HAVE QUESTIONS? - ASK FOR HELP HERE - Have you received an email you aren't sure about? Are you currently corresponding with someone you suspect is a scammer? Do you have questions about a scam? Post here for answers and advice.
#27001 by Jillian Tue Apr 20, 2010 1:14 pm
We are happy to have you register an account and participate on our forum. :D

For ease of registering and using an account here, please note the following information:

  • Please use an anonymous username here. Please do not choose a username that contains your real name or a username that you have used on other sites or forums. It is safer to post information on scammers here if they can not identify you.
  • Please notice the "date of birth" question when registering for the forum and take care to answer it accurately. Per United States COPPA regulations, there are choices for participants over the age of 13 years and under the age of 13 years.
  • Our system sometimes doesn't appear to agree well with some email addresses with a .de suffix. If you are trying to register with an email address with a .de suffix and encountering difficulties please either try registering with an alternate email address or contact me at [email protected] for assistance.

If you have any issues registering your account or with the functioning of the forum, please contact me or any of the moderators by the email address in our signature lines.

If you are already registered but would like a username change, please contact me or any of the moderators via the private messaging system, noting what you would like your new username to be.

Thank you and welcome to ScamWarners. :D

Have you sent a payment to a scammer with Western Union and now realize it's a scam? If the payment has not been picked up, you can cancel it immediately! 1-800-448-1492

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