Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
#201732 by deemah Fri May 16, 2014 4:42 pm
i have been receiving a few e-mails this past week similar to below how do I know they are legit companies ?

Dear Sirs,

We are interested in your Detergents and we will like you to know that we want to establish a strong business relationship with your company that will bring about the continuous shipment of your products to us on a regular supplying basis for the mutual benefit of the both companies as you will have to know that our sub region has the largest markets demand here in Africa and that means if your product gain it way in our markets it will yield a good annual turnover for your company as our company cover 15 countries making the west Africa markets.

So give us the pricelist of your Detergents for us to study with our clients and get back to you for the starting of this business relationship with your company.

Thanks and waiting to read your prompt/favourable reply.

Mrs Naomi Biya, [email protected]
BP 63121,LOME
TEL/FAX: +22898329522
Skype: naomibiya
Thanks for today and We have viewed your advert in internet and we are interested in co-operation with your company. ,we are so much interested on your products,you can also send us your dealing products.Send us the bottom
prices of this your items PRODUCTS.

contact us with your quotations and the best prices of your products base on C/F INTERNATIONAL DOUALA SEA PORT CAMEROON.send us any of your dealing items to enable us to study with our customers and place our order with you asap for urgent shipment.

Remain Bless.

Mrs Comfort /Director
Mr Jones
PHOE: 00237 99528769
EMAIL:[email protected]

Thanks for your contact today and we are interested in co-operation with your company.

We are commercial facilitators, Trade Agents, Oversea Representatives, Marketing Consultants, Importers and distributors for varied range of products.

We can assist you to create market for your products in Europe Countries and Africa Countries.Either we work commission basis for each product sold through us or we introduce you to the buyers and mark up the price to Accommodate our interest With the Hope That We Can Establish a long term business relationship with your company.

However we have many buyesr for your PRODUCTS from France/Spain/Lome-Togo/Cameroun and so many European Countries And African Countries, kindly let us know if this is what your company can handle So THAT we can open to communication with you and our end Buyers And Also our contract terms.

We are only asking for 2% as our commission for this deal sing source We kindly ask you to contact us at our business email below with more information and price lists for your offers.

Please reply to email or telephone as follows: +3460329

Best Regards
Mr Antonio Rodriguez
Antonio Rodriguez SAL MADRID
Add: C / María de Molina, 11
28006 Madrid. Spain
Tel / Fax. +34603 293939
[email protected]

Call me for any question +34611201790

Your contact via Tradeboss internet network offering Household and commercial detergent has been well received.

In respect to that we are sending this mail to declare our interest to open up and enter into profitable business relationship with your company.

And to proceed,kindly furnish us with all products range,specifications and other vital informations that will enable us move forward to get established.

Hope you will co-operate with us accordingly.Thanking you in advance for your kind attention.

Best Regards,

Mr. Ogba Omokorie.


#201733 by HillBilly Fri May 16, 2014 5:01 pm
I'd say yes, yes, and yes. These are all 3 scam offers.

Here are some educational material to help you learn how to spot them for yourself :



#201742 by vonpaso xlura Fri May 16, 2014 7:05 pm
There are three kinds of product lads:
1. They order huge amounts of product and say they'll pay with a bank transfer, but require a registration fee before they send the money.
2. They order medium amounts of product and pay with stolen credit cards, then tell you to ship the product via a shipping company you never heard of, which is run by the scammer.
3. They send you to a phishing site to find out what they'll order.
In both cases 1 and 2 (I never got that far with 3) they don't know anything about what they order and will happily order nonexistent items if they think they'll scam money from doing so.

The writing in those emails is African, but that is expected as they claim to be in Africa.

... ni los estafadores heredarán el reino de Dios. 1 Cor. 6:10

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