If you have been scammed, please post here and share your experience; it may help others avoid the same situation!
#171251 by vonpaso xlura Fri Jul 12, 2013 8:24 am
No general from Atlanta would write like that! The writing looks like that of a West African.

... ni los estafadores heredarán el reino de Dios. 1 Cor. 6:10

#173669 by Smoochy Fri Aug 09, 2013 11:15 am
He is doing it again, on Skype this time. I made a screen capture. Maybe it is of any help to know his Skype ID.
I don't know how to insert a picture here, but his Skype ID is george.miller2082
#175606 by catski Tue Sep 03, 2013 1:55 pm
Hi All,

I was recently contacted via Facebook private message by "Dan Miller", whose pic is the same as your "George Miller". Here is the exchange:

Aug 16/13 Dan Miller:
Hello Sweetie,
You look cute and your profile picture attracts me to know you more, I am Dan Miller, American citizen, I am Captain in the Us Military serving under the NATO forces in Afghanistan,i am widowed and i am new in this site, i was married but i lost my wife about 6 years ago and i am left with my little daughter Courtney whom is in USA under the care of a nanny. i wish to have a good relationship with a woman, whom is good, caring and has a good understanding.i will like to know you that is why i send you this message, please send me a message and tell me little about yourself. Have a nice day and take care of your self.
Remain Bless.
Regards Dan Miller

Aug 23/13 me:
Hi Dan, were you born in the US? The way you write sounds like English is not your first language.

Dan Miller:
Hello sweet,
I so much thank you for your swift response,Pardon me if I was too direct in my approach to you, I was actually introduced to Facebook by my friend Eddy , since I lost my dear wife, I felt there will be no more love for me in this life. My friend Eddy told me he met the love of his life here online and by November they will be getting married once we are out of here and back home. Currently, I am serving under the United States led by NATO operations here in Kabul Afghanistan, I am a Captain of the USA Marine. I need a God fearing, caring loving and well understanding woman I will fall back to once the deal is done. I will Appreciate we get to know each other the more. I am a liberal creative man with a very good intention, creative and innovative. We can make it if we try. I am widowed i left with only my little baby,whom is under a care of a Nanny,she is 6 years old now. I will love us to get connected some how and get to know each other better.

Captain Miller, this might interest you, as it does me:
http://www.scamwarners.com • View topic - General David Miller - [email protected]

Me: And who or what is "Woloszerika" (note, this name was in the facebook profile url)

Dan Miller: I did understand what you mean?

I think you "did understand", despite your poor English. These should help you understand more:
http://www.scamwarners.com • View topic - George Miller

And then I noticed the profile pic disappeared, I could not open his profile (which was quite bare anyway) and this message is at the end of the conversation: "You cannot reply to this conversation. Either the recipient's account was disabled or its privacy settings don't allow replies."
#175614 by vonpaso xlura Tue Sep 03, 2013 3:02 pm
Welcome Catski to Scamwarners!

Please don't point scammers at posts here about them. We don't want scammers to improve their English or to get better at scamming.

His writing is clearly that of a West African.

... ni los estafadores heredarán el reino de Dios. 1 Cor. 6:10
#179091 by jaz Sat Oct 19, 2013 9:39 am
This person appears to be continuing to fool people.
Is now posing as Frank Miller , after being sucked in thank goodness I realised , so many comments not ringing true .
Also it seems there are several, joining dating sites, creating fake profiles.
Also on Facebook, I found a total of 8 profiles with the same picture of some innocent man , is posing as Mark Miller, George Miller and Frank Miller, I reported all the fake profiles to Facebook also on the dating site, I guess that is all that can be done to try and stop this continuing.
E mail address as follows - [email protected] - [email protected]

I was very grateful to find this site and have my suspicions confirmed.
#182803 by heartlandmother Sat Nov 30, 2013 10:51 pm
Yes I also was contacted by George Miller. add this name to the many others. It is disgusting that these people or person would use the military (even the deceased military) to run their scams. when I confronted Stephen Larson he responded by sending hate mail and then turning around and begging me not to tell the government and Homeland security. Too Bad. Too Late! Still some of these women believe this is true love.
#218550 by nickistory2014 Wed Sep 10, 2014 3:46 pm
Helen Halper wrote:^^^
It might be that he's used a technical trick to hide his IP. Would you please post everything so the experts here can take a look?

