Scams re-targeting those who have already been victimized
#175285 by Diamond Fri Aug 30, 2013 5:58 pm
This scam which I have recently received attracted my attention as it's not an employment one, but can be classified as a recovery scam. In this message (of course, written in bad English, which already gives the scammer away) they want me to believe that there's a sum waiting for me, but some bad people from Nigeria and "One Mr. Richard Graves from USA" want to "frustrate me and thereafter divert my fund into their personal account". Frankly speaking, they have already frustrated and annoyed me with their stupid scam! This statement is partly true though: what they REALLY intend to do is to put MY money (and not their mythical sum) into their personal account! But no such luck, instead of sending them my money I will warn people against them. Another detail which makes it clear that it's a scam is that they already mention some "Notarization fee" which I would have to pay, without even mentioning WHAT I have to notarize and why :mrgreen: . So here's this stupid message:

From: Ms. Carman L. Lapointe
Head Of United Nations Under-Secretary-
General For Internal Oversight Services

To: Unpaid Beneficiary,

This is to inform you that I came to Nigeria yesterday from Canada, after series of complaint from the FBI and other Security agencies from Asia,Europe, South America and the United States of America respectively, against the Federal Government of Nigeria and the British Government for the high volume of fraudulent activities going that is on in these two nations.

For more information about me kindly click on the below link or copy and paste on your web browser.

Right now, as directed by UN secretary General named Ban Ki-Moon we are working in collaborations with the Nigerian Financial Crime Commission/agencies and we have decided to waive away all your clearance fees/Charges and authorized the Government of Nigeria to effect your overdue payment worth $10.5M only into your account without any delay as approved and instructed by CANADIAN government and UNITED NATIONS. But the only fee you will pay to receive your fund is the Notarization fee. Upon your request, I will tell you the amount and also send you the payment information you will use in sending the Notarization fee.

Sincerely, you are a lucky person because I have just discovered that some top Nigerian and Canadian Government Officials are interested in your fund and they are working in collaboration with One Mr. Richard Graves from USA to frustrate you and thereafter divert your fund into their personal account.

Note that I have a very limited time to stay in Nigeria here so I would like you to urgently respond to this message with your full name, full address,direct phone number so that I can advise you on how best to confirm your fund in your account within the next 72 hours. Once again, the only fee you will pay to receive your fund is the Notarization fee. Upon your request, I will tell you the amount and also send you the payment information you will use in sending the Notarization fee.

You can reach me with below information:

Email Address: ([email protected])

Sincerely yours,
Ms. Carman L.Lapointe
Head Of United Nations Under-Secretary
General For Internal Oversight Services

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From: "Ms. Carman L. Lapointe"<[email protected]>
Subject: Unpaid Beneficiary!!!!!!
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#180996 by Snowflake2011 Thu Nov 14, 2013 10:49 am
Here is the version of the same SCAM e-mail I received. I have also received them from the head of homeland security and the new director of the FBI. The worst part is that these people are using real high ranking individuals to sell their BS.

Attention: Beneficiary,

My name is Ms. Carman L. Lapointe, Head Of United Nations Under-Secretary- General For Internal Oversight Services. You will get more information about me here.

Meanwhile, I wish to inform you were among the scam victims listed to be released their overdue funds by the UNITED NATIONS in conjunction with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) after the last encounter we held concerning your funds. As directed by UN secretary General Ban Ki-Moon in collaborations with the IRS, I wish to state categorically that a transfer of $10,500,000.00 drawn on First Citizens Bank will be made to your bank account as almost 99% cost associated with the transfer of your funds has been pre-paid by the U.S. Government. The only fee you will pay is the cost of processing a "Fund Clearance Certificate" by First Citizens Bank. The "Fund Clearance Certificate" is required in accordance with the U.S. Monetary Transfer or deposit Policy and it is the only fee you will have to pay before your funds can be transferred to your account.

