Company Representative scams, Payment Processing scams and other Employment scams.
#89507 by beanymo Sat Mar 10, 2012 4:30 am
Hi I had the following email sent to me, it sounds too good to be true therefore it is and it sounds a lot like the scams going round at the moment...just thought I would share to hopefully prevent others from being scammed. I have changed my name to beanymo etc to protect my privacy.

From: Miss Margaret Drew ([email protected])
Sent: 06 March 2012 13:14:24
To: Beanymo

Dear Beanymo,

After reviewing your CV posted at the website, we think that you are a good fit for an Financial Forwarding Coordinator position within our company.

Discover our IT Outsourcing company based in UK. Our aim is to cooperate with various companies across the UK and to bring the intermediaries together.

This is a part-time position with a flexible schedule. This jobs requires a commitment of 2 to 3 hours a day, from your home in a telecommuting capacity, in which you stay in contact and receive all your tasks on-line.

NOTE: 24/5 internet access is needed.

The company covers all expenses--there is no need to invest your own money. There are no start up costs!

We offer extensive training, exceptional earning potential, commission and base Salary. During this time, you'll receive all the necessary instructions and training from your supervisor. One week before the training period ends, your supervisor will be making his or her decision, regarding whether your performance has been satisfactory enough to offer full time employment.

Pay is 1,500 pounds plus commission. Total income, considering the current volume of clients, will be up to GBP 2,500 per month. After you successfully pass the training period, your base salary will be increased up to 1,800 GBP per month.

If you would like to learn more, please email us your contact information at [email protected].
Our HR Managers will help you to apply.

HR Manager
Miss Margaret Drew
Last edited by Bubbles on Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:30 am, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Added quotes for clarity.

#89644 by Trimaster Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:34 pm
Did anything come of that ?

I received an email from this 'Margaret Drew' in a similar fashion. Missing much detail and my reply involved their response which looked all to false....and like you too good to be true.

I have tried to search for them on the internet and indeed found nothing, the website says they are based at 25 Canada Sqr, London....but that address is the offices of dubious but possibly other offices there so some corners may be covered.

Its just too good to be true, Very few hours and nothing but good rewards and benefits. Just doesnt exist Im afraid !


I am contacting you in regards with a job opportunity within the Company I represent.

We are happy to extend this opportunity to you. This position does not require any special experience and agents are hired on part-time basis for 1 month probationary period. During it applicants receive online training and support.

The primary role of this position is to provide fast and high quality services to the Company and its customers but it's not related to sales.

Salary during the training period will amount up to 1,500 pounds and you will be entitled to a commission of 8% on all of your operations. You will be eligible to participate in our benefit program.

No special knowledge is required since we provide training and one month probationary period for our applicants.

Should you need more information, contact me via e-mail with your phone number and best time to call so our managers could contact you as soon as possible.

We hope that you'll accept this job offer and look forward to welcoming you aboard.

HR Assistant
Margaret Drew

Last edited by Bubbles on Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:31 am, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Added quotes for clarity.
#89696 by Bubbles Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:36 am
These are scams. Thank you each for posting them. The only thing that will happen if one attempts to pursue, is the victim will lose money to the scammer. There is no job. Scammers often use real companies and pretend they are part of that company to try to get you to give them money.

The best action to take once it is determined you are dealing with a scammer is stop all communications with them. They are only after your money because they are thieves.

Bubbles, former Scamwarners moderator.

Rest in Peace 24 June 2015.

