Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
#215080 by AlanJones Mon Aug 18, 2014 8:43 am
Dear Sir,

I think the best thing to do is to call back the agent with the consignment, but have in mind that the delivery fee of $10.000 i paid has been wasted. if you cannot help me, for all i have told you and begged you for but you insisted you cannot help the agent for any problem of any sort.
He knows why he took to that direction, maybe if he had taken another direction, it might be the worse. but we should thank God the fund is safe for now.
Sir, help or assistance comes from the heart, i cannot force you to assist me unless you decide to do so.
kindly let me know if really you are not interested in helping the agent out in our situation in holland. this situation affected all of us not only the agent. he is only working for us and we paid him so on the contrary, we are the one loosing.
kindly have a rethink and get back to me to know what next to do. i am tired and sick about this problem.
thank you sir,
waiting to hear from you.
ms yazil.

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#215118 by AlanJones Mon Aug 18, 2014 12:34 pm
Ok, sir, i will respect your decision because i cannot force you to go against your will. i will arrange for the coming of the agent but the fund wil not come back to Syria to avoid creating more problem for me.
thanks for your time.
thank you
ms yazil.

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#217502 by AlanJones Tue Sep 02, 2014 11:50 pm
Dear Sir,

I have come to you again because i know you are the right person to help me achieve this dream without complications, you are strict and with that i know you can finalize this project in good faith.
I could not bring the fund back to Syria because it will raise an eyebrow. i meet the Ambassador of the united states in Nigeria whom i knew before and i briefed him about our fund transfer and he intends to help us , please kindly contact him through his email because i want the fund to be transfered through bank to bank this time. let us see what we can do for ourselves please.
Contact him, AMBASSADOR, MR. JAMES F. ENTWISTLE on his private email adrress. [email protected]
he is expecting your email message as i told him about you already.
thank you
ms yazil.

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#217850 by AlanJones Sat Sep 06, 2014 2:39 am
From: James Entwistle - [email protected]

From Ambassador James F. Entwistle
U.S. Ambassador to Nigeria


I reference this mail to you which I confirmed no interest and find
your UN-seriousness in meeting and complying with the obligations
required in accordance with due process/rules of laws governing
inheritance release and claiming by owners or next of kin.

I am with great surprise and fell highly disappointed for been
involved in helping you in the first place, because you are trying to
put my job on line and if I loose my job because of helping you God
will not forgive you because am treating you with every sincerity and
honesty in my heart as a brother .

It is very unfortunate that you declined to respond positively and
its reminder and failed to have your fund of 9. 5million USD which is concerning
the development on your payment released

it is a pity, know that if you miss this chance of claiming your funds
now that I am in office and have gone too far to the good success of your box hand over and through our direction as genuine
officials believe me before God you will not and will never receive a
cent until you will die and if I made an administrative report against
your payment because of your delay and un seriousness it will be bad
on your side why can't you learn from your past and amend things
right, I have taken my time to tell you the important of complying with the administrative procedures of the Embassy in Dubai and how to go
about for the conclusion of this payment, my helping which I have not
done before for beneficiary’s because I trust you and still you can't follow the advise given to you.

We assure you that your payment will get to you as long as you follow my directives and instructions.

You are to go ahead with out delay to forward to me the bellow information with out delay.

(1) Full name and delivery address
(2)Address, city, state and country
(3) Direct mobile/ phone /fax.
(4) International passport or Driven license.
(5) Company name (if any) position and address
(6) Profession, age and marital status

On your respond to this message, we shall direct you to the final paying bank in based on your Countries ChoiCe of payment for immediate payment of your fund

You are welcome.

This email address I have used to contact you is my private email i.d and can only be accessed by me.
Waiting for your kind complyance on this matter.


Thank you.
Ambassador James F. Entwistle
Us ambassador to Nigeria

Waiting urgently for your update.

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#217908 by AlanJones Sat Sep 06, 2014 8:43 am
From Ambassador James F. Entwistle
U.S. Ambassador to Nigeria


Dear, following final arrangements made for the payment of your fund into your account, i am very happy to let you know that we have concluded with a Finance House in the UK that would assist in effecting payment of your fund into your account.

In fact before we went into agreement with the below company we confirmed series of transaction they have handle in the recent past, if your transaction did not work with that means something is wrong with your Bank.

Below is the contact person details to communicate

Euro Finance Limited
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 44 7924339743
Contact person: Martin Hansen

I am waiting to read from you

You are welcome.

This email address I have used to contact you is my private email i.d and can only be accessed by me.
Waiting for your kind complyance on this matter.


Thank you.
Ambassador James F. Entwistle
Us ambassador to Nigeria

Waiting urgently for your update.