After you must have paid for the above mentioned certificate, First Citizens Bank will process it and send a copy of it to you for your perusal. Note once again that your overdue payment worth $10,500,000.00 only will be credited into your account you will furnish with the First Citizens Bank without any delay as approved and instructed by United Nations, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and United States Government.

NOTE: I have received numerous e-mails saying that I went to Nigeria concerning your funds. Please ignore such e-mail because I did not travel to Nigeria for such objective. I am here in the United States of America. Nigeria is No.1 fraudulent country and almost 50% Nigerians are impostors. They values impersonation immensely. Right from this moment, I will advise you to stop all further conversation with whomever you might be in contact with, promising to transfer money to you, either through Lottery Winnings, Act as a Next of Kin, investment plan, dating from any social websites or any other related issue that involves transferring money as they are all nothing but a fake.

Urgently respond with your full name, full address and direct phone number so that I will furnish you with the First Citizens Bank operation director's contact information. Remember, they will instruct you on how to send the money to them as soon as you contact them.

You can also e-mail me on [email protected]

Yours Sincerely,

Ms. Carman Lapointe
Head, United Nations Under-Secretary-
General For Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS)
Last edited by Bryon Williams on Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:00 am, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Added quotation.
#232545 by MrA Tue Dec 30, 2014 1:08 pm
I guess an old favorite just does not die! Here is the latest, with a bit newer email to respond to. The English grammar has not improved, however.

From: Ms. Carman L. Lapointe
Head Of United Nations Under-Secretary-
General For Internal Oversight Services

To: Unpaid Beneficiary,

This is to inform you that I came to Nigeria yesterday from Canada, after series of complaint from the FBI and other Security agencies from Asia,Europe, South America and the United States of America respectively, against the Federal Government of Nigeria and the British Government for the high volume of fraudulent activities going that is on in these two nations.

For more information about me kindly click on the below link or copy and paste on your web browser.

Right now, as directed by UN secretary General named Ban Ki-Moon we are working in collaborations with the Nigerian Financial Crime Commission/agencies and we have decided to waive away all your clearance fees/Charges and authorized the Government of Nigeria to effect your overdue payment worth $10.5M only into your account without any delay as approved and instructed by CANADIAN government and UNITED NATIONS. But the only fee you will pay to receive your fund is the Notarization fee. Upon your request, I will tell you the amount and also send you the payment information you will use in sending the Notarization fee.

Sincerely, you are a lucky person because I have just discovered that some top Nigerian and Canadian Government Officials are interested in your fund and they are working in collaboration with One Mr. Richard Graves from USA to frustrate you and thereafter divert your fund into their personal account.

Note that I have a very limited time to stay in Nigeria here so I would like you to urgently respond to this message with your full name, full address,direct phone number so that I can advise you on how best to confirm your fund in your account within the next 72 hours. Once again, the only fee you will pay to receive your fund is the Notarization fee. Upon your request, I will tell you the amount and also send you the payment information you will use in sending the Notarization fee.

You can reach me with below information:

Email Address: ([email protected]) My note: If this were legitimate, they would be able to use their own domain's email

Sincerely yours,
Ms. Carman L.Lapointe
Head Of United Nations Under-Secretary
General For Internal Oversight Services
#303373 by mshutt Wed Aug 17, 2016 5:33 am
It seems they are still at it as I got one as well with the contact info changed to yet another email address...

This is 1 of 5 I have gotten from this idiot... My comments are added for a little entertainment as I am bit bored at the moment and figured I would look up stuff and add some info that I have found about my scam e- mailer to amuse myself and give you...the next potential victim, a way to give this bugger a hellish time of it by letting companies know that they are getting hacked for their server and by getting the email address they use shut down and their IP address(es) recorded and traced back to them... Makes you almost want to be a fly on their wall when they finally get raided. Or if you don't want to take the time or effort you can just copy the email & header to:
If you're in the U.S
If you are outside the U.S. I guess you could go to: ... 20intl.htm
and find out who you need to send it to.
My notes are in the parentheses... enjoy.