Gone, but never forgotten.
#89914 by gothicmuffin Tue Mar 13, 2012 5:20 am
I've just received the same email! Evidently I do not intend to reply it waisting my time. I'm just disgusted because barely yesterday I was about to run up against another SCAM.
#90160 by fishtank Wed Mar 14, 2012 12:14 pm
Thought i would check your website today (so glad i did) as i have received a few e-mails over the past few days from this company, wasn't sure whether they were scams or not, it seemed to good to be true ( which usually means a scam) and there were references about money being transferred through Western Union or Money Gram (which sadly i have been scammed with before), so i was suspicious, but thanks to reading on your website i now know that they are scams, keep up the good work everyone at Scam Warners. :D

#92211 by taymiee Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:29 pm
I need a little advice. I went through with all the steps and submitted my details. I also uploaded a few documents such as my passport and bank documents. After seeing this website I immediately deleted my details from their site but i can not get those documents back. Today was to be my first day on the job so I have not had anything to do with any transactions yet. What should I do?
#92215 by Dotti Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:41 pm
The most important thing to do is to contact your bank and let them know that your account information has inadvertently been shared with scammers. You will want to follow the advice of their fraud department.

If they send you cheques, do not attempt to cash them. If they transfer money to your bank account, do not attempt to remove it. Make sure you keep the correspondence with these scammers--if the scammers have taken money from a hacked or phished account, it is possible those emails could be important to an investigation.

At this point, you have done nothing criminal, so taking the actions above should protect you.

Could you also post the address of the website where you submitted your information? We need to make sure our site killers are working on taking care of it.

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#92216 by taymiee Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:57 pm
Thank you so much, I contacted my Bank on line and they said the same thing, I will be sure to contact my banks Fraud Team this morning. On the website you need to create an account and log in, here it is. Registering is applying for the job.
Last edited by Bubbles on Mon Mar 26, 2012 12:20 am, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Removed unnecessary quote of post directly above.
#97977 by kiki35 Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:09 pm
Right..Im panicking now.

My Husband came down stairs last week saying he had received a similar email to above. I said...scam he said he would speak to the fella who sent him it from a company called Techadvise, based in Nottingham.

He did speak to the man (american) and without telling me sent an electronic copy of his drivers license and account information..needless to say I was annoyed. He has been unemployed for 18 months after applying for over 350 genuine jobs is disillusioned and has taken a bite of a carrot! He came down stairs this morning and said that they had put the first transaction in to his bank of £7000!!!! and he had to go the bank withdraw it and do 2 separate transactions with western union and take his 8% commission and pay the fees out of that.

He came home with £500 in cash!!!!!! Even he said it was too easy.. I'm not convinced its a scam to steal money from the 'employee' (my husband is minus at the bank and has no money) but more like money laundering. When he told me the 2 accounts were in Petersburgh in RUSSIA...I said oh great your funding the Russian Mafia! We are on the bones of our arse and to get that kind of money for nowt is both unnerving and a relief!

Not convinced I did a search and found this site...but also found 'Techadvise' on companies house website and at an address in Nottingham... my husbands 'supervisor' is English and from Nottingham.

My husband was told it was above board (they would) and that its easy money because when large companies need to transfer large sums and smaller sums of money the bank take 5 days and withold the money but when transfering to a personal account its instant because the bank cant keep personal money and its something that needs to be done quick and a trustworthy source, hence the large wage!

They did a police check on my husband but clearly not a credit check!!!! He has THE worst credit history EVER! Believe me I know!



Confused Kiki35
#97980 by Helen Halper Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:29 pm
Welcome to Scamwarners, Kiki35!
I'm really sorry that your husband has become involved with these scammers. Please have him print out his emails back and forth with the scammers and take the money back to the bank to explain the situation. I hope that he hasn't sent the Western Union transfers yet. He should not send them.

#97981 by Dotti Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:33 pm
It is absolutely a scam!

My husband was told it was above board (they would) and that its easy money because when large companies need to transfer large sums and smaller sums of money the bank take 5 days and withold the money but when transfering to a personal account its instant because the bank cant keep personal money and its something that needs to be done quick and a trustworthy source, hence the large wage!

Typical scammer BS--completely untrue. Legitimate businesses have higher transfer limits and MORE flexibility than individual account holders. But the scammer doesn't, because he has no actual connection to the business he is pretending to represent.

In addition, NO legitimate business would hand a large sum of money over to an individual based on email and/or phone correspondence. There is NO SUCH THING as a legitimate job receiving and transferring money, period.

