Scam invitations to non-existent conferences
#183723 by Brooks Sun Dec 08, 2013 5:07 pm
The Global Conference on Energy Technologies and Environmental Sciences (GCETES 2014).

This Conference Scam is the (NON-EXISTENT) Global Conference on Energy Technologies and Environmental Sciences (GCETES 2014) being presented by the NON-EXISTENT Experts Group on Energy Technologies and Environmental Sciences at the (NON-EXISTENT) Destiny Palace Hotel.

This scam promises free conference fees and reimbursed airline ticket fees in exchange for paying for a hotel room at a hotel THAT DOES NOT EXIST. Victims pay money and NEVER RECEIVE THE CONFERENCE FEES OR ARLINE TICKET REIMBURSEMENT!!!

This fake conference is "scheduled" to be held 3-7 February, 2014 at the NON-EXISTENT Destiny Palace Hotel 165A Borough High Steet London SE1 1HR, United Kingdom. Final Paper Submissions are "due": 8th January, 2014

This scam's fake website ( ) and the fake hotel's website ( ) are in the process of being suspended.

The fake conference claims the following contact information:

Dr.Philip James
Conference Chair
49a,High Street, Anerley, London, SE20 7HW, United Kingdom
Email: [email protected]

Dr.Barry Marshall

The fake hotel claims the following contact information:

Destiny Palace Hotel,
165A Borough High Steet London SE1 1HR, United Kingdom.

and also:

250 Old Kent Rd London SE1 5UB, United Kingdom
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +447035954531,
Fax: +448435241467

The phone numbers (+44 70...) are redirect numbers which make it appear the person is in the UK, but actually, they can receive the call any place in the world. See this topic for further information:

This FAKE CONFERENCE offers "Free"conference registration fees for attendees of the conference. The scammers require advance hotel payment (for a non-existent hotel) in exchange for the "free" conference fees.

The SCAM claims:

"Registration is free of charge for delegates from developing countries. Also free flight tickets, travel insurance, visa fees and per diem will be provided for all paper presenters and participating delegates."

"We shall fund the all round air ticket for all our qualified delegates-from your country to London and back, visa cost, per diem and travel insurance via the access grant, this support is for delegates from developing countries who are unable to fund their travel costs. Send in your motivation letter for access grant to [email protected]"

In this scam, the "conference organizers" will state that only participants with a hotel reservation receipt from Destiny Palace Hotel will be issued invitation letters to the conference. The victim pays the hotel fee, never receives airline tickets, and loses his/her money!

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