Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
#137780 by soldierfortune Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:56 pm


ISP: Packet One Networks (M) Sdn
Services: None detected
Country: Malaysia
State/Region: Selangor
City: Kajang

Received: from []
From: Minister Of Finanace <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2012 22:06:15 +0800
Subject: Based on our investigation department
To: Undisclosed recipients:;


Based on our investigation department, we wish to warn you against some Miscreants, Hoodlums and touts who go about scamming innocent people by claiming to be who they are not and thereby tarnishing the image of this wonderful country.

Ministry of Finance Treasury (Malaysia)
Special Duties (Foreign).

we wish to bring to your notice that your contract profile is still reflecting in our central computer as unpaid contractor while auditing was going on. Your contract file was forwarded to my office by the world bank auditors as unclaimed fund, we wish to use this medium to inform you that for the time being Government have stopped further payment through bank to bank transfer due to contractors numerous petitions to United Nations against African on wrong payment and diversion of contract funds to different accounts.

In this regards, we are going to send your contract payment of 11.5 Million USD. To you via our accredited shipping company through Trans world Wide to delivery down to Your door step and we have secured every needed document to cover the money as it was loaded into ATM CARD while the trans Wolrd Wide Courier we register your ATM CARD and send your tracking to pick up from diplomat courier company will get it cleared and delivered to you right in your doorstep.

Note: The ATM is coming on two Package proof seal with pin and manual and padded with machine. Please you don't have to worry for anything, as the transaction is 100% risk free. The ATM CARD are coming with WORLD WIDE Courier diplomatic agent who will accompany the ATM CARD to your house address. All you need to do now is to send to me, your full house address and your identity such as, international passport or drivers license and your mobile phone and telephone number, to the Trans world wide courier service diplomat will travel with it. He will call you immediately he arrives to your country's airport. I hope you understand me. As soon as the above-mentioned details are received and outstanding payment be made.

Kindly get back to me today also with the requested information so that we can proceed on this matter as soon as possible.

1) Your full name.
2) Phone, fax and mobile #.
3) Company name, position and address.
4) Profession, age and marital status.
5) Copy of int'l passport, drivers license, or any valid ID card via e-mail attachment.
6} The nearest Airport to your city for a final delivery to your doorstep.

Bear in mind that any wrong information from you, it is at your own risk. As soon as you send all information the transit word wide courier service we send you tracking number and receipt of payment you can be able to track through the company website to know arrive time and date.

Best Regards,

Ministry of Finance Treasury (Malaysia)
Special Duties (Foreign).

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