Company Representative scams, Payment Processing scams and other Employment scams.
#169962 by Scott Mitchell Thu Jun 27, 2013 3:55 pm
Welcome to Scamwarners, courco, I'm glad you found us. You were right to be skeptical, this is 100% a scam. The spelling and grammar of the message indicate West African origin, not Canada. Your job would either be as a "money mule", collecting and forwarding money from the other victims of the scammer, or you would be printing and mailing bogus checks to other scam victims. In either case, you would be committing a serious crime and would face criminal charges when you got caught, while the scammer (who hides behind a fake name and email address) would go free.

Please post the email address the scammer used, so it will be exposed to others who get the same email.

#172458 by thefrayisownage Sat Jul 27, 2013 12:48 am
Dear <removed>, MW

Thanks for your response.I am James and i am an international business man and also i am into fabric & textile(retail). I am looking for someone that can handle my business errands during his or her spare time. I need your service because I am constantly travelling abroad on business trip in Australia.I decided to get a Personal Assistant to help me out when i get my hands occupied. My telephone line is roamed,i can only send and receive sms messages,i will be glad to sms you as soon as you re-confirm your details.

1. Receive my mail and Drop them off at the post office or shipping center.
2. Pick up my items at your nearby post office at your convenience.
3. When you get my mail or package, you would mail all items to where I want them shipped. All expenses and shipping charges will be covered by me.

The contents of the packages are mostly art materials and paintings. In addition, there will be clothing I need for business and personal letters.No heavy packages is involved

please read the employment requirements listed below.


A. You are an honest and trustworthy citizen.
B. You will be required to work between 15 and 20hrs a month
c. I need you to get me a quote on 1 laptop (250gb HDD and 4Gb ram) and any good printer model number for the printer must be 4500 upward and scanner. If you have any these items let me know.

THE PAY IS $450 WEEKLY and you are entitle to a brand new car after 1 month if you are hardworking and honest with me, and also i will make arrangement on visiting you as soon as i get back from this trip.

In closing, I have a couple of questions for you.

#Firstly, If I were to mail you money to do my shopping plus an upfront payment for your service, where would you want it mailed to?

#Secondly, how would you like for your name appear on the Certified Cashiers Check?

#Thirdly, I check my email every 5 times daily and i want you to always do so too for fast communication.

Please re-confirm your resume and provide me with the following details below:

Full Name:-
Zip Code:-
Home No:-
Cell NO:-
Current Occupation:-

I Hope all is clear?


Mr James Wilson.

I came across this ad on a local newspaper in which the person asked to be contacted via email. I sent him an email to see what exactly he had in mind and got that email as a reply. After reading the first two parts of this email, a few flags went off for me. Then I consulted with a few of my friends and they told it was most likely a scam due tot he ridiculous amount of pay with very little hours. His contact email is [email protected]
#172473 by vonpaso xlura Sat Jul 27, 2013 6:29 am
The writing looks West African, the way he writes about the laptop and printer doesn't make sense, and the cashier's check is a fake printed by someone who works for the scammer thinking he has a payroll job at home.

... ni los estafadores heredarán el reino de Dios. 1 Cor. 6:10
#173395 by SurgeSunrise Tue Aug 06, 2013 11:06 pm
New name and email to add to the list since the email I got was very similar to the ones listed here and the grammar, spelling, and formatting errors really caught my attention. I got the ad listing from my local township (less than 6,000 people) newspaper and was skeptical about the very brief/non-specific advert. Following is the email I received in response (Yes the highlighted and ALL CAPS "ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT" creeped me out as well):
From Jeff Town [email protected]
Your resume has been reviewed,shortlisted for the post of Part-Time ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT. Have been successfully working as Property Manager,Project Consultant,Estimator and Residential Remodeling for over 20 years.Which I do & license to importation of Building Materials such as Roofing Materials,Roof Structures, Gabions,Aluminum wire products,Asian Kitchen equipment,Plywood & Veneers and security Doors from China,Malaysia and Taiwan.

