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#211276 by AlanJones Mon Jul 21, 2014 1:32 pm
From: Abdul Rahman Ibrahim - [email protected]
Reply-to: [email protected]
Other Emails: [email protected] & [email protected]
Tel. No.: +60103688291


With due respect, my Name is Abdul Rahman Ibrahim, hope you are doing well with your family, please kindly accept my apology for sending unsolicited mail to you I believe you are a highly respected personality,considering that fact that I sourced your profile from a human resource profile database of your country.

Please pay attention to understand my reason of contacting you today through this email, my name is BARRISTER ABDUL RAHMAN IBRAHIM, A solicitor at law and attorney to MR PABLO DREYFUS, during an auditing in one of the leading banks here they discovered an abounded sum of $3.5m that belongs to my late client (MR PABLO DREYFUS FROM ARGENTINA) who died on June 2009 in a plane crash.

I desperately need your assistance to secure and move this huge sums of money left behind by my late client to the tune of $3.5m (Three million five hundred thousand us dollars) out from the bank to your own account, He executed contract through department of work and housing here and the mentioned money above is his money left in the bank before his death, meanwhile for your smoothness of this transaction, I will give you 25% of the total sum for your co-operation in this matter, if you know that you are interested and capable to handle this business transaction, let me know so that i apply for an OATH and send to you immediately for you o fill and send back for us to proceed.
I wait for your urgent reply.

Yours faithfully,
Barr A.R Ibrahim.
Last edited by AlanJones on Fri Sep 19, 2014 1:51 am, edited 2 times in total.

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#211277 by AlanJones Mon Jul 21, 2014 1:34 pm
From Abdul Rahman Ibrahim - [email protected]


First let me introduce myself once more, I am Barrister Abdul Rahman Ibrahim A solicitor at law, I am married and a father of four, I am a senior advocate if you miss-understand me please am sorry. As I told you in my proposal mail, I chose you with faith believing we can work together for you to stand as next of kin to my late client who died in July 2009 in a plane crash Air France Flight 447, I will secure all the documents regarding this transaction all you need is to accept and stand as his next of kin.

Remember, I chose you because i want us to deal with this, not that you are his relative, I only want to present you because noon one has come up as his relative, which is the reason i am contacting you and i have made up my mind to take all the risk with the law to make you the relative to my late client with legal document and get endorsement from the high court of justice on your name, just to let you understand is not going to be an easy task, but the proceed that involve worth the risk, you have no reason to worry cause am his lawyer and i will make you his next of kin/bona fide beneficiary.

For the legal ramifications, be rest assure on that, this are my operational field, for I do know all the loop holes involve and will handle them with great professionalism. I will provide all the necessary legal documents that will back you up as the bona fide beneficiary of my late client, all I need from you is to cooperate with me and be honest in our agreement, which is 60/40,60 for me and 40 for you, I am hoping you will accept the sharing percentage with open heart, because i am going to do most of difficult part.

If this is OK by you, I will send you a beneficiary affidavit form from the high court, which you will fill and resend to me, for me to swear under oath in high court that you are truly the bona fide beneficiary of my late client and from here we will commence. The money my client has in the account was from his previous business merchant (trading).Fill free to ask any question you want to ask for better understanding of the transaction.

Now, if you can proceed with me in this transaction you let me know so that we can start the process. if you rejecting this offer due it sound unfamiliar to you or the sharing formula is not worth the risk, you can inform me that you won't be able to continue due reason best known to you, i will acknowledged your rejection or acceptance, it is not by force but by free will that you have decided to handle this project

Note: You can reach me at any time and i can as well reach except when I have a case to defend in court. Also I will like to have your phone number for easy communication and further correspondence. speaking with you on the phone can make you feel comfortable that you are working with reputable lawyer. Note time difference may hinder our communications somehow, i am sure we will figure best time out to reach each other.

Once again this transaction does require utmost confidentiality and honesty. I can send you my identification by next mail after you have make up your mind with this transaction. and willing to abide by the rules herein.

I await your urgent response if we can continue this transaction.

Barr. Abdul Rahman Ibrahim.

