Company Representative scams, Payment Processing scams and other Employment scams.
#115770 by Jannaya Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:30 pm
Hi All,
Just been scammed by same guys.
Recruitment Dept
Enel Services Ltd
Tel/Fax: 02083456280
[email protected]

After a quick search I found out, that they have been abusing peoples for like half a year. They are constantly changing company name, Gmail account, and phone number. The email content is slightly changed each time.
They are getting the money out via Ukash voucher.
I phoned Ukash and they obviously cannot give me any details to whom the money went to, but the police can find out.
Does anyone know if all these jobs add are only to be found on Gumtree?
I really want to get these peoples to stop doing this!!! :bondage:

#115773 by Rimvydas Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:46 pm
Look what I just got. They are not using gmail and also added pretty convincing application form. Would love to believe them, but just cant. Glad that I decided to check google first.

From; [email protected]
Dear Applicant,

We are glad to inform you that after careful look at your CV for the post of bar staff our company advertised, you have been shortlisted to join our new team in London. There will be two days induction and training which will start on the 2nd and end on 3rd of August 2012 from 10am to 4pm each day at 422 Garratt Lane, London, SW18 4HW. The two days training will be fully paid for and you are expected to come with your original documents.

Passport /Birth Certificate/ID card (showing your right to work in the UK)
Utility bill (showing current address)
N.I number
Bank/Building Society/Local Post Office details (for your wages)
The Confidential Application Form (print out)

The pay rate for this position will be £10/hr. Full time and part time positions with morning and night shift to choose from, you will be paid every forth night(two weeks). The company will issue you a uniform on the induction/training day and you will be allocated the office site to work in London area.

Please e-mail us back the following, before the 2nd of August 2012
Your uniform size (i.e. Shirt, Trousers and Suit Jacket)
The mode of payment for your CRB checks (Ukash Voucher).

As a result of recent Government changes to the vetting and barring scheme(VBS) the cost of Enhanced CRB check is £50.Due to insurance purposes and our client’s policy we cannot accept CRB done outside the company. The Ukash is a new safe and secure payment method that we use for effective payment for CRB fees. The newsagent shops and off licence top up shops with a Pay point services can issue you Ukash voucher for £50. The 19 digits voucher numbers is what we require you to email us back for your CRB payment fees and also to ensure that your job placement is still effective. The CRB fees will only be refunded on your next wages if the report comes back satisfactory. The company will delist your name from the job placement list if we do not receive your uniform sizes and the Ukash voucher numbers.

The deadline for the submission by email of your uniform sizes and £50 Ukash voucher numbers for your CRB fees will be on the 2ndof August 2012, no work placement will be offered without any of the above and you will not be eligible to come in for the two day training and induction. We are extremely very busy this period and may not be able to respond to your enquiries. We will give you any more information needed on the training/induction day and we are glad to welcome you to our company. Attached is a confidential application form, please print, fill in all relevant sections and bring it with you on the day of induction/training.

Recruit Dep’t
Willie Gunn Wine Bar & Restaurant Ltd.
Phone/Fax 08453009073
#115800 by vonpaso xlura Wed Jul 25, 2012 5:14 pm
That site was registered just a few weeks ago, to what looks like an individual name, and is hosted in Massachusetts. Could you post the complete email headers of the message you got and the one you sent to get a reply? I'd like to get it shut down.

... ni los estafadores heredarán el reino de Dios. 1 Cor. 6:10
#115809 by Rimvydas Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:30 pm
I applyed from gumtree, so I dont have my original message. What do you mean "headers' ?

