Advance fee loan scams and fraudulent loan sites.
#217333 by leonid45 Mon Sep 01, 2014 11:48 pm
Hello, im a new to this site, im pretty sure the number of members are increasing. The scamming business seems to running rapid these days. Alot of people are getti g the bad end of it too because just like me i am very desperate,

I know one would say dont he just get job, well unfortunately i am not able to work, By getting a loan in which i sae desperately need and have been been worjingbtowRds for the past 4 month i can pay by obligation and proceed with my therapy, so i can get back working.

So now you must be thinking, then how does he expect to get a loan with income?,the answer is i dont know, and i doubt anyone will help a person who is on disability with low income. Simpmy the incone that im getting is bello average range for any thing such as a loan to get approved, and my bad credit in which i was sabotaged so i have no options.

Know im stuck between paying the rent for apartment and risk losing my rent to someone i think is scamming me, does this seem like a scam?and if so where can i go to get an actual loan?

Thank you for your time,God bless.

Here below:

[email protected]

Stand Bank of South Africa
Easy loan and finanical consultant

Bruse williams
Mrs ntombi yolanda
Mrs babamtha jamba

Emmanuel Ose
South Africa
Central business dictrict of south africa
Finance department texas united service center

#217335 by vonpaso xlura Tue Sep 02, 2014 12:39 am
It's a scam. No business big enough to make loans in both South Africa and Texas would use AOL for business email!

... ni los estafadores heredarán el reino de Dios. 1 Cor. 6:10
#217341 by AlanJones Tue Sep 02, 2014 1:20 am
VX is right, no legitimate lender would be using a free AOL email address.

Additionally, it is illegal in most countries (the US being one of them) for lenders to charge a fee to set up/transfer (or whatever excuse the scammer gives for it) a loan, so anyone who asks you to pay money to get a loan is a scammer.

I'm afraid that the realistic situation is that no legitimate lender is going to lend money to someone in your position. So, you are going to end up with the only people agreeing being illegal loan sharks or scammers.

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
#217651 by tazmanian Thu Sep 04, 2014 8:16 am
I'm sorry to hear of your situation. Sadly, even thinking about going for this "loan" would not only fail to help, it will make things worse. It's a complete scam and will charge you endless "fees" for loan money that will never arrive.

Surely there are local groups/advice centres/charities that can help?

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