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#211278 by AlanJones Mon Jul 21, 2014 1:38 pm
Attn: XXX,

Like I told you on my last mail about the affidavit I have received it from the high court here, well I believe that both of us will be of great assistance to each other as this is the genesis of our business relationship. reading your mail have given me full assurance that we can work together and with one mind and heart to actualized this great project, and your accepted to make this proposition confidential, And the sharing formula is no longer an issue for now and the future we will co-operate with each other to come out successful, I chose you based on trust and believing in you secondly since you are far from here it will be easy for the high to grant the change of ownership.

Now For us to start in earnest, I am attaching the affidavit form which you will fill up and scan back to me as email attachment for me to proceed in processing the sworn affidavit, Attorney general notification and other supporting documents. that will bear your name as it is in your credential.

Before I can swear the affidavit at the High Court there are processes to be followed and files to be presented, in view of this I am attaching the required affidavit form which you need to fill up and send to me to enable me prepare and present the required documents supporting the affidavit. Print out the affidavit form, fill it up legibly and scan it back to me as email attachment, i will order my secretary to print it out for submission to the federal high court of Malaysia the earliest i receive it from you.

Below are the attachment

1, Sworn affidavit form

On receiving the filled form i will need 3 to 4 days to have the affidavit ready and present same to you from there we will process all the other required documents.

I will take care of all the legal documents and there is a legal fee from the high court, meanwhile since you are not local here, i will go extra mile to make sure i get the approval whatever it takes, because that will be my guarantee of getting my share without third party knows about it.

If you have any reservation about this transaction, make it known to me before we proceed. Like I have told you earlier, there is nothing to be afraid of concerning the legitimacy of the transaction. Everything will be taking care of from here.whatever it takes..

And 1 copy of a passport photo size picture of you recently taken to help to back up the claim in the federal high and data page of either your international passport, national id card or valid driving license, all this document will be submit together to the federal high court on your behalf.

Barr Abdul Rahman Ibrahim.


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#212723 by AlanJones Thu Jul 31, 2014 7:28 am
Attn: XXX,

First I must sorry for not been in contact for some time now, we are on holidays here for a week that why you have never had from me, well for now the holidays is over so i will get the needed documents done soon i think before Tuesday next week.

Barr Ibrahim.

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#214468 by AlanJones Wed Aug 13, 2014 3:46 am
Attn: XXX,

This is Good news for both of us I was able to make it possible today but was little late so I have do other personal things before sending you this mail. And I have clear the high court charges for the release of this legal approval and the receipt is attached on this mail for your perusal and to let you know I have spent a lot on this transaction please be honest and abide by our agreement. now I have no money left with me because I want to see this transaction a success, as soon as the transfer is made i have to pay back my friend, that why you have to be honest and report to me everything you do with the bank, beside I am keeping the hard-copy of all the document until I receive my share from you then I will hand over the hard-copy to you then keep the photocopy as evidence, to show the legitimate of the whole process to any entity or government that are curious to know the source of the fund.

Attached to this mail is the sworn affidavit making you the next of kin to my late client; you are now the bona fide beneficiary to the fund. The legal documents were dated the day of approval and not the date of submission as required by law. Your beneficiary status takes effect from that day. Also attached is the notification letter from the office of the Attorney General.

Listed attachment on this mail below:


Note that I have paid money to obtain all this documents, not counting unofficial payments that I made to facilitate this transaction. All other supporting documents have been filed to the court and Attorney General.

Everything worked out fine and all the supporting documents I presented were accepted and gazette as you can see from the Attorney General Notification. As the situation is we will definitely have the fund transferred in less than 4 days. I want you to contact the bank and ask them what it will take you to have the transfer done and how many days it will take, this is necessary considering that we do not have to give chance for any party to raise suspicion. Contact them as beneficiary to the estate of my late client. Copies of the attached documents have been sent to them.

Please remember the agreement between me and you based percentage of our transaction.60/40 please respect it and be honest till the end of this transaction. I will embark on a trip to meet you as soon as the transfer is complete; please you have to make sure my percentage is complete and secured as our agreement stated.

Feel free to call me if there is any place you did not understand, remember you will send all the documents to the bank expect 002 that is the agreement between both us.

Barrister Abdul Rahman Ibrahim.

