Bill Pederson Wernock want to proved that he is one of usa army troops,in his searching I let him know that Bill Pederson Wernock was one of afghanistan prisoner in 1994 that's was killed by security of afghanistan sarposa prison he was try to escape from the prison so he got shoot by sgt tommy kim who was dead in California war in 2008, am trying to use this opportunity to tell you that Bill Pederson Wernock is an terrioust man,so someone is using his photos and his name for scamming people's in the internet and to prove that there are real but there not at all.
Welcome to ScamWarners ladyhawk Please post up the email address the scammer is using to pretend to be Bill Pederson Wernock. It will help others searching to find if they are dealing with a scammer.
We also ask that you not educate a scammer by telling what is wrong with their scam. Doing that only helps them be better at their scamming. Thank you.