Craigslist, Ebay and other online buying/selling scams.
#204279 by ryan5555 Wed Jun 04, 2014 2:18 am
I plan to sell shoes on Yahoo auction. He contacted me and said that we can only talk via email since he was working on oil rig. After confirming the shipping cost, he told me to ship the shoes to his son's address which was
139 Mary Street North, Apt 509
City: Oshawa.
State: Ontario.
Zipcode: L1G 7X1
Country: Canada.
Then he said he had paid the money to the Royal Bank of Scotland, the bank held the payment and it would be transferred to my account after I upload the shipment receipt to the bank.

Sounds safe right? But the confirmation email sent from the RBS is very suspicious. Fistly, the font is rather unlike any formal email. Secondly, there is a icon of FBI at the end of the mail.

So I google RBS at once to make sure they provide such a service. But I can't find anything relevant. Then I google the email address ([email protected]) of the confirmation email. I find a similar case on

I am not 100% sure he is a scam but I think it's too risky to ship my product.

One more point to mention. My auction post is on Hong Kong Yahoo. The similar case I found was also happened in Hong Kong (the victim). I am not sure if he can read chinese because I have stated not willing to ship the product on the page.

#219366 by Mabel Tse Wed Sep 17, 2014 2:35 am
Same here. My brother received the following emails from a buyer and so called RBS. We were wondering why bank takes the role to verify clients delivery information!


I got the copy of the approved payment receipt notification e-mail from the bank and its sent to you also , kindly check your yahoo e-mail address SPAM folder or BULK folder perhaps its might deliver there and i also forwarded it to you, proceed with the shipping right now and ship the item through Hong Kong post office ems express service and e-mail bank transfer department ( [email protected] ) the scan receipt of the shipment to verify the shipment and immediately hkd3,300 will be deposited into your bank account.

Here is my son shipping address;

Name: Brian Markland
Address: 201 White Oaks Court, Apt 301,
City: Whitby.
State: Ontario.
Zipcode: L1P-1A2
Country: Canada.
Phone number: 1-402-641-8822




The Wire Transfer Order from Royal Bank Of Scotland Online Banking has been Approved.


We have received a TRANSFER ORDER placed by our Customer ( Mrs.Susan Ladhams ) have the sum of ( HKD3,300.00 ) transferred to you ( Chung Pak Kin ) as a payment for ( Shoes ) and it has been successfully processed and has consequently been APPROVED .The financial details of the transaction are stated below:

Transfer Receipt Confirmation
Thank you for using Online Banking System (Wire Transfer) As a Payments . We look forward to serving your online with better services in the future.

Order Status: APPROVED
Transfer Payments Order Available AVAILABLE FOR RECEIVER
Date Placed 15/09/2014
Transfer Order Number SW1100125412KMS
Billing Information:
Payment Method Master Card/Cash
Card Number 5***********1502
Exp.. Date 12/2015
Name on Card Mrs.Susan Ladhams
Street Address 3645 Midway Drive
City, State, Zip San Diego, CA, 92106
Country United State
Services Purchased: Direct Transfer /Cash
Item Amount HKD3,300.00
Transfer charges HKD330.00
Total Amount transferred to seller HKD3,300.00
Item Unit 1unit
Shipping Services
Auction Site Yahoo Inc

Seller's Information:
Use our online Transfer to pay for online purchases, the companies / individuals you buy from all over the world. This is an important security feature and certainly is better than having your credit card number transmitted all over the Internet. Our Service is secure, and we screen our merchant accounts very closely in order to protect the sellers and the buyer
Name Xxx

Email Address of the seller xxx
Address of the seller Hong Kong


Name of bank: Xxx Bank Limited
Name of account holder: Xxx
Account number: xxx
Swift code: Xxx
Branch: xxx
Your mobile number: xxx

Please check the above information if they are correct as entered by our numerous customer .If you are having any problem with it just contact the transfer department at: [email protected]

The transferred Amount will take up to (24 Hours) before your account can be credited,These is due to bank to bank transfer system.Also note that your account will not be credited until you contact us with the ITEM DESCRIPTION THE TRANSFER IS MADE FOR to be sure that you are the Right owner of the Money and that it is not any form of money laundering,With this we will verify with the item description our Customer made us to believe the transfer is been made for.

