#174974 by Faizan Docherty
Mon Aug 26, 2013 10:27 am
ipTRACKERonline.com wrote:Header Analysis Quick Report<br>Originating IP:<br>Originating ISP: Comcast Business Communications<br> City: Seattle<br>Country of Origin: United States<br>
* For a complete report on this email header goto ipTRACKERonline
From USA INVITATION Sun Aug 25 09:57:09 2013
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You are invited to an international global combined conference against
Child abuse/Racism and human trafficking.The conference is been
organized by the human rights and social welfare organization, the
(H.R.W.O) also known as human rights world organization in
collaboration with the United Nations UN & the American electric power
These events will take place from 7th- 11th of October 2013 in the
(Chauncey Conference Center. New Jersery, United States of America)
and the second phase will take place from 14th - 18th October 2013 in
the (Dubai Banquet Hall. Dubai, United Arab Emirates.).
My name is Michael Thomas, a staff of {H.R.W.O} chosen to invite
participants from different countries.
So therefore, If you are interested in participating and you want to
represent your country to be in UNITED STATES OF AMERICA & UNITED ARAB
EMIRATES for this events, Kindly write me an email to my private email
address below so that i can direct & forward your interest to the
Organizing comittee and they will contact you directly for details and
information. The HRWO organizing committee and donor sponsor's will
take full responsibility of all registered participants VISA
arrangements for the United states and that includes your round trip
AIR TICKETS to both events.
Write me directly on this my private Email in the bracket for your
Interest :{ [email protected] }
Michael Thomas.
Please DO NOT tell a scammer that he has been posted here!
If you wish you can email me at
faizandocherty @ scamwarners [dot] com
How do I find email headers???
How to analyze an email header.
If you wish you can email me at
faizandocherty @ scamwarners [dot] com
How do I find email headers???
How to analyze an email header.