I am in a business trip out of country and unfortunately I am not available on the phone earlier than Friday, until then we will communicate via email.
I understand your point of view that you can not send the funds sight unseen but you have to understand mine also that i can not just send a vehicle in the UK and hope and pray to receive my money. I want to inform you the the car is in Spain and it will be shipped from here to UK.The shipper I will use will deliver the vehicle to your door, you don't have to pick it from the port. Shipping will take 10 days maximum.Due to the fact that i am located outside UK and we can not deal in person,i`ve contacted Google Wallet regarding this issue and they told me that they could offer to me a program that is created especially for international transactions that protects both of us. Regarding the transaction, you will send the funds to Google Wallet and they will keep the money until you receive the vehicle and test it.In this way both buyer and seller are 100% covered during the steps of this transaction. Google Wallet will hold and insure your money until receipt of the car in good condition. That is how their service is working. As far as the seller concerns, i will be glad to know that Google Wallet is in possession of the funds during the delivery period.
You will be given a 15 days inspection period from the day you receive the car at home( i will ship it to your address insured for full value to you ).
If you decide to keep the car, then you will have to authorize Google Wallet to release the funds to me, and the transaction is complete.If the vehicle is not as described ( perfect interior,exterior,mechanical condition ), you will be able to send the vehicle back through the same shipping company ( return postage at my expense ), and ask Google Wallet to return the money to you. Though i am sure you will love the car and will not want to return it, it is good to know that you do have this second option available.
If you want to read more about Google Wallet service please visit :
http://google.wallet.com.uk-companyinc. ... of-service If you want to get more info about their terms and condition please contact Google Wallet using the Contact button from the web site.
I'm the first owner. I bought this car from UK and it is still registered there so you don't have to pay any import taxes or any other fees.The car comes with log book, HPI cleared, No finance.
You will get from me the keys, V5 document, manuals and all documents to register the car in your name.You don't have to worry about anything.
If you want to check the car here are the reg details:
The registration (private #) is: S11DSO
If you wish to purchase it and agree to these terms i will need you to provide your full name and address. I will then notify Google Wallet and they will contact you to explain the entire procedure.
I will be waiting for your reply as soon as possible
Thank you in advance!
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