Dear xxx
The PayPal authority is using this opportunity to inform you that the amount of $700.00 AUD has been included to the $1,900.00 AUD that will be credited into your bank account. The total amount of $2,600.00 AUD is now in our database waiting to be credited into your bank account. This is to inform you that we received an email from the shipping agent that the previous shipping fee will not be enough to cover the insurance to pick up the Jarrah Table & 5 chairs, the buyer has now made an additional payment of $700.00 AUD. Get back to us with the transfer details as soon as you send the $700.00 AUD so that we can credit your bank account immediately. In order for you to receive the $2,600.00 AUD you have to comply by the rules and regulations that govern PayPal authority by sending the $700.00 AUD via Western Union Money Transfer and send us the required information so that we can credit your account.
Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you will not receive a response. For assistance, you can get us emailed to our customer care:
[email protected] Your bank account will be credited accordingly upon the receipt of details requested. It should either be sent in JPG format or send type details as:
Sender's Name; Receiver's Name; MTCN; Amount Sent;
You may Click Here or reply to this message directly using the reply button in your email to submit the required information or to contact the PayPal customer verification department and include either transaction ID or reference number (PP307) quick recognition of this transaction at:
[email protected]________________________________________
PayPal Team.