Advance fee loan scams and fraudulent loan sites.
#212106 by AlanJones Sun Jul 27, 2014 10:42 am
From: philippe leroy - [email protected]
Reply-to: Raymond D. charpentier - [email protected]
Other Email: [email protected]

Crédit Personnel, Automobile, Immobilier, et Autre en 72 heures ( 3% d'intérêt )

Vous êtes dans une impasse financière et toutes vos tentatives de
reprise en main tombent à l’eau. On vous a refusé à la banque parce
que votre crédit ne répond pas à leurs Normes?
Vous avez besoin de:
- Crédit pour faire vos ravitaillement du fin d’année
- Crédit pour vous procurer une nouvelle maison
- Crédit Financier
- Crédit immobilier
- Crédit à l'investissement
- Crédit automobile
- Crédit personnel
- Dette de consolidation
- Rachat de crédit
Vous pouvez bénéficier du prêt allant de 5.000 €/$ à 5.000. 000 €/$ en
72 heures avec un intérêt de 3%..
Toute sorte de crédit pour un projet bien défini. Si vous êtes dans le
besoin, n’hésitez pas de nous contactez par cet e-mail:
[email protected]
Last edited by AlanJones on Tue Sep 30, 2014 11:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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#212107 by AlanJones Sun Jul 27, 2014 10:44 am
From Raymond D. Charpentier - [email protected]

Hello dear Sir

I have just read your message and I hold has informed you that I am to authorize has to grant of loan not all in the world in Swiss France Canada Belgium Italy Spain and other thus if you need loan for your not hesitating not to give me go up that you want. In continuation I you will send the conditions.

Thank you on standby of answer


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#217016 by AlanJones Sun Aug 31, 2014 12:25 am
Good evening
To excuse me for delay of my e-mail. Received your message, but I hold has you that I am not small in field stopped of me rotate crops and on all not to waste time. If you want to borrow money known as it so that I you sendings the condition of loan because I do not have time to lose.

Thank you with you

Monsieur Raymond D. CHARPENTIER

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#217371 by AlanJones Tue Sep 02, 2014 5:36 am
With your attention,
I confirm the reception of your message and tell you that I am suited
to satisfy your request some is your geographical location.
Here a summary detail of my conditions of which legal aspects
you will be notified in the trust deed:

Duration: 5 to 20 years according to the amount.
Annual interest rate 2%
Payment by constant Monthly payments according to the amount
Subscription dune insurance of nonrefunding, this insurance is
subscribed to cover the failure in the payment or nonthe payment total, had with :

1) Not profitability of the investment which you had applied for the loan.
2) Layoff or loss of your employment.
3) Lower your monthly incomes.

The amount of the insurance is included in the monthly payment and is of 25 €
for the amounts lower than 100,000 € and 50 € for the higher amounts with 100,000 €

For the establishment of the amortization table of the loan want me
to inform following information and for the documents it will be necessary to scan them for me to send it by e-mail:

(1) Name and first name
(2) Complete Address
(3) Copy of identification papers or passport.
(4) Amount necessary in loan and duration
(5) Returned monthly
(6) Profession
(7) fixed and Portable Phone number
(8) Detail of the project for which for the loan is applied.
(9) Your banking references

Best greetings.
Mister Raymond D.CHARPENTIER

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#217510 by AlanJones Wed Sep 03, 2014 1:17 am
Nowadays many are the individuals who are in the field of loan to assist the other individuals in the financing need without replacing the banks and other establishments which are in the field before us.

For more the share among us, our procedure are with the image of the offers of the banks but the only difference is the offer which is online.

Because of this offer which is online; the need for a sufficient warranty is obligatory being and this warranty passes by certain formalities which are necessary before placing at your disposal the amount of the loan.

These formalities which constitute at the same time a warranty to cover nonthe refunding of the loan and for what concerns us you and me; it is question of two formalities.

1- The legalization of the trust deed which will have to confer on the contract its legal aspects with the international plan.

2- Formalities of registration of the file which is regarded as one
reinsurance having to cover the loan and enables us to offer the services of Interpol to find the customers in the event of escape of residence or country.

Here a little detailed the formalities which prove to be necessary before your account is credited.

My offers are different and it will be necessary to trust to me because actually our offers constitute into same a bilateral relation whose foundation is confidence.

To conclude, I would ask for the following references to you in order to be established the trust deed.

copy it your identity (Passport or Identity card)
- A document in proof of your residence (Document of title, leasing agreement, various invoices)
- Pay slip (Optional)

My greetings.
Mister Raymond D.CHARPENTIER

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#220654 by AlanJones Sun Sep 28, 2014 1:27 am
Hello Mister
to excuse much but I had to forget tell you I stay to travel and now I am of return.
My consult financial will send your trust deed to you Monday has first hour and as that we will continue with the approachs.


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#220880 by AlanJones Tue Sep 30, 2014 1:33 am
With your attention,

I confirm the reception of your message and notifies to you that our credit terms are quite accessible and I you spread out the details of them:
The rate applied is of 2% and the durations are selected according to your monthly income and of the required amount. The warranty is the subscription of an insurance and the amount of the insurance is included in the monthly payment.

Payment by constant Monthly payments according to the amount
Subscription dune insurance of nonrefunding, this insurance is subscribed for
to cover the failure in the payment or nonthe payment total, due to:

1) Not profitability of the investment which you had applied for the loan.
2) Layoff or loss of your employment.
3) Lower your monthly incomes.

