Craigslist, Ebay and other online buying/selling scams.
#95160 by stonedboat Mon Apr 09, 2012 8:41 pm
Hi, dealer Javier Cruz of Inka Herbal is a thief, he received $ 210, 00 and did not provide product or answer e-mails. The e-mail of the thief is
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

and sells products on behalf of
Iordachescu Bogdan
Bogdan Iordachescu
Javier Reategui
Javier Enrique
Peruvian plants
Herbal Food
MCH NATURAL products
John Narvarte Fischmann
Marcelo Chuquiyauri,
Food Labh S.A
Herbal Food Laboratory SA

Information of the thief: MARCELO CHUQUIYAURI NATIVIDAD ID: 42075699 Any information contact my e-mail Thank you and that NEVER send money to this thief
Last edited by stonedboat on Wed Apr 11, 2012 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

#95405 by stonedboat Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:34 am
Hola, el vendedor Javier Cruz es un ladron, recebeu lo dinero u$ 210, 00 y non entregou lo producto y non responde los e-mails. Lo e-mail del ladron es
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

y vende productos en nombre de
Iordachescu Bogdan
Bogdan Iordachescu
Javier Reategui
Javier Enrique
plantas peruanas
corporacio?n agroindust?rial ucayali
Herbal Food SA
Juan Narvarte Fischmann
Marcelo Chuquiyauri,
Labh Food S.A
Laboratorio Herbal Food SA

Informaciones del ladron:

qualquier informacion entra en contacto con mi e-mail Gracias e que ninguen envie dinero a este ladron
#96310 by William Sun Apr 15, 2012 5:21 pm
Hello my name is William de BritoAdami would like to clarify :

In 2010 I decided to buy products of Marcelo Chuquiyauri.
There was a delay in delivery and lack of communication led to a problem between me and Marcelo but was fully resolved.
I paid U.S. $ 210.00 and all products purchased were delivered, with the result that he fulfilled the agreement, and was honest!
What was published by StonedBoat is false and I ask that you remove the comments which contain my name or my purchase of U.S. $ 210.00, because they use without my permission.

Also like to clarify that at no time I had contact with the following persons or companies:

Bogdan Iordachescu
Bogdan Iordachescu
Javier Reátegui
Javier Enrique
plantas peruanas
Corporación agroindustrial Ucayali
Herbal FOOD SA
Hierbas DEL PERÚ SA.
Juan Narvarte Fischmann
Labh Food S.A.
Laboratorio Herbal Food SA
Edwin Cruz JAVIER Carhua
Marcelino Maiz Jara

All the accusations are false, never mentioned their names, I do not know them.
My negotiation was only with Marcelo Chuquiyauri, and I repeat, MarceloChuquiyaury is honest.

Again I ask you to put out this publication is harming innocent people who have nothing to do with it.

thank you

William de Brito Adami

Hola mi nombre es William de Brito Adami gustaría aclarar lo que ha sucedido.

En 2010 me ??decidí a comprar los productos de Marcelo Chuquiyauri.
Hubo un retraso en la entrega y la falta de comunicación dio lugar a un problema entre yo y Marcelo, pero fue resuelto por completo.
Yo pagué US$ 210,00 y todos los productos adquiridos fueron entregados, con el resultado que él cumplió con el acuerdo, y era honesto!

Lo que fue publicado por StonedBoat es falso y le pido que quite los comentarios que contengan mi nombre o mi compra de los US$ 210,00 dólares, debido a que utilizan sin mi permiso.

También quiero aclarar que en ningún momento tuve contacto con las siguientes personas o empresas:

Bogdan Iordachescu
Bogdan Iordachescu
Javier Reátegui
Javier Enrique
plantas peruanas
Corporación agroindustrial Ucayali
Herbal FOOD SA
Hierbas DEL PERÚ SA.
Juan Narvarte Fischmann
Labh Food S.A.
Laboratorio Herbal Food SA
Edwin Cruz JAVIER Carhua
Marcelino Maiz Jara

Todas las acusaciones son falsas, nunca mencionó sus nombres, yo no los conozco.
Mi negociación fue sólo con Marcelo Chuquiyauri, nadie más, y repito, Marcelo Chuquiyaury es honesto.

Una vez más les pido que para apagar esta publicación está perjudicando a personas inocentes que no tienen nada que ver con eso.

muchas gracias

William de Brito Adami
#96321 by Javiercruz Sun Apr 15, 2012 6:53 pm
Laboratorio Herbal Food SA, debidamente representado por el Sr. Edwin Javier Cruz Carhua, pone en conocimiento y responde a la falsa acusación de estafa publicado en varias páginas de internet, por personas inescrupulosas usando el seudónimo de (stonedboat ) , dichos textos se refieren en perjuicio a nuestra empresa Laboratorio Herbal Food S.A, marca Inka Herbal y Herbal Food, mi persona Edwin Javier Cruz Carhua, y a mis correos [email protected], y [email protected], Asi mismo al Sr. Bodgan Representante de ventas Bucarest - Romania, [email protected]: Nosotros rechazamos categóricamente los dichos acusaciones y exigimos la persona quien publico estos comentarios que se identifique y que investigue bien antes de involucrar a terceros inocentes causando manchas en nuestro imagen profesional y empresarial, así mismo pedimos que rectifique publicaciones y realice la aclaraciones correspondiente, nosotros vamos acciones legales en contra de estas personas inescrupulosas.
Nosotros nos tenemos ningún vinculo con estas personas, empresas y correos [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , Javier Reategui, Javier Enrique, Peruvian plants, entheogensherbs, MCH NATURAL products, HERBS OF PERU SA HIERBAS DEL PERU, GREEN LEAVE PERU SA, John Narvarte Fischmann, Marcelo Chuquiyauri,

Javier Cruz
Laboratorio Herbal Food S.A
[email protected]
[email protected]

Herbal Food Laboratory SA, duly represented by Mr. Edwin Javier Cruz Carhua, informs and responds to the false accusation of fraud published in several websites, by unscrupulous people using the pen name (stonedboat), these texts refer to damage to our company Herbal Food Laboratory SA, Brand Herbal and Herbal Food Inka, myself Carhua Edwin Javier Cruz, and my post [email protected] and [email protected], Mr. Bogdan Likewise sales Representative Bucharest - Romania, [email protected]: We categorically reject the said charges and demand the person who posted these comments to identify and investigate well before involving innocent third parties causing stains on our professional image and business, and ask that same publications rectify and make the appropriate clarification, we will take legal action against these unscrupulous people.
We have no link with these people, enterprises and e [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Javier Reategui, Javier Enrique, Peruvian plants, entheogensherbs, MCH NATURAL products, HERBS OF PERU SA HERBS OF PERU PERU SA LEAVE GREEN, John Narvarte Fischmann, Marcelo Chuquiyauri,

Javier Cruz
Herbal Food Laboratory S.A
[email protected]
[email protected]
#219821 by docastro Sun Sep 21, 2014 12:00 am
We did business with this company or probably some post Inka Herbal(for 2 years)... I believe Inka Herbal is now , but they are only one web sites tied to them with the same or simlar MO

Find more up to date info on Juans MOs and his sister companies to avoid. Im throwing together to gather info and spread the word on this bunch of thieves. Check out before betting ripped off trying to buy Shaman material from Peru!!

Go to if Juan scammed you, or f another vendor in Peru scammed you. We know then all so we can tell you if ts part of the peru scam crue, and you might help save someone else a paycheck by providing any current info you have.

How do you like me now Juan!?!? , YOU pitcha PUNTA!!

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