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#218233 by AlanJones Mon Sep 08, 2014 1:12 pm
From Ambassador James F. Entwistle
U.S. Ambassador to Nigeria


I write to verify from you if you have contacted the bank in london as directed by me, your are suposed to received your fund today, kindly let me know

Waiting urgently to read from you

You are welcome.

This email address I have used to contact you is my private email i.d and can only be accessed by me.
Waiting for your kind complyance on this matter.


Thank you.
Ambassador James F. Entwistle
Us ambassador to Nigeria

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#218748 by AlanJones Fri Sep 12, 2014 12:07 pm
From euro finance - [email protected]


Dear Sir,

Reference: Payment of your in the amount of USD9.5M (Nine Million Five Hundred Thousand dollars only)


We Euro Finance Ltd and limited liability company dully registered in the United Kingdom, we into sourcing for finance for developers and sourcing loans for big project bring private lenders to the small scale industrials and provided payment assistance to apex Banks in most African Countries looking viable projects to investors.

Following the reference agreement we had on the 3rd step 2014, for the payment of your fund, we are pleased to inform you that arrangements have been concluded with our offshore freelance payment of officer in Spain Madrid to effect your payment.

To commence this procedure you will be required to send in your Banking details in other for us to commence the paper work of releasing your fund.

1. Your bank details
2. Proof of identification
3. You will proceed to Spain to sign out the fund release order with the freelancer in the Bank

As soon as we get the identification and the bank details we shall draw a payment agreement to which you will sign it in person in Spain to be sure and precise with what you are doing and to ensure that is a total and complete agreement to this affect.

We shall also notify you with the banking that would be in charge of your payment once the fund release order is signed by you before the freelance and a notary public who notarize all documents before you proceed to the Bank.

We congratulate and looking forward to your adequate compliance to ensure that this transaction is a success.

Thank you


Mr. Martin Hansen
Euro Finance Ltd
Telephone: 44 792 433 9743

Last edited by AlanJones on Mon Sep 15, 2014 6:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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#219094 by AlanJones Mon Sep 15, 2014 6:23 am

Dear Sir

We got your email and content well noted, in the interim we here send you the appendix agreement payment document for your perusal and endorsement before we shall proceed for the endorsement of the fund release order and other legality fund documents as enshrined by the law.

We urgently request that you should hurry up as we intending to conclude this transaction by this week.

We thank you for your cooperation

Sincerely yours

Mr. Martin Hansen
Euro Finance Ltd
United Kingdom
Tel: 44 792 433 9743
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]

Attachment content

This Appendix (1)Payment Agreement Order is entered this day 12th Sept 2014 is
Euro Finance Ltd London United Kingdom

WHEREAS, its agreed by Euro Finance Ltd, known in this agreement as the pay master agreed to pay XXX, the sum of 9,500,000.00 Nine Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars Only) as a project inherited next of kin payment.

WHEREAS, the receiver known in this agreement (XXX,) has accepted to receive the above sum from the first part known in this agreement as the pay master to the provided Bank account details given by the receiver.

Bank Name to where you the beneficiary will want the fund paid:
1. Bank name: ________________________________________________
2. Bank address: __________________________________________________
3. Bank swift Code: ______________________________________
4. Beneficiary: ___________________________________________________
5. Iban code: ________________________________________________________
6. Account No: ____________________________________________
7. Sort Code: _____________________________________

The above information must be filled by you the beneficiary and fund owner to ensure that no error is made please fill in block letters.

WHEREAS the pay master is declaring that the fund is clean and has no encumbrances on the fund is a non-criminal origin dully earned as a business trade transaction from business of contract/project coordination?

WHEREAS, it was agreed that the funding payment will be $30,000,000.00 shall come from a reserve deposit made kept in the bank with a security finance vault company in Spain.

WHEREAS, this agreement is therefore authorized under section 44.7 act 20 of the financial act, of the British chartered law 2008 for the common understanding of the both parties on the perquisite of working understanding, all rules in this agreement is accordance with the regulation of the Financial Service Authority (FSA).

WHEREAS the pay master dully a limited liability company with access of over 10 billion United States Dollars confirms that beneficiary known in this agreement as the fund receiver will settle a fund release order tax of 5,700.00 (Five Thousand Seven Hundred Euros in accordance with the financial edit 2010.

The Rules of the Fund Release Order Claimer
(a) To effect a deposit payment the claimer must signed the fund release order as this part of the documentation which will be handed over to the beneficiary as proof of evidence on the details of payment to his Bank as the fund release comes together with 4 other documents.

(b) If to secure and cancel the validation of the deposit means that the receiver or whose or names appear on the release schedule shall not be affected under such verification or valuation.

The pay master declares in this agreement the following:
1. Pay Master declares in a letter that the fund is not fake but original currency.
2. Pay master declares that there is no legal obstacle to put the fund in the beneficiary account and transfer it to another bank of EU member state.

