Information on romance scams and scammers.
#212411 by scooby101 Tue Jul 29, 2014 8:27 am


About me:

47 year old man from Fisher Island, Florida. Looking for woman for marriage

Interests: I like riding bike, swimming, camping, cooking, walking with dogs and listening to musics

In a brief, I'm simple,kind ,fun loving,generous,domesticated,hardworking,caring,open minded and down to earth . I like to go out when im less busy..Like to watch movies and listen to music..

Profession: Us Army

Hello how are you doing beautiful, I'm Jeff by name and seeking a serious and committed relationship that will last and long forever. I will be glad to read back from you when you read my letter. Have a nice dday.JEFF
Last edited by scooby101 on Tue Jul 29, 2014 11:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

#212431 by scooby101 Tue Jul 29, 2014 11:32 am
cwojeff4: Hello XXXXXX
cwojeff4: Fine and you
cwojeff4: Thanks for giving me your email
cwojeff4: Nice to meet you
cwojeff4: Are you on duty
cwojeff4: I like your profile so much that's why I contact you
cwojeff4: Ok that's good I want to chat with you as well
cwojeff4: Do you like my profile too
cwojeff4: How is weather in XXXXXXXX
cwojeff4: Thanks I'm a nice man with a good heart. What kind of work do you do
cwojeff4: That's nice where is that?
cwojeff4: I'm a soldier Us Army Special Operation Commands. I'm a chief warrant officer. Hope you like a military man
cwojeff4: Yes your work place?
cwojeff4: That's good so you are lucky to find me as your best man right! That's good to hear babe.
cwojeff4: Do you have any kids? I have a son and her mom passed away in 2005
cwojeff4: Oh sorry to hear why did you got divorced with his father? How old is she
cwojeff4: That's very bad of him I never cheat on any woman. My late wife died in my arms I stayed with her through out in the hospital before she gave up
cwojeff4: Yes it was very sad and it took me a while to recovered back
cwojeff4: How old are you really
cwojeff4: I'm 47
cwojeff4: Yes it is
cwojeff4: That's good the same age
cwojeff4: And I can see that things will works well between us
cwojeff4: What's your full name XXXXXX
cwojeff4: Mine is Jeffrey Marczewski Allen
cwojeff4: How many hours you work daily
cwojeff4: And do you live with your son
cwojeff4: That's good. My son also lives with me in the state. When did you joined the mingle 2
cwojeff4: Oh I see less than a week too and just got on there this morning to search for someone good and I found you
cwojeff4: Have you met anyone before
cwojeff4: Yeah I see. So you like me and you are okay with me and my age
cwojeff4: Thanks XXXXXX. You are a nice woman too so I want things to works well for us.
cwojeff4: You are very sweet too
cwojeff4: How many hours you work daily and how many days in a week
cwojeff4: Oh I see. That's good so we will be having nice time to talk together everyday till I come over to you
cwojeff4: I really want to meet you as soon as possible
cwojeff4: What's the time now
cwojeff4: Ok how long it takes you to get home from work
cwojeff4: I want to talk more with you when you get home
cwojeff4: Ok baby will you talk to me when you get home
cwojeff4: I hope you are not very tired
cwojeff4: I understand baby.
cwojeff4: I will be glad to be having a steady communication with you
cwojeff4: Yeah I will be waiting online for you
cwojeff4: Kisses And hugs