Which the career started from residential remodeling to property Manager & owner,I'm a private business owner who handle property projects home and abroad working on different independent projects.Which is main reason why i placed the ad you applied,before i traveled down to New Zealand.I'm looking for efficient,reliable,understanding,responsible employee for the post of Property Manager Assistant who is liable to start working on my behalf as ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT in his/her city before my return.

I'm a very busy employer,I travel a lot attending business conferences and meeting up with different Interested Property Investors around the globe.Which is the main reason why the post is Part-time and home based.Meaning you are to set up and home office within two months if you don't have one already.Which i would like you to get a quote for the cost of setting up a small home office if you don't have one.You need to have a regular Internet access,Which this will make it easier conveying instructions no matter where I'm on what need to be done at a time.Which i hope you understand the post is comprises of administrative duties and little experience in the Real Estate/Properties Industries.

Your duties/Responsibilities as my ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT will be carried out locally and most official Legal documents,Property Mortgages & Deeds documents and rents will be delivered via courier services to you as the Property Manager Assistant. You will be actively involved in my business and financial life.In summary,your activities as my ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT amongst other things will include;

*Assist in the collection, deposit and recording of income, including the pursuit of delinquent rent.
*Assist in the processing of invoices for payment.(Making Transfer of invoices Payment as Instructed)
*Responsible for the administration of the Property Manager,Timing,Planning and Coordinating on my behalf.

Base on three months probation you will be working until my return from the business trip,You are offered $500 weekly exclusive tax,Any personal expenses incurred during your duties like (Stationery,Transport,Gas and etc)Will be reimbursed by end of every week of receiving your weekly paycheck.

You are expected to work 12-15Hours weekly as my ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ,Exclusive of Weekends.If asked to perform any duties over the weekend,You will surely be paid separately.

Moreover,I needed someone who can be able to meet up with my irregular timing,Objectives and goal.There is also a very sensitive issue on trust, dedication and accountability which I believe will resolve itself as time goes on.This is only an introductory e-mail, as time goes on we should be able to arrange a proper meeting to get things started officially. I am presently in United kingdom for a business exhibition,

Do re-confirm the following details about yourself for my personal record update in my Database.


Full Names :
Address Not P.O Box Address:
City :
State :
Zip Code :
Phone Number/ mobile number :
Present Occupation:
Email :

Thanks for your anticipated understanding and co-operation working as my ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT
Best Regards,
Jeff Town
#175514 by SweetestOne Mon Sep 02, 2013 4:42 pm
I know this post is old but I stumbled upon it from a google search. I was contacted by a Harris Tom/Tom Harris for a bookkeeping/payroll position that was listed on Craig's List. His whole email was fishy so I did some searching and came across this website. I have not given him my home address or cell number but he is asking for it. He wants me to issue checks to people from my home, claiming he will pay me $1200-$1400 a month. I have not yet contacted him back. How can I help catch this guy?
#179242 by ire87 Mon Oct 21, 2013 3:30 pm
hi!I've received a suspicious email after I've answered to a bit suspicious ads..of course I've look for a piece of it and I've found this topic!my email is this and to me it seems very similar to the others already posted..right?

Hello ,

I would love to meet up with you to talk about

this job but I am currently away on a business

trip but there is a test which I will like you to

go through because I need a capable Personal

Assistant. I am in Los Angeles
, California right

now so there will be no interview except for the

form you will fill below.

1. Have you ever been a Personal Assistant or

Sales Representative?
2. If you have been a Personal Assistant before or

Sales Representative, how long and was it for a

company or an individual?
3. Can you communicate effective and efficiently?
4. Do you have a job as at now (Note it does not

disturb your present Job if you have one)?

5. Will you be able to run errands 1 hour per day

for and will be needed 3 days per week?

