I received this one and we went back a forth on a few emails regarding pricing. As soon as I sent him the paperwork necessary for the transaction to be done (which includes a credit card authorization form), he called and asked if he "could pick up the material today because he had a truck in the area" and that he would get the paperwork back from corporate to me as soon as possible. After I told him no material leaves our warehouse until it is paid for he never contacted me again.
I thought it was strange that he supposedly lived in WI and was ordering from a company in Arizona. And when I googled the address he lists it comes up as an insurance broker.
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Good day...i need 300 pieces of angle bar with the with the size 1-3/4” x 1-3/4” x 1/8 x 12’ lengths,I want you to get back to me with the price including taxes and I want to know if you accept Credit cards as your payment.Hope to hear from you soon.
Thanks for your Cooperation.
Mr Cohen Gray
Gray Co.LTD
5320 Green Bay Road