Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
#217423 by Faizan Docherty Tue Sep 02, 2014 10:56 am
ipTRACKERonline.com wrote:Header Analysis Quick Report
Originating IP:
Originating ISP: Google
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Country of Origin: United States
* For a complete report on this email header goto ipTRACKERonline

From COLLINS GREG Mon Sep 1 00:58:21 2014
X-Apparently-To: <snipped> via; Mon, 01 Sep 2014 07:58:22 +0000
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Date: Mon, 1 Sep 2014 09:58:21 +0200
Message-ID: <CAG5Fh94sxOFTBaikkRv0PuAT=VnxYiQudRLpk+_SLSBsKvENbg@mail.gmail.com>
Subject: RE Are you Interested........
From: COLLINS GREG <[email protected]>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
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Dear friend,
I making this request in good faith believing you will reciprocate my gesture. My name is Barrister Collins Greg Esq, a lawyer based in Spain. I am a Personal Attorney to Late Engr. Philips who was a wealthy Petrol-chemical engineer before his death in 2006. I am confiding in you in an urgent matter that relates to a deposit made by this particular client of mine before he died. I am seeking for your consent to authorize his bank to remit the sum of $12 Million deposited in a bank to you as his heir . The intended transaction will be executed under legitimate legal manner that will protect you from any breach of law. I will use my position as the clients attorney to guarantee the successful execution of this transaction. All I require is your understanding and honest cooperation to enable us achieves this enormous goal. I will give you comprehensive details of this transaction when you indicate your interest. Note that you will keep fifty per cent of the proceed for your effort. I want to assure you that there is no risk involve .
Please treat this matter as very urgent by responding via my direct private email:
[email protected] ,I hope to hearing from you soonest.
Your Sincerely
Barrister Collins Greg Esq.
Abogados Defensores Y Los Profesionales Del Derecho
Calle Merindad de Uribe 8, Spain
Email: [email protected]

Please DO NOT tell a scammer that he has been posted here!

If you wish you can email me at
faizandocherty @ scamwarners [dot] com

How do I find email headers???

How to analyze an email header.

#218151 by AlanJones Mon Sep 08, 2014 1:26 am
From COLLINS GREG - [email protected]

Dear XXX

thanks for your reply back to my message to you ,Well all i need from you ,is your full stand and trust .then i will tell you what to do so that we can move on ?

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
#218239 by AlanJones Mon Sep 08, 2014 1:50 pm
From collins Grag - [email protected]

Dear XXX

Thanks for your kind response and showing your prime interest in this business transaction regarding the funds I have, which amounts to $12 Million dollars . I also need absolute confidentiality with you on this fruitful opportunity as I have arranged to move the fund as we speak and that is why you must keep this transaction secret until these fund is transferred directly to asecurity company in Spain successfully.and like
This transaction does not require any type of delay because we can not afford to keep the fund too long time with the holding security company in Spain. Hence, we should try as much as we can to avoid excessive storage charges

Please like you ask, Please, forward your following details to me.

Your full name..............
Tel Number And fax............
Your contacts address.........
Your occuptions .............

Thank you,
I await your response.
Best Regards,
Collins Greg Esq.

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
#218720 by AlanJones Fri Sep 12, 2014 8:39 am
Dear XXX

Nice speaking from you on telephone . I want to thank you for your
mail and the details you sent to me for the commencement of the claim.
I have commenced the process of the claim immediately as the law
required. I have been to the court today to file an affidavit of claim
to commence the legal process that will qualify you to be the legal
and legitimate heir to the deceased(late Engr. Philip Ristow) for the
claiming of the fund with the bank. I will handle all the legal
processes by myself as the lawyer to the deceased and also the one
that confirms your nomination as the appointed beneficiary to the
deceased. I will obtain the change of ownership of the fund from court
which is needed for the financial institution for the release of the
fund to you. The outcome of this legal stage of the transaction will
determine the entire success of the claim. This is because if the
court accepts every documents and evidence I will tender and issue a
letter of administration to you and court order to the bank to release
the fund to you as the legitimate heir, the bank will have no choice
than to obey the court order and effect the release of the fund to you
as the beneficiary.

The legal process will not take much longer as I have made all the
necessary arrangements to facilitate the process. I anticipate that
the legal proceedings shall be through before next week runs out..

I want to thank you once more for your understanding and accepting to
work with me on this project and can assure you that success is
guaranteed. Please call me at your own convenient; I will like to
speak with you on phone. Acknowledge the receipt of this mail.

I will keep you updated.