Check the email domain, that explains it. ~Bubbles

Same person but he goes by Kent Miller and he tells me. He is in Nigeria and email at [email protected]
#248845 by rococo Fri May 01, 2015 2:51 pm
John Elvis
Male, 50 / Single
Create Date 01/05/2015
Occupation Military

About Me: i am good,kind and caring person
Looking For: i am looking for a good and loving woman for marraige
Hi beauty, I'm John Elvis from UN, I was introduced to this site by my colleague who got married from your country through this same dating site. Based on your profile, I would like to know more about you.
Please contact me on my personal email ([email protected]) so we can share our thoughts for a better tomorrow because I want to build my future with you

Thanks and God bless you.
John Elvis.
pic also documented here:
http://scamsurvivors.com/forum/viewtopi ... 9fb22aef10
http://www.romancescam.com/forum/viewto ... 79#p299972
#275045 by ICE_MIHA Mon Nov 16, 2015 6:16 pm
Hi. A few days ago I was asked to add George Miller to my Facebook list of friends. I accepted the request, even though I don't do it for people I do not know. This military G Miller approached me on private chat. I asked him why he sent me the friend request? He said I am interesting and pretty and that I have a certain sense of humor. I asked back how could he tell from my public profile, as I have limited the access to my posts... In the next few mins, he deleted his FB profile. It was weird... His English was bad. I am from Eastern EU and English is my second language but I still could determine he was not an american citizen, considering his name. It crossed my mind that this guy may be a scammer. I thought I might have scared him a bit, as I have a few pics with me at the shooting range (my hobby). A few days later (yesterday), I received an add request on LinkedIn from officer George Miller. He tracked me there, hoping to find more about my professional activity (now reading the above, he wanted to see if I can afford to send him some money). What was extremely weird... that all the people he added to his network list, had my second name... :shock: . I blocked him on LinkedIn and definitely I will be careful with what I post on my public, even private profile.
I am not a naive person and I recognize scammers but it scares the hell out of me when I find I am stalked.

#275199 by Jodie Tue Nov 17, 2015 8:30 pm
We posted a van on car sales and were contacted by a "Sean Carter", ([email protected])
Working off shore and needed us to transfer $1500 into a western union bank account, luckily we were suspicious and I did a bit of investigating and realised it was a scam, we asked him to transfer $1500 to us and we would be happy to go to post office and do that for him. Obviously he hasn't replied! He is using theses bank account name and transfer details:
18 Suhao building Nanxin road
Nanshan district
Shenzhen China.

Hope this helps anyone from not being scammed!
#289383 by Kskuby Thu Mar 24, 2016 6:53 pm
rosalill wrote:His real name is Lt. Jeffrey Miller. You can see more here:
Support US Lt. Jeffrey Miller on facebook. Welcome to join us :-)
regards, rosalill

He is now going by the name Serh Miller... From Brooklyn , NY. Physical therapist working on a navy ship
#290262 by Country Life1 Thu Mar 31, 2016 7:48 am
Hi, I have been in contact w/ this
guy but he is going by the name
GENERAL& have gotten e-mails
from his supposed son ALEX.,
Nothing sounded or even felt right
about anything this guy said,2letter he said he loved me&
Wanted to marry me, had me write to his son who is in Military
School,by the 2nd.letter from him
he had lost his credit card & needed $,to go on a trip from the
School...wanted me to set up Skype acct. by then I had started
thinking this don't sound right .
I have recv. many letters & mess.
On messenger from the father about an hour before posting this
The so called son e- mailed me asking why I haven't been in contact w/his Dad. I have not sent
any money but it has been asked by both upon contact from them,
His father even sent me a photo
of his so called son ALEX!,how can this be stopped? Can you help me . I have photos & e-mails
saved that I have recv. This is my
first post, hoping someone can stop him before someone falls
for it.Seen post of 2011/12? Of this same guy,same son and asking for $. No more contact to
The father but the son ( which is really the father ) is still e-mailing me, I was born at night but not last night !! Let's put a stop to this one !!
#290272 by HillBilly Thu Mar 31, 2016 9:06 am
hi and welcome, Country Life1. Glad you spotted the scam before you sent money, or worse got hooked on the BS lines the scammer was reading to you.

Please post what you can about this scammer, including his emails, messages, email address, phone #, and even pictures he stole and is using to commit these crimes. Remove all of your personal information before you post anything.

As far as getting it to stop, block his email address in your email program, and any other character he was playing ( yes, they were all him most likely). Do the same for any other communication methods you used, Skype, or other messenger programs you have used with him. He will eventually figure out he is not wanted. Don't give him a reason for your disappearing, just sort of "fall off the face of the earth". Do not tell him he is posted here, do not tell him you know he is a scammer.

You will also have to be careful in the future of emails / other methods of contact from strangers. There is a good chance that it will either be him, or one of his buddies trying to scam you again.

#312790 by dismual Tue Nov 22, 2016 12:27 pm
I was contacted by a Dan Miller who says he is currently in Afghanistan on a peace keeping mission. Does anyone have a current photo of this guy??


I was contacted via tinder - it shows he has 3 different facebook pages - when I asked for a current photo, I was told that he wasn't allowed to take photos over there. His English is also very incorrect.
#312843 by vonpaso xlura Wed Nov 23, 2016 4:45 am
Please post the message he sent and the address he sent it from.

... ni los estafadores heredarán el reino de Dios. 1 Cor. 6:10

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