where we mostly get our precious minerals for cheap prices and it is now in a security company because I'll will not be able to keep it here in Australia with me since, it's very risky. So I spoke with my business partner to make a RING out of some of the gold purposely for YOU. and he said he has finished with it. So I want you to give me your address so I'll let him send it to you okay.
I know you'll love this ring I'm sending you sweetheart. I token to prove to you how much I love and care for you my love. Your love is more than gold or silver but I want you to know that I truly and honestly love you.
So please let me have your address so the RING can be sent you my darling angel.
Kisses and Hugs to you
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