Yours Truly,

Collins Greg Esq.
Abogados Defensores Y Los Profesionales Del Derecho
Calle Merindad de Uribe 7, Barakaldo Spain
Tel: 34 602 060 596

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
#218721 by AlanJones Fri Sep 12, 2014 8:48 am

This is to let you know that I have completed the legal process of the claim. I have extracted all the necessary legal documents today as required by the law to give you the full right as the legitimate beneficiary of the fund. As anticipated the court has granted our petition for the claim and ruled in your favor as the nominated heir and rightful beneficiary of the late Engr. Philip Ristow´s deposited fund thereby given you the legal right to lay claim on the deposit. I am very delighted for the progress made so far. All legal proceedings went well.
The attached is copy of affidavit, the copy of fund change of ownership certificate which confirmed that you have given the full right to claim the fund. Also attached is the deposit certificate issued by the financial company to the former beneficiary.

However, let me emphasis that this legalization processes had cost me some much money. I spent approximately €22,000Euros both in legal taxes and extraction fees. Let me point out that any expenses made by any of us during the process of this transaction will be deducted from the principal amount before sharing the fund in agreed ration. Please sir, I have invested all my savings on this projecting but I am happy we have achieved success now that the legalization is completed and court issued order for the fund to be released to you so I will be counting on your integrity and cooperation when dealing with the Security finance Company where this fund is deposited.

Now that all the legal documents we need to file for the claim of the release of the fund are ready, I will proceed to the Security Company tomorrow to submit the original legal documents issued by the court and also to inquire from them the process of application for the claim. Immediately I get the information, I will let you know the next step. I want to assure you that since the court has approved the claim, the fund is as good as being released to you as the new beneficiary because the bank has no right to disobey or reject the court order and judgment. What we will be focusing on is to know the procedure for the releasing of the fund to you.
Confirm the receipt of the attached legal documents and please keep every process and documents confidential until the fund arrives in your account.
I will get back to you tomorrow.
Yours Truly,

Collins Greg Esq.
Abogados Defensores Y Los Profesionales Del Derecho
Calle Merindad de Uribe 7, Barakaldo Spain
Tel: 34 602 060 596

Image Image Image

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#218854 by AlanJones Sat Sep 13, 2014 6:30 am

Thank you for acknowledging my message and receipt of the documents. Sir, this transaction requires maximum and urgent attention therefore, It is very important you try and check your message regularly for us to finalize the transaction at soonest possible time. Indeed all the legalization processes have been successful completed and I can assure you that since we have scaled through with the legal hurdle, there is nothing that will stop the release of the fund to you. Meanwhile, I have been to the security firm yesterday and have submitted on your behalf all the extracted legal documents required for the claim for their verification and confirmation.

The next stage of the transaction is to apply for the release of the fund with the security company. They are now waiting for you as the new authorized legal appointed beneficiary of the fund to file an application of claim by yourself for the release of the fund to you. I hereby drafted and enclosed a text of “application letter for claim” as attachment which you are required to print out, sign and forward to the security firm through their following email address . Email: [email protected]
When you send the application letter, the security firm will start communicating with you as the beneficiary of the fund. Should they ask you any question concerning my late client, late Philip Ristow which you cannot explain to the best of your knowledge, kindly give no answer immediately and contact me for an answer to avoid any misinformation . I have worked so hard to put everything together to get to this stage so we have to keep that going until we get the fund released to you. I believe that by next week the fund will be released to you for we pay maximum attention to the process.
Please let me know if you have any question or call me at your suitable time so that we can have more discussion concerning this matter. I look forward to hearing from you shortly.
Please print the attached letter, sign and send to the security finance firm through their email: [email protected] .
Thank you in advance for your prompt co-operation.

Truly yours,

Collins Greg Esq.
Abogados Defensores Y Los Profesionales Del Derecho
Calle Merindad de Uribe 7, Barakaldo Spain
Tel: 34 602 060 596


EMAIL: [email protected]
TEL:+ 34 321 120 085



With reference to the above subject matter, I submit my application for claims of my inheritance fund in regards to the late Engr. Philip Luis Ristow ́s deposited trunk box with your Security Firm with the SECURITY CODE: WLSC/TRU/X5/504 I wish to inform you that I was nominated in the court of law as the true administrator and recipient of the said Estate as the law demands. The Estate value is $12,000,000.00 only and it is being presently held in a security vault in your institution. I was informed by the deceased’s attorney, Collins Greg (ABOGADOS) who also is aware of my nomination that this fund was deposited in your institution.