NB. Below is the format of the email that you will send to the bank through the Admin or Account department and Information service contacts, Bank contact is:

Bank Email: [email protected]
OR [email protected]

The write up format below to email to [email protected] OR [email protected]

Zulkiflee Hashim
Foreign operational manager
for international remittance,
Remittance department
Hong Leong Group Finance
beg berkunci no 2002, 2.5 km
jalan tuaran kota kinabalu,
Sabah 88614 east Malaysia.

Subject: Claim of Late Mr. Pablo Dreyfus Fund Notification
Dear Sir/Madam,

With reference to the above subject matter i write to you to acknowledge the receipt of my application for claims and transfer of fund with respect to the fund deposited with your bank by my cousin (Late Mr. Pablo Dreyfus) I am XXX, I was notified by Barrister Abdul Rahman Ibrahim, of the demise of my Late Cousin, Mr. Pablo Dreyfus in 2009.

I was also reliably informed that account Number 384 900 273 001, belonging to my late cousin holds an amount of $3.5 Million which I have been informed that it belongs to me. I believe that the required legal documents relating to transfer of this estate to has been presented to you by my late cousin's attorney Barrister Abdul Rahman Ibrahim who is also my attorney on the same subject.

Attached herewith are: sworn affidavit of oath, international remittance department approval, Endorsement and power of attorney. These were officially issued to me by the Malaysian authorities as you may kindly see attached. i will be glad if i am considered valid upon approval after your formal verifications of my request. I eagerly look forward to a positive evaluation of my matter.

In view of this I will like to know the bank requirement, time and procedure for the transfer of the inherited estate to me.
Your urgent response will be highly appreciated.


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#214469 by AlanJones Wed Aug 13, 2014 3:48 am
Attn: XXX,

Please you have to bear with me i finished everything about the documents, hoping of sending it to you the next day but I had am accident and have been hospitalize since then I just got back yesterday so please do contact the bank cause they will be waiting cause the high court will notify them as well, so please bear with me and also keep updating me.

Barr Ibrahim.

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#214597 by AlanJones Thu Aug 14, 2014 3:04 am
Attn: XXX,

Well any mistake there is from you cause when you check the affidavit form you fill that is what is there, you make it hard for any one to see I don't know if you populously did it that way, going through filled form of yours makes me feel if you are not serious about all this, well I ask again are serious and ready go on with this transaction?, if yes please from affidavit form please everything out as fellow bellow:

1, First Name:....................................
2, Second Name:...................................
3, Last Name:..............................................
4, Sex:....................................
5, Phone Number:.........................................
6, Emails:.....................................................
7, Date of Birth:..............................................
8, Place of Birth:...............................................
9, Contact Address:...................................
10, Passport/ID Number:.....................................
11, Occupation:
12, Nationality:.....................................................
13: Marital Status:................................................
14 Next of Kin:......................................................
15: Contact Address of the Next of Kin:............................................
16: Sign:...............................
17: Date:..................................................

If you do it as i have explain then i can go back the high and make the corrections, that will take like one day so my dear I will be waiting.

Barr Ibrahim.

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#218174 by AlanJones Mon Sep 08, 2014 4:47 am
Yes I am afraid cause your informations are wrong unless you do it as I have stated then we can proceed.

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#218427 by AlanJones Tue Sep 09, 2014 11:15 pm
Attn: XXX

Please can you cool down and understand what am saying here, you said in all those documents you said that your informations is wrongly typed then I told you that in the filled affidavit is not clear, even me or the court can not figure it out just cause of the way your hand writing is, then I asked you to state it out the way it will be clear for even one so I can go back to the court and make the corrects but you refused so since then I was just thinking maybe I just have a hard luck cause I spend much on those approval right now I have speak with them severally and they insist I bring the correct information that my money will be return back, so I plead with you to please state the information as I have requested.

Barr Ibrahim.

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#218728 by AlanJones Fri Sep 12, 2014 9:49 am
Attn: XXX

How are you doing with your family ,hope all is well ,am writing you this email with every assurance that you will calm down this time ,understand the importance of this transaction ,we are all matured ,it took me much time to search and got your email for the first time ,am confidently sure you can handle this transaction very well ,so with all due respect XXX, kindly fill the affidavit information below vividly send to me so that we can proceed ,you have delay much time to understand this ,waiting to hear positive reply from you this time, my regards to your family thanks?

