Has the same message over and over about 10 times in my email.
From: Eglise catholique en France ([email protected])
Medium riskYou may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as unsafe
Sent: December 5, 2008 12:43:47 PM
Église catholique en France
Qualification numbers (CEF-080-2998-2996)
Congratulations The Église catholique en France has chosen you by the
board of trustees as one of the final recipients of a cash Grant/Donation for your own personal, educational, and business development. To celebrate
the 30th anniversary program, We are giving out a yearly donation of
US$850,000.00 (Eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars only) to 100
lucky recipients, as charity donations/aid from Église catholique en France,
ECOWAS, EU and the UNO in accordance with the enabling act of
Parliament. which is part of our promotion, To file for your claim you
are to fill out below information and send it to the Executive
Secretary Via their email contact email address
Email: [email protected]
Claims Requirements:
1. Full Name:.....................................
2. Address:.......................................
3. Nationality:...................................
4. Age:.......... Date of Birth:.................
5. Occupation:.....................................
6. Phone:................Fax:.....................
7. State of Origin:...........Country:...............
Contact Executive Secretary: Rev. Frédéric Jean-Louis
Email: [email protected]
On behalf of the Board kindly, accept our warmest congratulations.
Mr. Francois Edouard.
Église catholique en France
Qualification numbers (CEF-080-2998-2996)
Congratulations The Église catholique en France has chosen you by the
board of trustees as one of the final recipients of a cash Grant/Donation for your own personal, educational, and business development. To celebrate
the 30th anniversary program, We are giving out a yearly donation of
US$850,000.00 (Eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars only) to 100
lucky recipients, as charity donations/aid from Église catholique en France,
ECOWAS, EU and the UNO in accordance with the enabling act of
Parliament. which is part of our promotion, To file for your claim you
are to fill out below information and send it to the Executive
Secretary Via their email contact email address
Email: [email protected]
Claims Requirements:
1. Full Name:.....................................
2. Address:.......................................
3. Nationality:...................................
4. Age:.......... Date of Birth:.................
5. Occupation:.....................................
6. Phone:................Fax:.....................
7. State of Origin:...........Country:...............
Contact Executive Secretary: Rev. Frédéric Jean-Louis
Email: [email protected]
On behalf of the Board kindly, accept our warmest congratulations.
Mr. Francois Edouard.
From: Eglise catholique en France ([email protected])
Medium riskYou may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as unsafe
Sent: December 5, 2008 12:43:47 PM
Église catholique en France
Qualification numbers (CEF-080-2998-2996)
Congratulations The Église catholique en France has chosen you by the
board of trustees as one of the final recipients of a cash Grant/Donation for your own personal, educational, and business development. To celebrate
the 30th anniversary program, We are giving out a yearly donation of
US$850,000.00 (Eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars only) to 100
lucky recipients, as charity donations/aid from Église catholique en France,
ECOWAS, EU and the UNO in accordance with the enabling act of
Parliament. which is part of our promotion, To file for your claim you
are to fill out below information and send it to the Executive
Secretary Via their email contact email address
Email: [email protected]
Claims Requirements:
1. Full Name:.....................................
2. Address:.......................................
3. Nationality:...................................
4. Age:.......... Date of Birth:.................
5. Occupation:.....................................
6. Phone:................Fax:.....................
7. State of Origin:...........Country:...............
Contact Executive Secretary: Rev. Frédéric Jean-Louis
Email: [email protected]
On behalf of the Board kindly, accept our warmest congratulations.
Mr. Francois Edouard.
Église catholique en France
Qualification numbers (CEF-080-2998-2996)
Congratulations The Église catholique en France has chosen you by the
board of trustees as one of the final recipients of a cash Grant/Donation for your own personal, educational, and business development. To celebrate
the 30th anniversary program, We are giving out a yearly donation of
US$850,000.00 (Eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars only) to 100
lucky recipients, as charity donations/aid from Église catholique en France,
ECOWAS, EU and the UNO in accordance with the enabling act of
Parliament. which is part of our promotion, To file for your claim you
are to fill out below information and send it to the Executive
Secretary Via their email contact email address
Email: [email protected]
Claims Requirements:
1. Full Name:.....................................
2. Address:.......................................
3. Nationality:...................................
4. Age:.......... Date of Birth:.................
5. Occupation:.....................................
6. Phone:................Fax:.....................
7. State of Origin:...........Country:...............
Contact Executive Secretary: Rev. Frédéric Jean-Louis
Email: [email protected]
On behalf of the Board kindly, accept our warmest congratulations.
Mr. Francois Edouard.