I will prepay you in advance to do my work. I will
also have my mails and packages forwarded to your
address. If you will be unable to stay at your

house to get my mails, I can have it shipped to a

post office near you and then you can pick it up at your

convenience. When you get my mails/packages, you

are required to mail them to where I want them mailed to.

You don&apos;t have to take money out of your pocket, all you have to do

is have packages shipped to your house and do my
shopping. You will also be required to call some

companies on my behalf once in a while to discuss
the prospect of business. All this information

will be revealed to you upon the allocation of

this job to you.

You are allowed to open the packages to reveal its

content. The content of the packages are Art

works, and Paintings, mails and order request.

All expenses and taxes will be covered by me. You

will work between 15 and 20 hrs a month. I will

pay £250 per week. I need your service because I

am constantly out of town on business as I am about setting up an Art

Gallery in the shopping centre, I will meet up with you

when I return and then we can talk about the

possibility of making this long-term.

Well, let me know if you are able to handle the


I will email you the list and pictures of what to

shop for when I am ready. No heavy packages are
involved! I will provide clear set of instructions

for each task I need done as well the funds to cover them.

If I were to mail you money to do my shopping plus

upfront payment for your service, where would you

want it mailed to?
Will be expecting to hear from you soon to let me

know if you will be willing to handle my business

on my behalf before I return.

Stan Frank
#180506 by Foriven1 Thu Nov 07, 2013 6:05 pm
I applied to an ad on Craigslist today and received the same email back that has been posted by others.
Job has been filled but you are a good fit for this other position, blah blah blah.

Email address on the ad was [email protected]

Person responded to back to me from address: [email protected] and listed a phone number 619-940-7839
#180941 by Justinejohnson1 Wed Nov 13, 2013 4:02 pm
This is a response to a job as a Front Office Receptionist

> On Nov 12, 2013, at 4:05 PM, James Scott < [email protected] > wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm looking for someone that can be trusted and reliable to work
> very well with good understanding as my Personal Assistant.This
> position am offering is home-based and flexible, working with me is
> basically about instructions and following them, my only fear is that
> i may come at you impromptu sometimes, so I need someone who can be
> able to meet up with my irregular timings. As my Personal Assistant,
> your activities among other things will include:
> Duties and Requirements:
> *Scheduling programmer's, flights and keeping me up-to-date with them.
> *Handling and monitoring some of my financial activities.
> *Processing weekly check payment.
> *Filing, Faxing, Creating and sending out letters, scanning documents,
> some personal assistant duties for owners, and many other
> *Managing expenses and invoices
> Basic wage is $400 Weekly
> I'm sure you'll understand I tend to have a very busy schedule at this
> point. Please note that this position is not office based for now
> because of my frequent travels and tight schedules, it's a part-time
> work from home for now and the flexibility means that there will be
> busier weeks than others. I would like to give you an immediate trial,
> so if you are interested kindly get back to me. As I have been
> checking my files and schedules and would need someone urgently to run
> some errands for me this week/next week, while I am away. I will have
> some funds sent to you to complete the errands and would get back to
> you with more information on that, get back to me with your
> Personal/Contact Details such as:
> SEX:
> Nationality: ___________________________
> Current Job: ____________________________
> Are you eligible to work in the United States? Yes ____ No_____
> If you are underage 18, do you have an employment/age certificate? Yes
> ___ No ___
> How often do you check your email: ______________
> Days/Hours Available: Hours Available: from _______ to ______
> What date are you available to start work? ________________
> If you're interested you can e-mail me back for more information about the job.
> Thanks in anticipation of your prompt response.
> Yours sincerely,
> James Scott
Last edited by Bryon Williams on Wed Nov 13, 2013 6:28 pm, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Added quotation.
#180949 by Jillian Wed Nov 13, 2013 4:39 pm
Welcome and thank you for posting this information.

The key to the scam is this piece:

> *Handling and monitoring some of my financial activities.
> *Processing weekly check payment.