1, First Name:....................................
2, Second Name:...................................
3, Last Name:..............................................
4, Sex:....................................
5, Phone Number:.........................................
6, Emails:.....................................................
7, Date of Birth:..............................................
8, Place of Birth:...............................................
9, Contact Address:...................................
10, Passport/ID Number:.....................................
11, Occupation:
12, Nationality:.....................................................
13: Marital Status:................................................
14 Next of Kin:......................................................
15: Contact Address of the Next of Kin:............................................
16: Sign:...............................
17: Date:..................................................

If you do it as i have explain then i can go back the high court and make the corrections, i will be waiting.

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#218864 by AlanJones Sat Sep 13, 2014 9:18 am
Attn XXX

Hope your doing well with your family ,i received your last reply with much thanks,as it is right now you have to give me time till next week to get things done with the high court change and fill the new affidavit form with your clear information's you sent me last here ,i will update you immediately i finish with the high court next week thanks.


Barr Ibrahim.

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#219620 by AlanJones Fri Sep 19, 2014 1:48 am
Attn: XXX

I was able to get it done yesterday but I was busy with something important as well, so in this mail attached if the need documents corrected so please contact the bank immediately with there informations as below, The receipt remain the same.

Contact Email: [email protected] OR [email protected]

Contact Person: Zulkiflee Hashim
Foreign operational manager
for international remittance,
Remittance department
Hong Leong Group Finance
beg berkunci no 2002, 2.5 km
jalan tuaran kota kinabalu,
Sabah 88614 east Malaysia.

NOTE: That is the branch the fund was deposited in and the are the one you much contact, and remember to be updating me in anything you are doing with them, to enable me fellow up.

Barr Ibrahim.

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#219948 by AlanJones Mon Sep 22, 2014 8:42 am
Hong Leong Group Finance Malaysia
Sabah Branch East Malaysia.
Department of Foreign Operation

Attn: XXX,

Serial (staf/019/ma)

Thank you for using Hong Leong Group Finance


We confirms being in procession of your claims application and hereby advices that the management board of Hong Leong Group Finance is currently deliberating on your request.

Hence, we shall advice the status of your application in due course. in the meantime, you are advised to furnish your contact numbers and further schedule a time with our executives to call you.

The management of Hong Leong Group Finance, Malaysia, writes to acknowledge your mail and for the claiming of the ($3,500,000.00), through the foreign transfer department of this finance house. And we are privileged to inform you that we are still on the process of investigating the legitimacy of your claim over the said fund ($3,500,000.00) as we have forwarded it to the office of account verification department.

Attached document bellow:

1. Claims verification form
2. High court application form

Both form mention above are attached to this mail they are for our own record, print and fill and return as email attachment to this email address, On returning the attached forms, please include a scan copy of your international passport or valid driving license or any identity card recognized by your country. and scan resent passport photo size picture.

We wish to serve you better while you wait for us to come with a solid conclusion with the result in order to have all the details of the transfer relayed to you. Further directives on how to facilitate on smooth transfer will be relayed to you immediately the office of the account verification concludes their report and confirmation of copy of the verification form which you are required to return back to enable us verify your legitimacy.

We wish that you help us to serve you better
thanks for your co-operation.

Zulkiflee Hashim
Foreign operational manager
for international remittance,
Remittance department
Hong Leong Group Finance
beg berkunci no 2002, 2.5 km
jalan tuaran kota kinabalu,
Sabah 88614 east Malaysia.
Phone: 0060146358495

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#220025 by AlanJones Mon Sep 22, 2014 11:32 pm
Attn: XXX

Bellow is the request for the section two as stated.

Depositor`s Full Name: MR PABLO DREYFUS
Depositor`s Country Of Origin: ARGENTINA
Depositor`s Account Type: Savings
Depositor`s Last Know Address: ARGENTINA
Brief Description of Relationship with Depositor: We are like brothers from a different mothers.

Then sign and put date the other part for them, thanks for the fellow up and updating me please do keep it on.

Barr Ibrahim.

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#220156 by AlanJones Wed Sep 24, 2014 1:01 am
Attn: XXX,

Once again i must say thanks for your update, let me know there response as soon as you did so.

Barr Ibrahim.

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