#200838 by Angela Goree
Fri May 09, 2014 3:34 pm
i been scammed on the dating site militarydatingme.com by someone claiming to be in the army in afghanistan. he told me that he had a business on the side supplying gasoline and that he needed help because they had seized his boat! then he asked me for money to send to his mother for mothers day. of course i did not send anything. I got on yahoo because he asked if i would and i got on viber also. i feel so stupid,never been on a dating site and i got dupped! anyway, he had the nerve to call me on viber and has a thick accent. this guy is suppossed to be Spanish and he sounds Jamaican or African. said he spent so much time growing up in Jamaica. Thats when i knew it was wrong. he has about 5 fb accounts and on one it was all in Spanish conversations with latino people and then all the other ones dont have anything hardly at all. he even had put an invite on my linkedin account. I dont know if there really is a Frankie Berdecia or not i think so but i am not sure. i hope that i didnt mess up something! i am so confused. I just dont want someone else to get hurt. i need some answers. i also was going to sign up for Singleparentlove.com and there was a picture of him on there too! under the name of Smith, 38 california. and i also have photos that he sent me too! help