No legitimate job has employees processing payments this way. This phrasing is the hallmark of a check mule scam.

Have you sent a payment to a scammer with Western Union and now realize it's a scam? If the payment has not been picked up, you can cancel it immediately! 1-800-448-1492

Follow ScamWarners on Twitter:
#181251 by cdru Sat Nov 16, 2013 10:53 pm
Peter Lambert is a busy guy. Wife got a reply back to a craigslist job posting for a part time book keeper job.
From Paul Lambert < [email protected] >


I am replying back to your message concerning the job posted on Craigslist in which you're interested in,your application was received, unfortunately the position already been filled, but there's another position to be filled, if you will be interested.
I have gone through your email and am quite impressed, i think you are the right person for this job. I have had a previous Personal assistant who has been very commendable in her activities and who has been part of my life for the past 6 months, she has since moved on with her personal life and it has affected me in a way. I found her previously on the Craigslist website and I sincerely hope I will be able to find someone again who will be as efficient as she has been. I need your service because I am constantly out of town. I will return back to the state real soon so this process will be on going till then. If you don't mind, I will meet up with you when I return and then we can talk about the possibility of making this long term.

You will be a Personal Assistant,you will walk in to any warehouse which we will be disclosed to you soon and you would be expected to inspect,test, sample, and sorting of products or goods being Purchased. The Purchased products can include a large range of items, including food, Art-Materials, machinery, equipment or pharmaceuticals. Depending the type of manufacturing environment, When you get my mails / packages; you are required to mail them to where ever i want them mailed to. You don't have to put money out of your pocket, all you have to do is have packages shipped to your house and do my shopping. You are allowed to open the packages to reveal its content. All expenses and taxes will be paid by me including your weekly salaries.
No heavy packages is involved! You can do the shopping at any nearest stores. You will be shopping for Art Materials and clothing sorting out my delivers and packages. I will provide you my personal UPS account number for Shipping. All you have to do is provide my account number to UPS and shipping charges will be applied into the account. I will provide clear set of instructions for each task I need done as well the funds to cover them.You will be working 3 days in a week and you're to choose any 3 days of the week from Monday to Saturday that will be preferable to you and you will be working 4 hrs in these 3 days and that will be from 9 am-1 pm and we will be offering you $400.00 per week.

Type: Part-Time
Hours: 15 Hours per week
Days: 3 days per week
Weekly Pay: $400.00

• AD & D Insurance
• 401(k)

If you're interested please provide contact details. full name, physical address and cell phone number to get started.

I will be looking forward hearing from you and then proceed on the next step forward.


Paul Lambert
(619) 940-7839
#181445 by cv12345 Mon Nov 18, 2013 5:14 pm
This is an email that i got for a receptionist position. the email was : [email protected]


I am replying back to your message concerning the job posted on Craigslist in which you're interested in,your application was received, unfortunately the position already been filled, but there's another position to be filled, if you will be interested.
I have gone through your email and am quite impressed, i think you are the right person for this job. I have had a previous Personal assistant who has been very commendable in her activities and who has been part of my life for the past 6 months, she has since moved on with her personal life and it has affected me in a way. I found her previously on the Craigslist website and I sincerely hope I will be able to find someone again who will be as efficient as she has been. I need your service because I am constantly out of town. I will return back to the state real soon so this process will be on going till then. If you don't mind, I will meet up with you when I return and then we can talk about the possibility of making this long term.

