Craigslist, Ebay and other online buying/selling scams.
#442519 by BraumHan Mon Jan 15, 2024 5:53 pm
Here is a very known fake transport company that has operated under many names:
Saw a thread mentioning ASE LOGISTIK AB, which was fake transport company as well, but the thread suggest that AIS TRANSPORT AB , is the real one, which is WRONG, both are FAKE.

Here is the thread: viewtopic.php?f=2&p=440027

Here is their email: AIS Transport AB <[email protected]> Attachments Wed, Jun 10, 2024, 8:18 PM to me Dear XXX, This e-mail is to inform you that the seller Jonas Sjöstedt (Sweden) has chosen our escrow delivery service to carry out a secure transaction with you. With the escrow service of our transaction company you pay easily, quickly and securely. Please find attached the escrow agreement for your transaction #10624034. Please note that your transaction details are as follows: Purchase price: EUR 28.450,00 Inspection period: 14 days Payment method: SEPA/EXPRESS bank transfer Shipment number (Track & Trace ID): After receipt of payment you will also receive your delivery/shipment number. The next step is the transfer of EUR 28.450,00 into our trust bank account. Our bank details are listed in the trust agreement in the appendix. Please indicate your transaction number AND your name as the reason for payment. We also need the following information from you: [Send us an e-mail confirmation with the transfer details and a copy of the transfer receipt (scanned receipt). [If you use online banking, you can also send a screenshot of the receipt by e-mail. NOTE: Payment must be made within max. 24 hours. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Payment Total Value: EUR 28.450,00

#442520 by Terminator5 Tue Jan 16, 2024 12:03 am
Thanks for posting this suspicious website.

Please be sure to remove any personally identifiable information in the quoted email.


Daniel 8 :25
#442566 by Terminator5 Fri Jan 19, 2024 3:07 am
Thank you . From your initial post I have identified approximately a dozen potential fake websites . Under Investigation .

Thank you for posting to scamwarners . Your post will help warn other potential victims of these fake Automobile SALES , ESCROW SCAMS .

Daniel 8 :25
#442681 by Terminator5 Sat Jan 27, 2024 3:07 am
Well apparently you are just as qualified to post fake sites as me . Maybe more so . Just do do some due diligence on each one . Its not Rocket Science . :?

Daniel 8 :25

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