Advance fee loan scams and fraudulent loan sites.
#216650 by Terminator5 Thu Aug 28, 2014 11:58 am
Investment Capital / Loan Scams . Two suspect domains under investigation .

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Geo-Location Information

Country France
State/Region B7
City Ligné

24 North Jeddah 21146 Flèche Ville
Jeddah Saudi Arabia
Email: [email protected]

Dear Sir/Madam

We wish to introduce you to Arab Project Investment Support Group (PISG). PISG is currently partnering with reputable firms, organizations and private individuals through development of viable projects and taking advantage of investment opportunities globally. Project investment Support Group is a globally diversified investment institution that is wholly owned by the Government of Arabs and Emirate PISG manages a diversified global investment portfolio across more than two-dozen asset classes and sub-categories, including quoted equities, fixed income, real estate, private equity, alternatives and Infrastructure.

Currently, PISG wishes to re-invest its multi-billion dollar portfolio of local, regional and international investments globally through third party investors on a conventional loan basis of 3.5% interest rate annually throughout the duration of the funding period. Considering PISG’s long tradition of prudent investments, PISG’s decisions are based solely on its economic objectives of delivering sustained long-term financial returns. PISG does not seek an active role in the management of the companies, in which it invests, we only offer to extend funding on viable projects globally that can generate up to 10% ROI per annum.

We invite all prospective project owners and investors –Arabs and non-Arabs, who are interested to contact the undersigned for further information.
Best regards,
Michael SHAW
Project Consultant
Email: [email protected]

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Daniel 8 :25

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