dear XXX
I am very sorry for the let response it was due to my duty post, I was
actually waiting to hear from you.
I receive email from the security company and according to their
massage there was problem with the formal email you are contact with
and they instructed that we can use the present email address
[email protected]) while there are working on it,
and they also said that your telephone number is not connecting and
please is very necessary that your telephone number is through so that
they can locate you on their arrival.
I am ratcheted with high tension for the money issue that has
involved, because i have already paid the delivery fee, despite the
fact that we are not allowed or permitted to have access to cash while
on military camp. From the inquiries i made so far, i was made to
understood that the money is for warehousing clearance certificate,
since the box has being secured with security company since i
deposited it with them for delivery. This is an unexpected event.
On military base, We have no access to cash now, all wages and other
benefits are paid directly to our fix deposit account in the United
States. which you can only have access to when you finish your
mission. I never thought this could arise.
You should not judge me by your own set of values or comprehension. I
will not like the clearance to delay as the people involve are ready
to depart to your country. i can't afford to loss the fund. As soon as
they arrive your country i will terminate my assignment and withdraw
to join you, you know very well the amount involve on the box.
You know my situation here, especially now that we are fighting
against the militia. I just try to find time and write you. Stop the
delay. even if you have to borrow, I am very sure that you will repay
the loan within a few hours. As soon as you receive the box, i will
immediately terminate my mission to join you for a new life and
investment. I see it would be more constructive to resolve the problem
instantly without any further delay.
Extensively, I want to live a new life that is why I lavish my trust
on you. In person you will see how humble and simple in nature God has
created me, No soul is desolate as long as there is a human being for
whom it can feel trust and reverence. I always have short time on the
Internet because is not permitted. Every communication with you is
been deleted immediately for security reason.
Sending cheers with affectionate
Susan Helms