nuo (from): williegunnwinebarjob [email protected] per
atsakyti kam (reply to): williegunnwinebarjob <[email protected]>
kam (for):
data (date): 2012 m. liepa 25 d. 19:19
tema (theme?): JOB OFFER
si?sta iš (sent from):
#115873 by vonpaso xlura Wed Jul 25, 2012 8:40 pm
Headers look like this:
Received: by with SMTP id 4csp310255pbs;
Wed, 23 May 2012 05:21:04 -0700 (PDT)
Received: by with SMTP id f42mr4452679yhh.70.1337775663719;
Wed, 23 May 2012 05:21:03 -0700 (PDT)
Return-Path: <[email protected]>
Received: from ( [])
by with ESMTP id q4si9733502anj.50.2012.;
Wed, 23 May 2012 05:21:03 -0700 (PDT)
Received-SPF: pass ( domain of [email protected] designates as permitted sender) client-ip=;
Authentication-Results:; spf=pass ( domain of [email protected] designates as permitted sender) [email protected]
Received: from BLU152-W54 ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4675);
Wed, 23 May 2012 05:20:42 -0700
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Return-Path: [email protected]
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
X-Originating-IP: []
From: Josef Wagner <[email protected]>
To: <snip>
Subject: =?iso-2022-jp?B?UkU6IE5ldyBNZQ==?=
=?iso-2022-jp?B?UyBNQVggU1RPUg==?= =?iso-2022-jp?B?RV0gLSBwcmljZQ==?=
Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 12:20:41 +0000
Importance: Normal
In-Reply-To: <[email protected]>
References: <[email protected]>
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 23 May 2012 12:20:42.0369 (UTC) FILETIME=[78C51710:01CD38DE]

The important part is the numbers like, which shows that that message came from Africa. Please remove your own name and address when posting the headers.

... ni los estafadores heredarán el reino de Dios. 1 Cor. 6:10
#116001 by Rimvydas Thu Jul 26, 2012 4:43 am
Return-Path: <>
Received: from ( [])
by with ESMTP id v12si6263670qct.6.2012.;
Wed, 25 Jul 2012 09:19:29 -0700 (PDT)
Received-SPF: pass ( domain of ... designates as permitted sender) client-ip=;
Authentication-Results:; spf=pass ( domain of ... designates as permitted sender) smtp.mail=SRS0=3gGpNI=F2=williegunnwine ...
Received: from ([])
by with esmtp (Exim)
id 1Su4J6-0000v9-RL
for ; Wed, 25 Jul 2012 12:19:28 -0400
Received: from ([])
by with esmtp (Exim)
id 1Su4J6-0003eT-78
for ; Wed, 25 Jul 2012 12:19:28 -0400
Received: from ([])
by with NO UCE
id egKU1j0042oNGcS01gKUFT; Wed, 25 Jul 2012 12:19:28 -0400
X-Authority-Analysis: v=2.0 cv=bO2h1oCZ c=1 sm=1 a=Tfuf_2hjFWgA:10
a=cUEnxAO65f0A:10 a=wPDyFdB5xvgA:10 a=OTYNl4WTAAAA:8 a=qwWS_V2vAAAA:8
a=64sbaSut1GR6pPsNrpYA:9 a=QEXdDO2ut3YA:10 a=1-QXZIgn0YmPgwHh:21
a=DKvZxbMM0_TI4qXz:21 a=SSmOFEACAAAA:8 a=D4sjnaQQZ36NFnPDmLkA:9
a=_W_S_7VecoQA:10 a=uUBLdWWwLDd35W0I7l0A:9 a=diV1Cm6KfS4A:10
a=Sf_gFPzhefAA:10 a=JWVSTFmjGmsA:10 a=FMi_bFfD8t4A:10 a=aOJabjR1SAXVyJhX:21
a=dtj_xSjY04FPInl1:21 a=zCNrcEfJYDYH9f34O0OG8A==:117
Received: from localhost ([]
by with esmtp (Exim 4.72)
(envelope-from <[email protected]>)
id 1Su4J5-000423-6t
for <removed>; Wed, 25 Jul 2012 12:19:27 -0400
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2012 11:19:27 -0500 (EST)
From: williegunnwinebarjob <[email protected]>
Reply-To: williegunnwinebarjob <[email protected]>
Message-ID: <>
Subject: JOB OFFER
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
X-Priority: 3
Importance: Medium
X-Mailer: Open-Xchange Mailer v6.20.6-Rev3

Content-Type: multipart/alternative;

MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
#116053 by vonpaso xlura Thu Jul 26, 2012 8:56 am
Thanks! The site is hosted in, and the mail came from, EIG in Massachusetts. However, the mail did not go out through the exact box the site is hosted on, so it may not meet the level of proof required to get it listed in the fake site database. So please act as if you accept the job, sending the scammer a reply, get a reply from the scammer, and post both headers and body of both messages. Delete your name and email address from the messages. Once you get the reply, ignore all further messages, fake checks, etc.