You will be a Personal Assistant,you will walk in to any warehouse which we will be disclosed to you soon and you would be expected to inspect,test, sample, and sorting of products or goods being Purchased. The Purchased products can include a large range of items, including food, Art-Materials, machinery, equipment or pharmaceuticals. Depending the type of manufacturing environment, When you get my mails / packages; you are required to mail them to where ever i want them mailed to. You don't have to put money out of your pocket, all you have to do is have packages shipped to your house and do my shopping. You are allowed to open the packages to reveal its content. All expenses and taxes will be paid by me including your weekly salaries.
No heavy packages is involved! You can do the shopping at any nearest stores. You will be shopping for Art Materials and clothing sorting out my delivers and packages. I will provide you my personal UPS account number for Shipping. All you have to do is provide my account number to UPS and shipping charges will be applied into the account. I will provide clear set of instructions for each task I need done as well the funds to cover them.You will be working 3 days in a week and you're to choose any 3 days of the week from Monday to Saturday that will be preferable to you and you will be working 4 hrs in these 3 days and that will be from 9 am-1 pm and we will be offering you $400.00 per week.

Type: Part-Time
Hours: 15 Hours per week
Days: 3 days per week
Weekly Pay: $400.00

• AD & D Insurance
• 401(k)

If you're interested please provide contact details. full name, physical address and cell phone number to get started.

I will be looking forward hearing from you and then proceed on the next step forward.


Paul Lambert

(619) 940-7839
#181447 by Jillian Mon Nov 18, 2013 5:18 pm
Welcome cv12345! Thank you for adding your information here. Please let us know if you have questions about this scam.

Have you sent a payment to a scammer with Western Union and now realize it's a scam? If the payment has not been picked up, you can cancel it immediately! 1-800-448-1492

Follow ScamWarners on Twitter:
#181448 by nane89 Mon Nov 18, 2013 5:23 pm
I received an email from the same "Paul Lambert" but this time in response to a Front Desk/Sales Associate position. I receive emails like these a lot especially from Craigslist, normally I just delete them because I can spot the b.s. right away. (Like seriously, you're asking for my name, phone number, and address even after I've attached my resume) :laugh-s: DON'T be fooled people. If the company name is not listed and there is no personal contact information in the post a lot of times its a scam.

Here's what I received:

Paul Lambert
<[email protected]>


I am replying back to your message concerning the job posted on Craigslist in which you're interested in,your application was received, unfortunately the position already been filled, but there's another position to be filled, if you will be interested.
I have gone through your email and am quite impressed, i think you are the right person for this job. I have had a previous Personal assistant who has been very commendable in her activities and who has been part of my life for the past 6 months, she has since moved on with her personal life and it has affected me in a way. I found her previously on the Craigslist website and I sincerely hope I will be able to find someone again who will be as efficient as she has been. I need your service because I am constantly out of town. I will return back to the state real soon so this process will be on going till then. If you don't mind, I will meet up with you when I return and then we can talk about the possibility of making this long term.

You will be a Personal Assistant,you will walk in to any warehouse which we will be disclosed to you soon and you would be expected to inspect,test, sample, and sorting of products or goods being Purchased. The Purchased products can include a large range of items, including food, Art-Materials, machinery, equipment or pharmaceuticals. Depending the type of manufacturing environment, When you get my mails / packages; you are required to mail them to where ever i want them mailed to. You don't have to put money out of your pocket, all you have to do is have packages shipped to your house and do my shopping. You are allowed to open the packages to reveal its content. All expenses and taxes will be paid by me including your weekly salaries.
No heavy packages is involved! You can do the shopping at any nearest stores. You will be shopping for Art Materials and clothing sorting out my delivers and packages. I will provide you my personal UPS account number for Shipping. All you have to do is provide my account number to UPS and shipping charges will be applied into the account. I will provide clear set of instructions for each task I need done as well the funds to cover them.You will be working 3 days in a week and you're to choose any 3 days of the week from Monday to Saturday that will be preferable to you and you will be working 4 hrs in these 3 days and that will be from 9 am-1 pm and we will be offering you $400.00 per week.

Type: Part-Time
Hours: 15 Hours per week
Days: 3 days per week
Weekly Pay: $400.00

• AD & D Insurance
• 401(k)

If you're interested please provide contact details. full name, physical address and cell phone number to get started.

I will be looking forward hearing from you and then proceed on the next step forward.


Paul Lambert

(619) 940-7839

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