This is to guide against Crediting an account for Wrong Payment and Cautiousness.

The transferred Amount will not be credited into your Bank account if we cannot verify that the Item has been shipped to the buyer from the Courier Service Used and confirming that the item on transit is what you have made us believe the transfer is meant for. The Scan shipment document (Receipt ) gave to you by the Shipment/Freight Company or Tracking Number must be sent to us In order to Protect Our Customer and Yourself from fraud.

This will be filed for documentation purposes and unforeseen future references that might arise.

If there is an error in the payment details above, Please we advise that you correct it and contact our Customer/Technical Dept at ( [email protected] ) , You can send the SCAN RECEIPT or TRACKING NUMBER stating the TRANSFER NUMBER: SW1100125412KMS as the Subject for easy clarifications.

Note:Your account will be credited immediately upon confirmation of the details required by us moreover our customer cannot abort the transfer after you might have sent the tracking number to us.

Thank you for using Royal Bank Of Scotland.


Dear Valued Customer: Xxx,We have waited for so many hours for the shipment scan receipt for verification so that we can proceed immediately to remit your money ( HKD3,300 ) into your bank details account as stated below:*** RECEIVER'S INFORMATION ***Name of bank: Xxx Name of account holder: Xxx Account number: xxx Swift code: xxx: Your mobile number: xxx You are delaying us in transferring all your money into your account because if we have gotten the shipment scan receipt from you today , all your money would have been transferred and the transaction will be fully successful.Within 6hrs from now , we should receive the shipment scan receipt so that we proceed with the transfer of your money into your account immediately, the buyer cannot have her money back because its has been deducted from her account and that is why you need to e-mail us the
scan receipt before we remit your money into your account.We are waiting to hear from you as soon as possible.Royal Bank Of Scotland.Tom Davis.
#252022 by Estrumpfina Thu May 21, 2015 7:30 am
Same scam.
I was selling an item on a Portuguese site and the buyer offer a very hight amount and wanted the shipment scan receipt so the money would have been transferred.

I was told the payment was deducted from the bank account of the buyer - ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND ([email protected]) and only when they receive shipment scan receipt to verify , they can deposit the money into my bank account.

The adress to ship was in Canada:
139 Mary Street North, Apt 509
City: Oshawa.
State: Ontario.
Zipcode: L1G 7X1
Country: Canada

Transfer Receipt Confirmation
Thank you for using Online Banking System (Wire Transfer) As a Payments . We look forward to serving your online with better services in the future.

Order Status: APPROVED
Transfer Payments Order Available AVAILABLE FOR RECEIVER
Payment Method Master Card/Cash
Card Number 5***********1502
Exp.. Date 12/2015
Name on Card *******************
Street Address 3645 Midway Drive
City, State, Zip San Diego, CA, 92106
Country United State

Then I've received emails from the ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND making pressure:
"We have waited for so many hours for the shipment scan receipt for verification so that we can proceed immediately to remit your money into your bank details account. Within 6hrs from now , we should receive the shipment scan receipt so that we proceed with the transfer of your money into your account immediately, the buyer cannot have her money back because its has been deducted from her account and that is why you need to e-mail us the scan receipt before we remit your money into your account."
Royal Bank Of Scotland.
Tom Davis.

And then from a a supposed lawyer:
"I am the attorney to RBS regarding your payment which has been deducted from your buyer bank account and ready to be credited into your bank account on verifying of the shipment scan copy.
You should act accordingly as you have receive the approved RBS payment receipt and email RBS transfer department the shipment scan copy, its will be verify and your funds credited instantly.
There is a penalty for any seller that default, your case file will be forwarded to the FBI for further Investigation."
Barrister Aaron.

This is all a big scam, and fortunately I could detect in time to avoid sending anything.
#316110 by DonLee Wed Jan 04, 2017 2:15 pm
this is absolutely a scam coz I just receive the same reply, same courier address when I posted my smart phones product in Yahoo ; just when I double check with their given address in SEA, it directs me to this web site and this post and thus I decide to make a note to all of us.
#362978 by gabriel.o Mon Apr 23, 2018 11:44 pm
Definitely a scam.

Somebody wanted to buy my used camera lens from austria to england.
The exact same method was used by asking me to ship it and then send the tracking number. Thanks so much for doing this website and spreading information about scammers. ;)

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