... ni los estafadores heredarán el reino de Dios. 1 Cor. 6:10
#117366 by galbenpal Wed Aug 01, 2012 5:14 pm
Hello everybody from here and who comming...
(sorry for exprimation - i'm not native english speaker)

same message, on email i receive on 31 july. From first time i have some suspicious ideas becouse any potential employer don't give a job without interview. It's imposibil !!! Indiferently if will be to put the porter to listen, one realy employer want to know who you are.

After i read th message, first ideea was to cal at the phone number:
Judith Checkley.
Recruitment Dept
TradeCoast Ltd.
Tel/Fax: 08704863611
and, yes, i hearing fax tone. (Now i see the phone number, start with 08... - read up).

I thinking, becouse they tell my will be very busy in this time and will not be there to answer for any questions.
In finally, i try to find the company on Google, but i find another adress, same in Enfield, but in another area.

One from the next answer from Google was this topic and I decide to don't do anithing..

Please anybody to open eyes twice before to answer at email like this.

Best wish
#117721 by maycia4 Fri Aug 03, 2012 1:33 pm
Hello, this is my first message here.
Message from today ( gumtree ). Why they are unpunished grr :?

Dear Maja

We are glad to inform you that after carefully reviewing your CV for the position of Room Attendant our company advertised, you have been selected to join our new team in London. There will be a 2 day induction and training which will start on the 23rd and end on the 24th of August 2012 from 10am to 1pm each day at 1, Baffin Way Off Preston Road , London, England E14 9PE UK United Kingdom The two day training will be fully paid for and you are expected to come with your original documents;
Passport /Birth Certificate/ID card (showing your right to work in the UK)

N.I number

Bank/Building Society/Local Post Office details (for your wages)

The Confidential Application Form (print out)

The pay rate for your position will be £9.75 an hour, your shift pattern will be 12 hours a day, 5 days on and 2 days off, there is also Full time and Part time positions to choose from, there is morning shift ( 8am-8pm) and night shift (8pm- 8am) and you will be paid every forth night(two weeks).

The company will issue you a uniform on the induction/training day and you will be allocated the office site to work in London area.

Please e-mail us back the following, on or before the 13th of August 2012;

Your uniform size (ie Shirt, Trousers and Suit Jacket)

The mode of payment for your CRB check is Ukash.

As a result of recent Government changes to the vetting and barring scheme(VBS) the cost of Enhanced CRB check is £50.Due to insurance purposes and our client’s policy we cannot accept CRB done outside the company.

The Ukash is a new safe and secure payment method that we use for effective payment of CRB fees. The post office, newsagent shops and off licence top up shops with a Paypoint,Payzone or epay services can issue you a Ukash voucher for £50.The Ukash voucher 19 digits numbers is what we require you to email us back for your CRB payment fees and also to ensure that your job placement is still effective. The CRB fees will only be refunded on your next wages if the report comes back satisfactory. The company will delist your name from the job placement list if we do not receive your uniform sizes and the Ukash voucher numbers.

The deadline for the submission by email of your uniform sizes and £50 Ukash voucher numbers for your CRB fees will be on the 13th of August 2012, no work placement will be offered without any of the above and you will not be eligible to come in for the two day training and induction. We are extremely very busy this period and may not be able to respond to your enquiries. We will give you any more information needed on the training/induction day and we are glad to welcome you to our company. Attached is a confidential application form, please print, fill in all relevant sections and bring it with you on the day of your induction/training.

Susan Clarke

Recruitment Dept

TradeCoast Ltd.

Tel/Fax: 0207 3101981
#119312 by ColinP Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:54 am

I run a conference venue in Bristol called Armada House and we have had about half a dozen people turn up here carrying a version of this e-mail with our business name on. It's not a pleasant task having to tell these poor people they have been scammed, we tell each one to report it to the Police, we are also doing the same. We thought this was just something operating locally but reading the reports on here this is operating nationally. They seem advertise mainly on Gumtree.
#120918 by msoc2892 Wed Aug 22, 2012 3:41 pm
My son got an email with an offer of a two day induction and training course. The email was almost word for word the same as other emails posted on here.