For an amount lower than 100.000€ the monthly insurance charges are of 25€ and for the higher amounts with 100.000€ the insurance charges are of 50€ per month.
Thus understand that the insurance is included in this manner in the monthly payment.

Here here detailed the amortization table of your request.

Parameters of the credit:

Amount: 750.000€
Duration: 60 months
Rate: 2%
Rough monthly payment: 13095.82€
Insurance: 50€
Clear monthly payment: 13145.82€
Full amount to be refunded: 78889.2 EUROS
Date of the first refunding: October 1st, 2014.

As want assure me as the parameters of the credit is appropriate to you so that I can forward to you the agreement of loan which you will sign and to return us of continuation.

Thank you…


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#220994 by AlanJones Tue Sep 30, 2014 11:48 pm
From [email protected]

Good evening
I am Mr. Franck DANNA the financial consultant of Mr. Raymond D.CHARPENTIER. I am French and I force myself has to write to you then in English want to excuse me well for the orthographies.
It was to recommend me to draw up a trust deed of 750,000 euros on your behalf.
I received your information on behalf of your lender and the contract already was to establish this morning.
There remains only the signature of the lender so that I can forward to you this last, has fine that you to sign and return us.
I would like to know if I address myself has the good person before sending the contract on the e-mail which was to communicate me by the lender.
I expect a prompt response of your share.
I introduce XXX to you the expression of my more high consideration.

Mr Franck DANNA wrote:Header Analysis Quick Report
Originating IP:
Originating ISP: Opt Benin / Benin Telecom
City: Cotonou
Country of Origin: Benin
* For a complete report on this email header goto ipTRACKERonline

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#220995 by AlanJones Tue Sep 30, 2014 11:49 pm
I have just read you and I would like to know for what you did not take down calls it my financial consultant.
I have already to sign the contract which is with him and he wanted to forward it to you.
But sight that you do not take down, it is to oblige to wait until it has a phone conversation with you before you to transmit the contract that you will sign and to return us.


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#221161 by AlanJones Wed Oct 01, 2014 11:48 pm

I try to send the contract to you the my document does not sign then I will send it has our secretary so that he can forward it to you. But well before that I would like to have a phone conversation with you before sends document (the TRUST DEED).

My sincere greeting.

The Financial Consultant Franck DANNA

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#221162 by AlanJones Wed Oct 01, 2014 11:52 pm
From PPCREDIT SECRETAIRE - [email protected]

Hello Mister.
I have just drawn up your trust deed which was to sign by the lender
Mr. Raymond D.CHARPENTIER and I thank you for the choice of our
Cabinet directed your operation of credit into good and lasts form.
In order to grant the privileges to you and to treat your file in a
brief time, it returns to you to proceed to an opening of file in our
cabinet in the capacity as customer.

Our fees are once took the buckled transfer.

You will be in possession of the funds of the 750,000 euros on your
account once the expenses of files paid and after the signature of the
contract on the two sides and that can take 24 hours.

Here thus detail them expenses has to pay.

The expenses of opening of file rise with .......... 475€

Legalizations of the High Court of justice ........... 385€

The room of the accounts ................................... 325€

That is to say a total of 1185 € (Mille Cent Quatre-Vingt Cinq euros)

These expenses are received directly by Western Union MANDATE by the
means of our

accounting manager that here the address:

Name ...................................... DADJO

First names .................................... Assereou Bruno

Address ...................................... rue des armées

City ......................................... Porto-Novo

Postcode ................................... 00229

Country ........................................... BENIN

Please communicate the references well to us after the transfer i.e.
the code MTCN and the QUESTION/ANSWER to allow the withdrawal to our
accounting manager. You also will sign the contract and will return
us, if you agree to continue with us.

My sincere greetings and good comprehension.

Mr. Franck DANNA

E-mail: [email protected]
N° +229 6484 6485

Good evening
I am secretary has PP CREDIT and it my summer to recommend since this mornings to transmit this message to you followed trust deed.
If you received it then please confirm it to me.
Thank you

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#221268 by AlanJones Thu Oct 02, 2014 12:09 pm
I acknowledge good receipt of your message and I hold has to inform you that the expenses intermediary are always to pay by the transfer to allow has the agent to give the responsibility with your file quickly to recover the funds to establish your file of loan, only the funds of loan and the refunding of these funds is to pay by transfer.
I expect a concrete answer of your share.

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#223570 by AlanJones Sun Oct 19, 2014 4:08 am
I have just read your message and I hold has to inform you that before
making no matter what is, you must make the payment by 1185 euros on
the address that I had to leave to you.
But in the contrary case, you can classify your file. Not to forget
not that we have procedures has to follow.
You to pay and our BENIGN bank BGFI carries out you the transfer of
the funds of loan after our financial consultant joins together
documentations necessary and to proceed has the constitution of the
file of loan

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#223610 by AlanJones Sun Oct 19, 2014 7:48 am
I'm not the lender so I have to check first. But know that it is not our habit to receive fee per bank account.
     So I ask you to contact the lender for more tomorrow by what we are Sunday.
Thank you to you ..

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#223784 by AlanJones Mon Oct 20, 2014 11:31 am
I received a message of my secretary concennant the payment of the expenses of opening of file by 1850 euros.
I inform you that you will be our first customer has to want request a payment by credit transfer. I have request has my secretary to transmit to you information banking of our accounting manager for the payment of the fee.
I am taken a little by time thus, I leave you.



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