cwojeff4: You don't have compueter at home
cwojeff4: Or yahoo messenger on your mobile phone
cwojeff4: We can chat on your phone when you get home
cwojeff4: Missing you already
#213822 by scooby101 Thu Aug 07, 2014 1:13 pm
cwojeff4: Hello my wife
cwojeff4: How are you doing why you don't talk to me again
cwojeff4: Oh I see and there are things we need to talk about
cwojeff4: My Leave Has Been Approved
cwojeff4: So we need to plan about my coming to you
cwojeff4: Yes honey
cwojeff4: I thought u will download whatsapp so you can be able to talk to me at home but I didn't see you online at all
cwojeff4: Ok honey .I know you don't forget me
I don't know I thought u didn't get on email as well when I didn't see you online
cwojeff4: Oh my God then we be doing that so you read your email at home too
cwojeff4: I Love You With The Whole of my heart
cwojeff4: What's the name of the airport nearest to you
cwojeff4: I missed you a lot ....
cwojeff4: Ok Honey .
cwojeff4: Are you still going to be online because I need to go straight to the travel agent to book for the Flight and pay for it
cwojeff4: Will you be able to drive down to pick me up at the airport ?
cwojeff4: Ok Honey .
cwojeff4: So are you going to be online when I'm back from the travel agent or I will have to email you
cwojeff4: Ok baby so when I email you will you respond back and come online to chat with you
cwojeff4: Your support is needed incase of any eventuality you know ...
cwojeff4: I love you till eternity and if any info is needed I will let you know
cwojeff4: Okay Honey
cwojeff4: Are you at work
cwojeff4: That's good
cwojeff4: I'm glad we can be chatting right now from home
cwojeff4: Are you chatting with me on your phone or computer
cwojeff4: That's good to hear darling .
cwojeff4: I'm waiting on escort to guide me to the travel agent .
cwojeff4: So how was your day been
cwojeff4: Missed you all my life
cwojeff4: Yes I must have an escort because its dangerous because we are white and the terrorist want to eliminate us all
cwojeff4: They attack us 3 days ago
cwojeff4: Yes honey
cwojeff4: Once I get there I will want something good to happen between us
cwojeff4: I want engagement/ wedding
cwojeff4: That's what I want because I love you so much and that's one of the fruit of love
cwojeff4: And want to have a happy home with you
cwojeff4: Yes honey that's what true love does .
cwojeff4: I want us to last long till eternity
cwojeff4: You mean the whole world to me honey
cwojeff4: I love you more than my life
cwojeff4: Yes you are the kind of woman I've been searching for and thanks to God that he sent you to me
cwojeff4: I just want us to stand by each other till eternity . I love you for better for worse ...
cwojeff4: Me too I will never let you down too
cwojeff4: Do you still go to the Mingle 2
cwojeff4: I'm no more on there since we met I delete my Account
cwojeff4: If you go there you won't see me there anymore
cwojeff4: Because I've seen what I'm searching for on there and its you
cwojeff4: Okay XXXXX .please do because we have found each other
cwojeff4: I will be going now ...I will talk to you in an hour
cwojeff4: I Love You With The Whole Of My Life ...
cwojeff4: BRB
cwojeff4: Try to be On in An Hour
cwojeff4: Ok Baby, ttyl
#214012 by scooby101 Sat Aug 09, 2014 4:17 am
How are you doing ? I'm back from the travel agent . So we need to chat as soon as possible .