I am certain by now you must have received all the necessary legal documents issued by the court of law that backs my claim from my attorney. I hereby wish to request that you let me know the necessary procedure and requirements that you may need from me as the apparent beneficiary in order to release the fund (SAFTY BOX) to me.

I would be immensely glad and thankful if my application would be approved at your earliest possible time.

Yours faithfully:



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#219142 by AlanJones Mon Sep 15, 2014 12:57 pm
From Cas Seguridad S.L - [email protected]


C/ Murillo 5 bajo derecha, (Ciudad) Spain
Email:[email protected]
Tel+ 34 632 120 085

Thank you for contacting Cas Seguridad S.L. We are pleased to acknowledge your application letter dated September 15, 2014, filed for the claim of your DEPOSIT regarding the estate of our late dear customer, Engr. Philip L. Ristow. We use this opportunity to confirm that we have received a copy of change of ownership certificate to this effect to release the fund to you as the legally appointed heir to the deceased. The review of your related documents is ongoing.
Our procedure to release such deposit requires the beneficiary to provide us with the details as stated below:

1) You are required to send copy of deposit certificate given to you by the original depositor for confirmation of your claim
2) You are required to send to us copy of your identity document (Drivers License or International passport) to confirm that we are dealing with the rightful beneficiary.
Upon the receipt of the above details, we will complete our verification and if certified will inform you on the further procedure of the release and also fix an appointment for you for you to proceed for the claim .
Your maximum cooperation is required for efficient services.

Yours Sincerely
Sr. Alesandro Gomez
Director Cas Seguridad S. L

Any views of this e-mail are those of the sender except where the sender specifically states them to be that of Cas Suridada S. L or its subsidiaries. The message and its attachments are for designated recipient(s) only and may contain privileged, proprietary and private information. If you have received it in error, kindly delete it and notify the sender immediately. Cas Suridada S. L accepts no liability for any loss or damage resulting directly and indirectly from the transmission of this e-mail message.

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
#219302 by AlanJones Tue Sep 16, 2014 1:18 pm

C/ Murillo 5 bajo derecha, (Ciudad) Spain
Email:[email protected]
Tel+ 34 632 120 085

With reference to your application for claim of your inheritance fund dated 15th September 2014, as the Heir apparent to late Engr. Philip L. Ristow with Security code no: WLSC/TRU/X5/504
Having confirmed the authenticity of the affidavit filed in the court and other related documents in compliance with order of court received in your favor; we hereby approve and confirm that the full right of ownership of the DEPOSIT has been granted to you as the new beneficiary.
You are required to arrive to our security vault department Madrid for the clearing and collection of your deposit with the following requirements.
1) Come with your identification card (Your passport/national ID or Drivers License) for identification purposes.

2) You are required to come with the deposit and clearing fee of €8,200 which must be paid cash on arrival for the clearing of your deposit.

You are required to choose a date from 18th to 27th of September on when to arrive for the collection to enable us fix an appointment for you and alert our protocol officer to receive you to the Security Vault upon your arrival to Madrid.
Your urgent and maximum cooperation is needed for quick finishing.
Yours Sincerely
Sr. Alesandro Gomez
Director Cas Seguridad S. L

Any views of this e-mail are those of the sender except where the sender specifically states them to be that of Cas Suridada S. L or its subsidiaries. The message and its attachments are for designated recipient(s) only and may contain privileged, proprietary and private information. If you have received it in error, kindly delete it and notify the sender immediately. Cas Suridada S. L accepts no liability for any loss or damage resulting directly and indirectly from the transmission of this e-mail message.

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#219371 by AlanJones Wed Sep 17, 2014 2:55 am

How are you doing? I want to know if you have eard from the bank about the approval as regards the letter you sent to them. If they have not responded to you please try to contact them again so that they will answer you back quickly. We need to move fast and finalize the transaction as soon as possible.
Please keep me informed of the development.

ruly yours,

Collins Greg Esq.

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#219433 by AlanJones Wed Sep 17, 2014 1:03 pm

C/ Murillo 5 bajo derecha, (Ciudad) Spain
Email:[email protected]
Tel+ 34 632 120 085

We received your response to our message on the procedure for claim of your deposit issued yesterday 16/09/2014. We are really surprised with your statement “I have no intention of wasting my valuable time travelling to Spain for such a trivial matter”. We are wondering what makes this matter travial. if receiving this your inheritance, high value deposit is regarded as trivial matter, we wonder what is more important than that. Again, you are the one that filed for the claim and release of this deposit to you as othered by the court of law and you are also the one that is saying that it is trivial. We are lost here and do not know what you meant.
Sir, it is very important that you come in person to sign all the necessary documents that is needed to release your deposit. That gives you an opportunity to inspect your deposit before us and make sure the contents are intact and correct before leaving the vault.
We anticipate your maximum cooperation and understand of the procedure for efficient services. Look forward to hearing from you.
Alesandro Gomez.