The Pay Master declares, that the deposited fund belongs them and made deposited it with the 19/08/2014 under the Spanish financial laws and vault for the smooth payment of the beneficiary who’s Bank details appear above.

Beneficiary/Receiver Requirement
1. Passport copy of the claimer
2. 4 picture size passport either to be presented in person by the beneficiary or by proxy
3. The payment for the fund release order tax payment of Euro 5,700.00 payable by the beneficiary either in person in the office of the notary public shall receipted.

Reason For the payment of the 5,700.00 spelled for clarification:
(a) Fund Release Order fee-1000.00
(b) Notary Public fee-2,000.00
(c) Legality Documentation charge-700.00
(d) Handling Charge by the freelancer/vault-1,500
(e) Logistic and transportation-500.00

WHEREAS, in a situation whereby the beneficiary and fund owner can not be present in the Bank or in the Notary public a declaration letter should be given by the beneficiary on his inability to be physically present to sign his fund release order in the Bank.

WHEREAS, the condition made on this agreement are the condition to which the deposit fund would be released, the has promised to make available the contacts and email address of the vault company in Spain its not entered in the agreement due to security guided laws and the signing of the Non circumvention agreement signed by the depositor/lender.

This appendix agreement is made to support and carry the procedure of payment to good end is for both parties in this agreement to condole the terms of the agreement and avoid any circumstance that may contradict the condition stated therein Once agreed both parties will signed.

Signed: Lender: Mr. Nissan Lalazer
Passport No: 20620612
Chief Executive officer
Euro Finance Ltd

Beneficiary Passport Copy below:

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#219498 by AlanJones Thu Sep 18, 2014 12:16 am
Please we are not forcing to under the protocol if you have agreed and follow the details, do not insult us that we are bordering you or you are getting tried of it, in case you are not ready please do let us know its not a force we can destroy the whole process and close your transaction for good.
There is a procedure, now we have the following to ask you have signed the agreement are you ready to abide with the agreement as enshrined in the agreement? if you are not ready the best is to forget this transaction.
We are ready to move the transaction to Spain and you will not travel but the fact is are you ready to comply with the process?
Thank you
Martin Hansen

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#230015 by AlanJones Mon Dec 08, 2014 11:01 pm
From Ambassador James F. Entwistle
U.S. Ambassador to Nigeria

Dear Brother Heart to Heart listen I’m not interested how many times
this kind of promise has been made to you without fulfillment but am
sure this is the end of the mess you will receive it this time with
happiness only thing for you to do is comply with our official
obligation as this payment is been handling by office of the
presidency of this great Nation nothing will stop this
because you are dealing with officials in charge so don’t fear and
have no doubts in your mind if it will workout or not, bear in mind it
will work 100%

Your response is equally shocking. I wonder how on earth someone
should come up with such devilish news concerning another person's
life. I am baffled. Indeed, I think this is the handiwork of a few bad
eggs in the system who tries to siphoned funds belonging to other
people. I want to thank God for you and the step I took to contact you
otherwise; your fund would have gone to another person to your

However, You will need to tone down your anger to succeed in this
pursuit. What happen is not the central issue. What matters most now
is getting your funds paid to you.

You have never met me nor did transact any business with me. I
understand your bitterness and doubt as regards your transaction due,
probably, to your past experience. But I have placed my credibility,
carreer and reputation on the line to prove you wrong. This time, I
swear that you will not have the same odd experience but you will be
pleasantly surprised by the turn of event as I must transfer your
funds to you. After this transaction, you will surely take me as a
life time friend and hopefully, the first person you will trust in

I want you to give me the benefit of the doubt to prove myself and my
capacity. It takes nothing significant from you but only an element of
trust. You will be delighted at the end as I believe and know that
every successful business based on trust, know that I will not gain
anything deceiving you, I have never done such and will never come
what may, and we are doing this for you because we felt for you as we
are not happy on you loosing much to impostors..

Thank you.
Ambassador James F. Entwistle
Us ambassador to Nigeria

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#246710 by AlanJones Sat Apr 18, 2015 4:05 am
I reference this mail to you which I confirmed no interest and find
your UN-seriousness in meeting and complying with the obligations
required in accordance with due process/rules of laws governing
inheritance release and claiming by owners or next of kin.

I am with great surprise and fell highly disappointed for been
involved in helping you in the first place, because you are trying to
put my job on line and if I loose my job because of helping you God
will not forgive you because am treating you with every sincerity and
honesty in my heart as a brother .