Love you
Sent From
Cwo Jeff Marczewski
Sbi Army Base .
#214166 by scooby101 Mon Aug 11, 2014 3:54 am
Oh okay honey . I was worried baby as I really can't wait to be home with you . I missed you so much . Honey I've went to book for the flight but it cost than expected . I have a sum of $1500 Dollars with me with my leave allowance check to be cashed in Amsterdam when I arrived so I'm still short of $ 500 and some little extra fee so honey I will need your help with a sum of 400 euros so I can balance the flight ticket fee and join the next available flight to XXXXXXX my love . I really wish you are online so we can chat together my love . I will be waiting to hear from you as soon as possible . I love you so much and can't wait to be home with you . You are the best and the most personal person for me .

I'm waiting for your response as soon as possible


Sent From
Cwo Jeff Marczewski
Sbi Army Base .
#214326 by scooby101 Tue Aug 12, 2014 6:34 am
Good morning darling .

Did you sleep very well .missed you a lot and thinking so much about you .I'm thinking about you and wish were together . Can't really wait to be there with you. Thank you so much that you're willing to help me with the money so I can be able to come home with you my love.

Honey when are you going to send the money to me so I can go and pay for my ticket . I guess you can send it to me thru moneygram or western union .

How is your yahoo messenger and when are you going to fix it . Can you let's do instant chatting via google ....I sent text message to your phone but I don't know if you get it or not my love .I'm missing you a lot and need you so much .

I'm waiting for your response
I love you a lot

Sent From
Cwo Jeff Marczewski
Sbi Army Base .
#214485 by scooby101 Wed Aug 13, 2014 5:49 am
Hello my beloved .thanks a lot for your response despite the fact that
you are busy with work.
I missed you a lot and you are all I'm thinking is the
weather over there ?
I can't really wait to be home with you
Hope your work is not stressful .I know soon we will be together
sweetie .Honey I want to fly out from here on Friday so I can arrive
by the midnight against Saturday morning .

Honey there is no problem with the western Union and money gram
company .its secured once you have a secret question and answer when
you send the money.the question and answer with the transfer code is
all I need to get the money out from here .

Here is my info darling :

Name ; Jeffrey Marczewski
Address; 231 SBI base
City ; Ilorin
State ; kwara
Zip code ; 23431
Country ; Nigeria.

That's the info needed honey . honey I want you to please to try and
send the money tomorrow so I can go and get my flight ticket .

I love you so much and I'm waiting for your response as soon as
possible .I miss you with the whole of my life .

#214650 by scooby101 Thu Aug 14, 2014 11:40 am
Hello my beloved wife ..
how are you doing .... hope all is going well . i missed you a lot and
you are all im thinking about ..hope you are not stressed as you are
having a busy days at work . Wish im there by your side right now to
give you big comfort ....i had a dream about us too ..i cant wait to
sleep next to you and wake up next o you the next morning ...that's a
good news as you are going to the post office or western union and
money gram office tomorrow to send the money . i will be waiting for
the mtcn or reference number and secret question and answer to get the
money cashed at the bank here .i will receive it right away and go and
get my flight ticket and be ready to get on the net available flight
.i will send you the flight details so you can know the exact time to
pick me up at the airport...
I will be waiting to read from you as soon as possible ..
I love you with the whole of my life and cant wait to start a new life
with you ..
im missing you tremendously and cant wait to kiss you at th terminal...

A lot of love from Jeff....
#214825 by scooby101 Sat Aug 16, 2014 3:26 am
Oh okay Sweetie . How is everything ? I missed you and thinking about you . I will be waiting to hear from you as soon as possible when you are back from money gram ....I love you so much and can't wait to be there with you ....

Hugs and Kisses For you in a million ...

Cwo Jeff Marczewski
Sbi Base

How are you doing my love ? I'm still waiting to hear from you . Did you make it to the Money Gram Office ?

Missing you here and can't wait to fly out from here tomorrow I love you so much

Cwo Jeff Marczewski
Sbi Base

Good Morning honey
How was your night ?
Hope every is going on well .
Missing you tremendously ...
Its Friday and I'm waiting to hear from you
So I can fly to XXXXXXX today ! I love you so much ....and waiting for your email .how I wish I could be able to chat with you .I'm worry about you honey and can't wait to hold you .

Love you so muCh

Cwo Jeff Marczewski
Sbi Base

hello honey ... Hope there is no problem ? I'm worried about you as I don't hear anything from you . Hugs and kisses for you . I'm waiting to hear from you
Love you

Cwo Jeff Marczewski
Sbi Base
#215207 by scooby101 Tue Aug 19, 2014 3:55 am
Hi honey . how are you doing .. i missed you a lot and been thinking so much about you ...i really want to know whats going on . im worried that i dont hear from you . i have been sick because of this . i need you so much and really want us to be together for real...

happy sunday .
i love you jeff

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