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#219623 by AlanJones Fri Sep 19, 2014 2:12 am


We have noted your explanation on your reason for not been able to come in person to our office for the signing of the release of your approved deposit. Considering your tight business schedule and status of your person, The management has agreed to do as you requested by accepting to send to you the deposit release order form via email for you to sign and send back to us. We will also require your written authorization to be able to assist you to transfer the fund to your account.

Thus we also attached copy of the authorization letter which is required for you to sign and send back. As soon as we receive the documents and the due deposit/ clearing fee, we will proceed with the clearing of the deposit from the security vault department and move it to the bank for transferring to your nominated bank account in your country.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Alesandro Gomez

Any views of this e-mail are those of the sender except where the sender specifically states them to be that of Cas Suridada S. L or its subsidiaries. The message and its attachments are for designated recipient(s) only and may contain privileged, proprietary and private information. If you have received it in error, kindly delete it and notify the sender immediately. Cas Suridada S. L accepts no liability for any loss or damage resulting directly and indirectly from the transmission of this e-mail message.

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#219630 by AlanJones Fri Sep 19, 2014 2:48 am

How are you doing? I am eager to know how far you have gone withe
company for the release of the deposit. Every legal documents have
been submitted and they should not waste any time in releasing the
fund to you as the beneficiary. Please do try to preasurize them to
attend to you because if you relex they will take it slowly and do it
at their own time. It is important that the transaction is finalized
by next week. Please follow them up and mount preasure on them..
Please do try to update me with the progress.

Truly yours,

Collins Greg Esq.
Abogados Defensores Y Los Profesionales Del Derecho
Calle Merindad de Uribe 7, Barakaldo Spain
Tel: 34 602 060 596

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#219674 by AlanJones Fri Sep 19, 2014 12:47 pm

Thank you for the update. Please follow them up let us see if the
transaction will be finalized by next week.

Yours truly,

Collins Greg Esq.
Abogados Defensores Y Los Profesionales Del Derecho
Calle Merindad de Uribe 7, Barakaldo Spain
Tel: 34 602 060 596

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#219949 by AlanJones Mon Sep 22, 2014 8:44 am

C/ Murillo 5 bajo derecha, (Ciudad) Spain
Email:[email protected]
Tel+ 34 632 120 085

We confirm the receipt of your filled release order form and the authorization letter dated 20/09/2014 issued to our firm to carry out the release of your fund from Security Vault department where the fund was deposit and also authorizing us to assist you to deliver to the bank and make a direct wire transfer of the fund to your nominated bank account with Zurich Cantonal bank.
Having received and satisfied with the release order and authorization letter, we have approved and accepted to assist you in your absent and proceed with remittance of your fund the as requested in accordance with the financial regulation and our company’s procedure on handling such special request.
To proceed with the release of the deposit before heading to the bank, you (the beneficiary) is required to pay the deposit and clearing cost of €8,200 due to the security vault as written in the deposit certificate before they will release the consignment (fund) from the vault as agreed with the original depositor. You are required to make the wire transfer to the account stated below to enable us clear the deposit from vault.
ACCOUNT /IBAN : ES90 0081 1985 0500 0605 2414
Send to us the transfer slip for confirmation immediately you send the fee . Be informed that all other necessary documentations have been completed and finalized. The clearing fee is the only thing remaining. As soon as we receive it, we will clear the deposit and complete the transfer within 24hours.
Yours Sincerely,
Sr. Alesandro Gomez
(Director Cas Seguridad S. L)

Any views of this e-mail are those of the sender except where the sender specifically states them to be that of Cas Suridada S. L or its subsidiaries. The message and its attachments are for designated recipient(s) only and may contain privileged, proprietary and private information. If you have received it in error, kindly delete it and notify the sender immediately. Cas Suridada S. L accepts no liability for any loss or damage resulting directly and indirectly from the transmission of this e-mail message.

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#220047 by AlanJones Tue Sep 23, 2014 10:21 am

Send to us te slip of the payment when the transfer is done for confirmation and our record. We will proceed with the release of the deposit from the vault when it is received.
Look forward to hearing from you as soon as it is done.

Alesandro Gomez
(For Cas Seguridad S.L)

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