The money transferred into your account is stolen. Your husband is laundering money. He can be arrested, his bank account can be frozen, and he can end up way further in debt than he already is--because when the fraud is detected, the bank will take all of the money out of his account, and come after him for the rest of it. The real thief, in the meantime, has picked up the cash using a fake identity, and he is nowhere to be found.

In the end, the money will actually be stolen from him, just in a roundabout way. Here's a good article describing why he is the one who has the most to lose.

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#97988 by kiki35 Tue Apr 24, 2012 2:12 pm
:cry: OMG...I Knew it was a scam but my husband being so desperate to bring some money in has believed the BS on the phone and the fancy website and all the guff.

Dotti ... The transfer amount was £7000 which was a huge amount. Do you mean (and after reading the article) that the bank will demand £7000!??????

He's going to call/email his 'contact' tomorrow and claim to have been offered a full time job so he cant be on the internet all day and do bank visits and get his on-line tracker closed down. I've suggested he does this so as not to raise suspicions in the scammer.

I've suggested he goes to the bank and closes his account and opens a new one and tells the bank he has been a victim of phishing. He said he would NOT tell them the truth and just try to forget the whole sorry thing. But I'm unsure..should he come clean and tell the bank and involve the police? We don't have £7000 to pay anyone back! I'm so worried husband feel like a fool and admits he was blind sided by all the fancy guff. I suppose this is why they are called Scams...but its the last thing we need! Will he be arrested?? Will he be convicted of fraud??


V worried Kiki35
#97993 by Dotti Tue Apr 24, 2012 2:48 pm
I'm sorry to be so blunt, but I believe it is absolutely necessary that you understand what you are facing.

There is a very good chance the real account owner WILL notice the money is missing from his account. He WILL notify his bank, and if it is a personal account, the bank WILL start the process of reversing the transfer.

The bank will then take the full 7000 from your husband's account. If the account has less than that, they WILL go after you and your husband for the rest of it, plus whatever fees they charge for the improper transaction, negative balance, any bounced checks, etc. If they suspect he is complicit in any way, they most likely will call the police, who can and will arrest him.

Telling the bank his account was phished is a good way to ensure he lands in jail. He went to the bank and withdrew cash. That makes him a party in this, period. It will take less than 5 minutes for them to produce the video feed that shows that he was in fact there (the same is true at many ATM's). As soon as they realize he is lying, they are going to assume he is complicit, and they will involve the authorities. The same is true for closing his account without notifying the bank of what has happened. It will look like the deliberate actions of a criminal.

I won't lie to you--depending on where the money was stolen from, there is a chance that if he does nothing, he will get lucky and escape detection. But, as you said, it is a lot of money. It is unlikely that the real owner of that money is going to ignore the lass. If he says nothing, and waits for the theft to be detected, he will find himself in far greater trouble. That is why we always recommend being proactive and talking to the bank and the authorities. At least then it is clear that you are a victim, not a criminal.

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#98007 by kiki35 Tue Apr 24, 2012 3:24 pm
Thanks Dotti!

After talking to my husband who is currently in tears...he will go to the bank tomorrow and confess he has been scammed after getting confirmation from the scammers that they have ended his contract. I can see why people fall in to this trap, the jargon, websites and even the online system which was set up all look professional.

Do you recommend that he takes in copies of emails and screen shots of webpages and phone numbers to the bank? I'm not sure what we will do if they ask us to pay back the £7000. We just don't have it!

We have an address in Nottingham of the Scammers but I would guess its an empty office or some unsuspecting tenant.

My husband is bereft and inconsolable, I've told him, he's just a normal, trusting father and husband trying to make ends meet in a bad economy but he is very upset.

Hopefully the money stolen has come from lots of random accounts (so small amounts covered by the banks) or a company account with insurance, so we don't have to pay it back. I'm gutted it got this far and wish Id intercepted before. Thanks for your help and advice.

:oops: :cry:

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