Dear XXX,
Thank you for your message which i just read now.i will contact the lawyer as you said because i need this money transfer to your account quick.i thinking since yesterday how you will do this because i will go to my oparetion this week.please i have scan deposit slip of this money which the bank give to my late husband the day he deposit they money with that incase if i die this document will prove that you are they right person to receive this money to his account.but please try hurry the lawyer or the bank so that they will transfer this money quick so that i will have money for my treatment.letter i will contact the lawyer because today is sunday all office close.tomorrow i will contact the lawyer as you directed me. please keep this document very well for security reason.and i am praying everyday by day about you so that devil will not put upsacle in this transfer.
Thank you and God bless you and i thank you for your effort in this transfer.
Mrs Silvia Cattaneo

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