I decided to check this out before he parted with the £50 as a few things didn't ring true:
The email was Water Field Agency with a gmail address: [email protected]
A Companies House search came up no company with that name
The phone number - 02088075009 - no answer. If it was genuine, there would be at least an answerphone
The address given: Triumph Trading Estate, Tariff Rd, London, N17 0EB (where on the trading estate? I'll bet there are people having paid their £50, wandering around the estate looking for this non-existent company)
Why can't they accept a CRB from anywhere else - rubbish - a CRB check is a CRB check. Also, an enhanced CRB disclosure costs £44, not £50.
The company name, address and phone number seems to change every time, but it is easy enough to check these out.
With the company, google it and also look it up on the Companies House website:
If it exists, check the registered address, then look that up. If it is a residential address, be suspicious. Check the address thoroughly to see what other companies, if any, are listed there.
Look up the address for the induction course on the email, see what companies are listed there and make sure it's not a minicab office or an internet cafe.
Google the phone number, like I did, which is how I found this site. See if it comes up on any scam warning sites.
If any of the above looks fishy, don't touch it with a barge pole. These people prey on the poor, the vulnerable, and basically the unemployed who will struggle to get £50 together and certainly can't afford to not see that money again.

A word of warning here, if anyone else gets one of these emails, report it to Consumer Direct on 0845 404 0506.
#126011 by urbanbobe Sat Sep 22, 2012 5:50 pm
They still exist :shock:
I can't believe that someone can't find them according their IP address.

My boyfriend just got this email last week, we were so happy that a nice wine bar sent a job offer... We are new in London, so that's why we didn't search after them. This was the email:

Dear Applicant,

We are glad to inform you that after careful look at your CV for the post of bar staff our company advertised, you have been shortlisted to join our new team in London. There will be two days induction and training which will start on the 20th and end on 21st of September 2012 from 10am to 4pm each day at 422 Garratt Lane, London, SW18 4HW. The two days training will be fully paid for and you are expected to come with your original documents.

Passport /Birth Certificate/ID card (showing your right to work in the UK)
Utility bill (showing current address)
N.I number
Bank/Building Society/Local Post Office details (for your wages)
The Confidential Application Form (print out)

The pay rate for this position will be £10/hr. Full time and part time positions with morning and night shift to choose from, you will be paid every forth night(two weeks). The company will issue you a uniform on the induction/training day.

Please e-mail us back the following, before the 20th of September 2012
Your uniform size (i.e. Shirt, Trousers and Suit Jacket)
The mode of payment for your CRB checks (Ukash Voucher).

As a result of recent Government changes to the vetting and barring scheme(VBS) the cost of Enhanced CRB check is £50.Due to insurance purposes and our client’s policy we cannot accept CRB done outside the company. The Ukash is a new safe and secure payment method that we use for effective payment for CRB fees. The newsagent shops and off licence top up shops with a Pay point services can issue you Ukash voucher for £50. The 19 digits voucher numbers is what we require you to email us back for your CRB payment fees and also to ensure that your job placement is still effective. The CRB fees will only be refunded on your next wages if the report comes back satisfactory. The company will delist your name from the job placement list if we do not receive your uniform sizes and the Ukash voucher numbers.

The deadline for the submission by email of your uniform sizes and £50 Ukash voucher numbers for your CRB fees will be on the 20th of September 2012, no work placement will be offered without any of the above and you will not be eligible to come in for the two day training and induction. We are extremely very busy this period and may not be able to respond to your enquiries. We will give you any more information needed on the training/induction day and we are glad to welcome you to our company. Attached is a confidential application form, please print, fill in all relevant sections and bring it with you on the day of induction/training.

Recruit Dep’t
Willie Gunn Wine Bar & Restaurant Ltd.
Phone/Fax 08453009073

After this we bought the voucher and sent them. And they sent a new email:

Dear Tamas,

Thank you for emailing your uniform sizes and also your ukash voucher numbers for your crb fees. The uniform is ready and will be given to you on the induction/training day. Unfortunately, we couldn't process your ukash £50 voucher numbers for your crb fees, we have tried several times but failed and also contacted ukash customer service which confirmed that your ukash voucher was good/valid, this might have been caused by an error on our payment processing system but we will refund all the crb fees to you when it's later confirmed. We advice that you email back another ukash voucher urgently to avoid delisting you from the job placement list and also the induction/training coming up.

