Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
#220218 by AlanJones Wed Sep 24, 2014 8:29 am
Hello sir,
Thanks for your mail, as you said go ahead and contact him to enable
them deliver the boxes to you as agreed. Update me as soon as you
conclude with them.


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#220382 by AlanJones Thu Sep 25, 2014 12:45 pm
Hello sir,
Thank you for your inform me pls Update me as soon as you
conclude with them.

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#220384 by AlanJones Thu Sep 25, 2014 12:50 pm
From Novia David - [email protected]

Dear XXX,

Thank you for your mail. I am sorry for the late response. I was out of office for other duties.
We have in our custody 10 boxes deposited for safe keeping by Mr Ahmed Toure.

These Boxes are registered as family valuable with for direct remmitance to XXX or his Agents Only.

Your are requested to contact us 48 hours prior to collection so we can arrange to tranport them to our collection depot.

Please note that a safe keeping fee of 5200 euro will be paid before delivery.

Thank you for your trust.


David Novia.

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#220876 by AlanJones Tue Sep 30, 2014 12:41 am
Dear Sir

Thank you for your prompt response

However the authorities required that we obtain an European Diplomatic Pass to enable us proceed to XXX. This is due to the fact that the Country of origin for this consignment is different to and final destination which is XXX. Once we obtain this document, we can proceed to XXX via special diplomatic courier service, which means that the consignments will not be inspected or opened on transit until it reaches its final destination.

You are hereby required to pay and obtain this document before we can proceed.

Please note that All outstanding fees and charges will be paid in advance before we proceed with the delivery to your designated address or bank.

Outstanding Fees to be paid before delivery.

Delivery and handling charges 5,200 Euros

Fees to be paid immediately through western Union to obtain the European pass

1,175 Euro

Please send to me Immediatly:

I will accompany the consignment to its final destination to ensure safety of operation.

Thanks and waiting to hear from you.

Yours sincerely,
Mr. David NOVIA
Head of Operation.

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#220885 by AlanJones Tue Sep 30, 2014 1:45 am
Hello sir,
How are you today? I have not received any update from you since after I gave you the transistor contact in Belgium. Have you been able to get in touch with them for the release of the boxes to you? Please update me because I called them and they informed me that to deliver the boxes to XXX that you have to bear the cost of transportation or rather you can go there yourself to see them and verify the goods then pay for the transportation to XXX.

Anticipating your swift response,

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#221044 by AlanJones Wed Oct 01, 2014 9:40 am
Dear sir,
Thanks for your mail update, i will communicate with them to provide you details to pay the cost. As soon as you receive the consignments in XXX, kindly contact me immediately to send you the consignments codes so you can open them yourself and see the money.


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#221238 by AlanJones Thu Oct 02, 2014 8:11 am
Dear Sir,

Sorry for my being behind schedule once more. I have been struggling with other issues here in the UK. though unrelated with your consignments. I am forwarding you M Victos Doe's Account since he will now be in charge of the delivery of your Consignments to XXX. I have to stay back to take care of other personal issues. Sorry for the delay.

Here are the account details and break down of all charges to transfer.

Clearance fee 17,500

Delivery Charges 5,200

Total 22,700 Euro

Account Number/ 13180719.
Account name/ Victor Doe
Bank name/ Barclays Bank
Sort Code/ 200771

Kind Regards

David Novia

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#221535 by AlanJones Sat Oct 04, 2014 4:22 am
Dear XXX,

The 1,175 Euro was just to obtain the European Pass that will enable us proceed with the delivery without having to declare the contents of the boxes as agreed with your partners...

I suppose You are aware that you have an outstanding clearance fees of 17,500 and our handling charges of 5,200 to remit before we can conclude the delivery process.

Please do the needful ASAP so Mr Doe can commence the paperwork's for the final delivery.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Yours faithfully

David Novia.

