I recieved an unsolicited job offer from ENOC (London). I inquired as to who I could speak with and traded several emails. Unfortunately one included my CV. The names were Blake Robert and Petra Rose. I got suspicious when Petra asked for a western union funding for a work certificate. Any company making such an offer at my level (very senior) would pay for VISAs. I kept insisting they call and I finally got a very wierd call from an unarticulate "ENOC" representative. I was giving up as I am currenly employed and this was very unprofessional. Then it came - a new email from Blake Robert. This one was a dear sir letter about money he needed to move to someone in the US. I guess he forgot he had been previously representing himself as a ENOC rep. This note looked Nigerian in nature and scam-essence.
Anyone else experienced this? I would love to send the materials to ENOC if I could find an email address.
Anyone else experienced this? I would love to send the materials to ENOC if I could find an email address.