Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
#407597 by Troy Platt Thu Apr 02, 2020 9:11 am
Reply-To: [email protected]
From: garbriel micheal <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2020 17:20:40 +0200
Subject: Pemilik Email / Penerima Dana yang terhormat,

Pemilik Email / Penerima Dana yang terhormat,

Saya mengirim surat ini, kepada Anda, sebulan yang lalu, tetapi saya
tidak mendengar dari Anda, saya tidak yakin apakah Anda
mendapatkannya, dan itulah sebabnya saya mengirimnya lagi,

Pertama, saya Ny. Patricia Wilson, Direktur Pelaksana dan Ketua Dana
Moneter Internasional. Memang,

Ini untuk memberi tahu Anda bahwa dana Warisan Anda yang bernilai
senilai $ 8,00,000. 00. (Delapan Ratus Ribu Dolar AS) Telah disetujui
untuk pembayaran langsung oleh Direktur Telex / Operasi Asing Melalui
sistem pembayaran KARTU ATM yang akan Anda lakukan penarikan dana di
mesin ATM mana pun di Negara Anda.

Kami telah meninjau semua kendala dan masalah seputar transaksi Anda
yang belum selesai dan ketidakmampuan Anda untuk memenuhi biaya
transfer yang dikenakan, terhadap Anda, untuk opsi transfer
sebelumnya, lihat situs kami untuk konfirmasi Anda 38 ° 53′56 ″ N 77 °
2′39 ″ W

Tertunda oleh pejabat Bank yang korup yang Mencoba mengalihkan dana
Anda ke rekening pribadi mereka.

Sekarang, Anda disarankan untuk menghubungi UBA Bank of Benin dengan
informasi berikut yang tercantum di bawah ini, Kontak langsung untuk
pembayaran kartu ATM Anda akan dikirimkan kepada Anda.

Harganya hanya $ 98

UBA Bank ATM Departemen Pembayaran kantor pusat sekretaris Bank.Orang
Kontak: Ny. Patricia Wilson Email: [email protected]
Nomor Whatsapp +22898310583

Kirimi dia informasi berikut untuk pengiriman Kartu ATM VISA
terakreditasi Anda ke alamat Anda. Kartu ATM melalui alamat pos Anda.

1 :: Nama lengkap Anda ::
2 :: Alamat rumah Anda untuk mengirim atmcard ::
3 :: Pekerjaan saat ini ::
4 :: Usia ::
5 :: Nomor telepon rumah / ponsel Anda saat ini ::
6 :: Salinan identitas Anda ::
7 :: Negara Anda ::

Salam, willian Ashili. Direktur Telex / Operasi Asing. UBA

Google Translation From Indonesian:

Dear Email Owner / Beneficiary,

I sent this letter, to you, a month ago, but I did
not hearing from you, I'm not sure if you are
got it, and that's why I sent it again,

First, I'm Mrs. Patricia Wilson, Managing Director and Chair of the Fund
International Monetary. Indeed,

This is to inform you that your Inheritance funds are valuable
worth $ 8,00,000. 00. (Eight Hundred Thousand US Dollars) Has been approved
for direct payments by the Director of Telex / Foreign Operations Through
ATM CARD payment system that you will withdraw funds at
any ATM machine in your country.

We have reviewed all the obstacles and problems surrounding your transaction
and your inability to meet costs
transfers imposed, against you, for transfer options
before, see our site for your confirmation 38 ° 53′56 ″ N 77 °
2′39 ″ W

Delayed by corrupt bank officials who are trying to divert funds
You to their personal account.

Now, you are advised to contact UBA Bank of Benin with
the following information is listed below, Direct contact for
Your ATM card payment will be sent to you.

The price is only $ 98

UBA Bank ATM Payment Department head office of the Bank's secretary
Contact: Ny. Patricia Wilson Email: [email protected]
Whatsapp number +22898310583

Send him the following information for sending a VISA ATM Card
accredited you to your address. ATM card through your postal address.

1 :: Your full name ::
2 :: Your home address to send atmcard ::
3 :: Current work ::
4 :: Age ::
5 :: Your current home / mobile number ::
6 :: A copy of your identity ::
7 :: Your Country ::

Greetings, willian Ashili. Telex / Foreign Operations Director. UBA

Google is your friend!

Every email I've posted is a scam. Contacting the email addresses associated with my posts may lead to a loss of money for you. Do not let the scammers know they are posted here!

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