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#221536 by AlanJones Sat Oct 04, 2014 4:24 am
Dear Sir,
Good evening and how are you today? I spoke with the transistor today and they confirmed to me that they have sent you their banking information where to pay the money for the delivery. However, they made me to understand that initial clearance fee of 17,500 euro which they paid to customs for clearance will be paid including the 5,200 handling cost. He further said that the 1,175euro was to secure European pass, now you want them to bring the boxes to XXX, they calculated the 17,500 plus 5,200 totaling; 22,700 euro. He said that once they receive this money in their account they will secure the European pass and police clearances and immediately carry on with the delivery to your door step or anywhere you want them to deliver in XXX.
Always keep me informed of any development.
Ibrahim YAYA

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#221583 by AlanJones Sat Oct 04, 2014 12:11 pm
Hello sir,
Thanks for your response, i really understand the way you feel over this. I have contacted the transistors this morning and pleaded with them to deliver the consignment to you in XXX before they will receive their payment. After my long conversation with them I was made to understand that the clearing fee of 17,500 euro can be received after the delivery in XXX, but we must make avail the 5,200 euro to them because that will be used as the delivery cost, payment of the security van that will transport the boxes to XXX, including the European clearance and police clearance. Please my dear friend, I urge you to kindly send the 5,200 euro to their account immediately to enable them carry on with the delivery process as soon as possible.
Thanks for your understanding,

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#222046 by AlanJones Tue Oct 07, 2014 1:15 pm
Hello sir,
If I understand you clearly, is it because of the money 5,200euro you
were requested to pay for the transportation of the boxes or is it
because you are no interested to receive the consignment for the
investment anymore? Please reply and let me know exactly your
intention of responding to me that you are not interested because I
don’t really understand.

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#222202 by AlanJones Wed Oct 08, 2014 9:04 am
Hello sir,
I have read your mail, actually I cannot force you to proceed with this hence you refused to pay the delivery cost to XXX which you agreed to pay before, you told the transistor to give you their account details to pay that you don’t use western union, they gave you the account you change again that you only pay face to face, why not travel to Brussels to meet with them?. You know I have spent a lot of money and I don’t have any more money again to pay the delivery cost from Belgium to XXX.
Now that you want the transaction to take place in XXX how did you want them to transport the boxes to XXX? You never want to spend any of your money in this, even to make calls you find it very difficult and expenses, I wonder why you told me to bring the boxes that you will pay all the clearing cost all of a sudden you change your decision.
Anyway, I have tried my best to finish this transaction with you but you always fail me. Don’t worry my good friend, I will find a solution to retrieve my money because I can’t understand exactly what you want.

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#222380 by AlanJones Thu Oct 09, 2014 10:48 am
Hello sir,
You know the first people that was meant to deliver to XXX failed and that is I channel the goods to Belgium. Note the transistor in Belgium is not requesting money for the clearance which is 17,500euro, they have paid the money already to the authorities and accepted to receive it from you cash once they arrive in XXX with the boxes. What they requested from us is only money for the transportation and EU /police clearances that will permit them to deliver to XXX. I don’t see any problem in paying them the transportation fee and when they arrive in XXX you pay them the balance of 17,500 after delivery.

They are legitimate transistors, even when you want to send any goods through Courier Companies, DHL, Cargo Company, UPS etc… you must pay before delivery you know that. My brother, I guarantee you that as soon as you make avail the 5,200euro to them they will deliver the boxes to you in XXX without any problem.

I wish I have this money with me I will pay them and forget all this long stories. If you doubt that they are not legitimate you can go there yourself in Brussels and see them and the boxes. If they are not legitimate they will not invite you to there in their office. Please try and send them the 5,200 to enable them deliver the boxes to you ASAP because my family are worried, we don’t have enough money here to take care of our self.

Thanks for your understanding,

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#222481 by AlanJones Fri Oct 10, 2014 3:13 am
Dear Sir,
I got your mail thanks for the contents; the transistor will not send the boxes to XXX without receiving the transportation fee, if I can be able to get the 5,200euro from here I will send it to them to deliver the boxes to XXX. But if I cannot I will have no other option than to continue with the exchange manager in Brussels who helped me to deliver the boxes in Belgium, though their commission is much but instead of you to turn me down, I will have no option than to work with them and invest my money. Or rather I will travel to Belgium to set up a company and bank account with their help. The only thing that is bothering me now is lack of money if not I would have settle this matter since. Anyway, I will try my possible best to source out a way to resolve this matter.
Once again, thanks for your corporation.

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