(Polymerlogistics is a company that makes Retail Ready Packaging (RRP) solutions eg. crates & bins... I wonder if they even know that their company may have been hacked so they could send this email through their server... I saw they have a site in Africa among others... I think I may contact them ( got nothing better to do at the moment) to give them a 411 that one of their employees might be trying to get a little something something on the side and using the company webmail server to do it. At the very least they will probably freak that someone has bounced off their server, maybe they will be checking employee email usages and nail the perp with a big fat pink slip saying "Bye see ya don't let the door hit you in the bum on the way out," Just to possibly annoy the crap outta whoever sent me 5 of these lovely scam letters( this was the first) and to cut off one of their server suppliers ha ha. )

reply-to: [email protected]
date: Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 6:35 PM
subject: Unpaid Beneficiary!!!!!!
encryption: Standard (TLS) Learn more

From: Ms. Carman L. Lapointe
Head Of United Nations Under-Secretary-
General For Internal Oversight Services
( The real Carman L. Lapointe held this position back in 14 September 2010 to 6 October 2015.) I guess using the name of the one currently holding the position would be what... illegal?

To: Unpaid Beneficiary,

This is to inform you that I came to Nigeria yesterday from Canada, after series of complaint from the FBI and other Security agencies from Asia,Europe, South America and the United States of America respectively, against the Federal Government of Nigeria and the British Government for the high volume of fraudulent activities going that is on in these two nations.

For more information about me kindly click on the below link or copy and paste on your web browser.
( As if I were stupid enough to click on any link they give...NOT !)

Right now, as directed by UN secretary General named Ban Ki-Moon we are working in collaborations with the Nigerian Financial Crime Commission/agencies and we have decided to waive away all your clearance fees/Charges and authorized the Government of Nigeria to effect your overdue payment worth $10.5M only into your account without any delay as approved and instructed by CANADIAN government and UNITED NATIONS. But the only fee you will pay to receive your fund is the Notarization fee. Upon your request, I will tell you the amount and also send you the payment information you will use in sending the Notarization fee.

Sincerely, you are a lucky person because I have just discovered that some top Nigerian and Canadian Government Officials are interested in your fund and they are working in collaboration with One Mr. Richard Graves from USA to frustrate you and thereafter divert your fund into their personal account.

Note that I have a very limited time to stay in Nigeria here so I would like you to urgently respond to this message with your full name, full address,direct phone number so that I can advise you on how best to confirm your fund in your account within the next 72 hours. Once again, the only fee you will pay to receive your fund is the Notarization fee. Upon your request, I will tell you the amount and also send you the payment information you will use in sending the Notarization fee.

You can reach me with below information:

Email Address: ([email protected])
(I went to because I am going to report them and get their account shut down for scamming(yes you can do it, just copy and paste the email with the header and send it to the email's account host and the fur flies,but of course it depends on how much time & effort you wanna put into it I guess... I'm bored and have some time to blow so I'm going to... just because the idiot sent me 5 of these... the host is in Istambul so I don't now how far I will get with them.
I wonder how many they have sent from this email account and if they can get charges slapped onto them per email sent out.
Hmm inquiring minds want to know... Okay well at least I do.)

Sincerely yours,
Ms. Carman L.Lapointe
Head Of United Nations Under-Secretary
General For Internal Oversight Services
#303375 by Tim Atem Wed Aug 17, 2016 6:57 am
Although we appreciate everyone who posts here to warn others, you are sadly misunderstanding what this site is for.

We do not report emails to the providers to shut them down. This makes our warnings about the email addresses totally useless then. We also do our best NOT to educate scammers which some of your comments are on the verge of doing. Commenting is fine, but not if it's going to give scammers information. Giving them information like that helps them improve their scam.


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