It is very unfortunate that you declined to respond positively and its reminder and failed to claim your fund which is left unclaimed since you apply for the fund.I have through my power convinced the bank to try for you which no one can do that.

it is a pity, know that if you miss this chance of claiming your funds now that I am in office and have gone too far to the good success of your draft hand over and through our direction as genuine officials believe me before God you will not and will never receive a
cent until you will die and if I made an administrative report against your payment because of your delay and un seriousness it will be bad
on your side why can't you learn from your past and amend things right,

I have taken my time to tell you the important of complying with the administrative procedures in Dubai and how to go
about for the conclusion of this payment, my helping which I have not done before for beneficiary’s because I trust you and still you can't follow the advise given to you.

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#246871 by AlanJones Sun Apr 19, 2015 3:09 am
Am talking about your fund which you have left unclaimed

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#247020 by AlanJones Mon Apr 20, 2015 3:35 am

It is important to inform you of the new development after our meeting today, an urgent approval have been granted to you this morning after our emergency general meeting, and onward arrangement we have put in place through the help of the insider of the dhl courier company to ensure a successful and confidential delivery of your consignment fund to you in your country . Now your new Payment, United nation Approval No; UN5685P, White House Approved No: WH44CV, Reference No.-35460021, Allocation No: 674632 Password No: 339331 Pin Code No: 55674 and your Certificate of Merit Payment No: 103, Released Code No: 0763; Immediate World Bank Telex confirmation No: -1114433; Secret Code No: XXTN013.

Your fund is USD$15 Million. Having received these vital payment numbers, therefore you are qualified now to received and confirm your payment with the united nation security keeping care immediately within the next 168hrs.

Therefore, we have resolved to use our official position to deliver this consignment to OFFSHORE IN your country for onward delivery of your consignment fund to you

You are to meet the diplomat in person on his arrival to your country and claim your fund as instructed by the presidency and central bank.

This arrangement was concluded after a careful, and confidential discussion with an official UN DIPLOMATIC OFFICER who has accepted to use his office as a means of transporting the Photographic Paintings, African Expensive Artifacts/cash money as consignment to you where you will be expected to meet him in person and claim the money box from the diplomat who is conveying this money box, and deposit in a bank as you will be directed, and assisted by our official representative who will accompany the diplomat to you and make sure that there will be no problem

With regards to the successful and accepted agreement reached between me, and the diplomat who has agreed to use his diplomatic immunity for a FEE of Euros 11,500 to transport the consignment to our agreed destination where you will go to meet with him on his arrival to your country.

As a diplomat, his immunity granted him the RIGHT of transporting his personal effect through the AIRPORT or any BOARDER POST without passing through the security checks.

We are glad for this new development as it is safe, convenient, and most importantly confidential, hence it may not pass through different official processes of signing, and approvals. Under this arrangement, THE DIPLOMAT DOES NOT KNOW THE EXACT CONTENTS OF THE CONSIGNMENT; he only knows the contents as Photographic Art Paintings, African Expensive Artifacts, and personal documents for my friend.

In respect to the above arrangement, you are urgently requested to meet with the diplomat on his arrival to your country to enable you claim the consignment, and deposit it into your bank account with the help of our official representative who will be there to give you more directives on his arrival, and from there transfer it bit by bit to any account of your choice; More so, a safe, and conducive arrangement has been put in place for this purpose.

Therefore, by this opportunity you are required to inform me of your schedule, and readiness to welcome the diplomatic agent in your country as to conclude this matter as soon as possible upon the safe arrival of the diplomat in International Airport. If you have any question concerning this arrangement, please do not hesitate to ask me.

I must assure, and re-assure you that the diplomat who is conveying this money box to you is not an ordinary diplomat but also a very senior and top United Nations official who happens to be one of the UN representatives.

I have his word on this, and I assure you that the consignment will be delivered to you in safely.

As I have concluded with the diplomat today to move with the consignment, and remember that I did not declare to him the exact content of the consignment. So you must not let him know that the box contains cash money because it will not only put everybody into problems, but will also jeopardize the delivery of your consignment, and everything will be lost.

Finally, I implore you to use your good office to arrange, and consolidate my effort by making your schedules without entertaining any fears on how to receive the diplomat in your country.

Therefore, forward to me your direct mobile line and your address and full information so that the diplomat will reach you on his arrival.

I look forward to your favorable response.

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#247021 by AlanJones Mon Apr 20, 2015 3:35 am
Emergency, kindly contact the bellow corresponding bank in Brazil now for your urgent wire payment of 15million usd to your account.

corresponding bank in Brazil
Banco do Brazil,south America Brazil
email [email protected]
website www.bb.com.br
tele +5511953219262
contact person rebecca oliver

Waiting urgently to read from you

Amb James

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#247186 by AlanJones Tue Apr 21, 2015 2:38 am
Yes that was my plan before the bank in Brazil assured me of urgent wire without any hintch, follow up all is well

There are lots of complications in cash payment, this is very safe and good arengment

I have given them your information already to proceed

How could you do a thing like that, no one is asking you for oney

Unless delivery in Spain, france , Holland where we have diplomatic relationship

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