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#220433 by AlanJones Thu Sep 25, 2014 11:05 pm
Dear Sir,

Thanks for your email. I have told you that I will release your money to your bank account through swift transfer. I am giving you a 100% guarantee that the money will be released to you in less than 6 hours from the time of payment. You must have to follow my instructions if you want to get the money to your account. In my bank, any amount that is below $3,000 is paid through western union. This laws are not made because of one person. See our site.
www.boacinet.com, click ACCOUNT, then Click ' open new account" you will see it clearly. I am not begging you to claim your money. If you do not have confidence in me, the permit me to cancel the transfer.


Dr. Kwasi

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#220497 by AlanJones Fri Sep 26, 2014 10:14 am
Dear Sir

I think you lack respect. At your age, you should learn how to talk to others. Moreover, people you do not know or met before. How can you say that you do not care of our rules and regulations. One thing you must know is that you are not doing me any favor. You are helping Miss Rossey Brown and not my bank. So if you can not follow my bank rules, the send the fee to Rossey Brown to come to my bank and pay or you forget about the transaction. Our rules can not be changed because of you.

Dr. Marry Kwasi

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#220498 by AlanJones Fri Sep 26, 2014 10:14 am
Dear uncle

good morning, and thanks very much for all your effort towards this transfer, all the same the bank director called me this morning, and told me that, you are not willing to follow up with there instruction ,she also said that she told you on how to send the money but you still insist that she should send you an account number, though she told me that they have a specific amount to be sent through account or or western union /money gramm,
she again said that if you want to send the money , i can personally give you an account number, so that you can send it to me so that i can bring the money directly to them for them to start the procceedures

so i want to inform you should i look for an account and give you so that you can send the money through the account them i will give them when the money clears ?

Really you know that you are not helping the bank rather you are helping me, they are not losing any thing, and in as much as the money is there in there custody they are still making more profit from the money ,for me i want it faster,so that the money can be off from there bank, and i will start a new life,
Dear please dont misunderstand us , they are doing there duty and following the rules and refulations of the baning instutition
its me that is surfering the whole thing not you or them, just consider,i know your doing you level best to help me,

so finally uncle i am begging you with my knees on the ground,tell me if i should find account and give you or will you send it to them as she sugested,

i am waiting for your Urgent response

Most Regards


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#220534 by AlanJones Sat Sep 27, 2014 1:22 am

Please are you doing me or her, you are not help her rather you are helping me, if you decide to take this step that mean you are not doing me any favour, just forget her, she is only disparching her duty as a bank director,

if you really want to help me , just tell me to send the account which you will use to send the money a,d i will give to them, please dont be offendied, i know how much you feel, all these is for my own good not her or the bank instead they will be using the money for business and making profit kindly ignore that and lets continue

please respond

Worried Rossey

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#220748 by AlanJones Sun Sep 28, 2014 11:05 pm
Dear uncle,

good evening, sorry for the delay, i was sick since friday night, all the same i will be going to the bank to see the general manager of the bank, to discuse on this issue yesterday went i went to the bank, i talked with the informations department the man told me that the woman is only the remmitance director and he directed me to the general bank manager, due to the fact that they work half day, on sartudays he told me to come on monday and he will help me do all i request, , he also told me that the file will be taken from her office and he will handle the mather directly, really i am very sorry for the inconviniences this may have caused you,
the manger told me that he will now handle it him self and also appolodised, so first thing tomorrow i will be there and will get back to you immediatly again our church Pastor who promised to give me his account number tld me to come to this office also by the same tomorrow morning to collect his account number,
once again i beg you not to be annoyed with that woman attitude, because she is not lossing any thing,her attitude can only delay me and they will make more profit from the money, i want the money to leave the bank by next week so that i can join you shortly

Remain bless


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#220947 by AlanJones Tue Sep 30, 2014 11:59 am
Dear XXX,

Thanks and good morning, i am just coming from the bank , i spoke with the general bank manager, i explained things to him he promise to handle my case personally, and he said that he will querry the woman, about her approach to there customer, he begged me and promised to do his best this time,
he told me that he will collect our file from her and do it hhim self, once more please sorry for all inconvinience, the Genereal manger asked me many guestions and said when are we paying the fees i told him that it will be paid within this week. he said that he will contact you if he do please let me know

Again, our church pastor has just given me his account number, bellow is the account number
use it to send the money so that i will collect and give the managing director

ACCOUNT NUMBER: 15262070001
IBAN: CI93 CI03 4010 4701 5262 0700 0137

Respond Regards


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#220948 by AlanJones Tue Sep 30, 2014 12:00 pm

Good day an,d how are you, ? please i want to know the situation of things,have you made the payment ?

Kindly update me


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