The company will however refund all your crb payment fees on your next wages. we advice that you keep your ukash voucher receipt safe as it will be used as a proof for refund. The deadline to email back another ukash voucher number for your crb fees is the 27th of September 2012. We regret any inconvenience and hope to welcome you to the company on the induction/training day.

Recruitment Dept.

Willie Gunn Wine Bar Ltd

They tried to get more money from us!!! After this we tried to call their number, it was not available, then we felt it was just not right.

The next day they sent a new mail:

Dear Tamas,

Thank you for your mail. We were unable to process your voucher, Your voucher is the only one that was declined and terminated in your group and you might not be allowed to enter the training/induction without your CRB being processed. Once your CRB comes out satisfactory, the company will refund all you have spent to purchase the voucher.
We advice you email a new voucher code for your CRB check to avoid being de-listed from the training/induction tomorrow.

Recruitment Dept..

After this we emailed back that we have already sent it once and in their previous email the deadline was later. So the training day was the next day. He went there (however we knew it couldn't be real). There were 2 other guys there and later on a man came to say it was just a scam (who knows who he was) and that's it.

They still steal money from unemployment people.
#126030 by Justin Sat Sep 22, 2012 10:18 pm
I can't believe that someone can't find them according their IP address

An IP address just gives you a computer in a network in the best case scenario. It's not tied to an individual person in most cases. In fact more often than not it just shows an IP block for a particular Internet provider and can change every time a person logs in to a network. So identifying a person from just an IP address is near impossible.

#133233 by crazyish Fri Nov 09, 2012 3:34 pm
Surprise surprise I also got the same message 2day I was really pleased until I googled the adress and it never came up, I then decided to google the number and have ended up here.. Sooo peed off and if I catch one of these scumbags may god help the effer.. The more I read the more dodgy it looks. NOT HAPPY

From: Skyne Recruitment Agency <[email protected]>

Subject: Kitchen Porter Job Offer

Date: 06 November 2012 09:36:52

?Skyne Rec...doc

Dear Applicant

We are glad to inform you that after carefully reviewing your CV for the
post of a Kitchen Porter our company advertised, you have been selected to
join our team. There will be a 2 day induction and training which will
start on the 14th and end on 15th of November 2012 from 10am to 1pm each
day at #105-107, Mortimer Street, West Central, London, W1T 3BL

The two day training will be fully paid for and you are expected to come
with your original documents;

Passport /Birth Certificate/ID card (showing your right to work in the
Utility bill (showing current address)
N.I number
Bank/Building Society/Local Post Office details (for your wages)
The Confidential Application Form (print out)

The pay rate for your position will be £8.75 an hour, your shift pattern
will be 9 hours a day, 5 days on and 2 days off, there is morning shift (
7am-4pm) and night shift (9pm- 6am) and you will be paid every forth
night(two weeks). The company will issue you a uniform on the
induction/training day and you will be allocated the office site to work
with other of our staff in the city of London.

Please e-mail us back the following, on or before the 13th of November
Your uniform size (ie Shirt, Trousers and Suit Jacket)
The mode of payment for your CRB check (Ukash Voucher).

As a result of recent Government changes to the vetting and barring
scheme(VBS) the cost of Enhanced CRB check is £50.Due to insurance purposes
and our client’s policy we cannot accept CRB done outside the company.

The Ukash is a new safe and secure payment method that we use for effective
payment for CRB fees.You can purchase this Ukash in any Newsagent Shops or
Off Licence Top Up Shops with a Paypoint,Payzone or epay services can issue
you a Ukash voucher for £50.The Ukash voucher 19 digits numbers is what we
require you to email us back for your CRB payment fees and also to ensure
that your job placement is still effective.The CRB fees will only be
refunded on your next wages if the report comes back satisfactory. The
company will delist your name from the job placement list if we do not
receive your uniform sizes and the Ukash voucher numbers.

The deadline for the submission by email of your uniform sizes and £50
Ukash voucher numbers for your CRB fees will be on the 13th of November
2012, no work placement will be offered without any of the above and you
will not be eligible to come in for the three day training and induction.
We are extremely very busy this period and may not be able to respond to
your inquiries. We will give you any more information needed on the
training/induction day and we are glad to welcome you to our company.
Attached is a confidential application form, please print, fill in all
relevant sections and bring it with you on the day of induction/training.

Recruitment Dept
Skyne Agency
Tel/Fax: 02088075009

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