Scams operating under the guise of a charity.
#8421 by Ralph Mon Mar 23, 2009 6:01 am
The first thing I notice when looking at this email is the email address it apparently came from;

[email protected] Ok, so why are sending emails from the information site in regards to a charity, a search result on that email addres brings up many hits, even an exact search and the hits look very legitimate but take a closer look Click Here On the second page we find an exact hit Click Here for scam related hits

Please note that there is a legitimate organisation called this site is in no way connected to the scam.

Scammers will often use the name of legitimate charities to make their scams look more convincing, the legitimate all4charities website will not contact you out of the blue, they will not contact you from any email other than an email address and they certainly will never ask you to reply to any email address that does not end in

If you are unsure, please ask

Ok so how about searching on the sctript, I always like the opening phrase for these searches, for an exact search on "My dear I am writing this mail with tears and sadness and pains"and we will find other examples of the same email posted elsewhere Click Here to see them

I could also pick the random un addressed nature
The promise of riches
The dying of cancer with only days to live which is becoming popular
Or perhaps a search on the second email addreess given which you can see Right Here

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Mr Armstrong Morgan <[email protected]>
Sent: Saturday, date removed
Subject: Reaching Out For Charities

My dear I am writing this mail with tears and sadness and pains. I know it will
come to you as a surprise since we haven't known or come across each other
before, but kindly bear with me at this moment. I have a special reason why I
decided to contact you. I do not mean to embarrass you with my proposal, but I
seriously need your assistance. My situation at hand is miserable but I trust
in God and hope you will be of help to me. My name is Mr Armstrong Morgan; I
have been diagnosed with a deadly ailment that was discovered very late. It has
defied all form of medicine. I have a few months to live according to medical

I want you to assist me in disbursing funds to charity organizations. I was
meditating on my sick bed and something told me that God is giving me a second
chance by keeping me alive. I have decided to donate a huge sum of money to
charity organizations. I want this to be one of the last good deeds I did on
earth. I have tried to distribute money to some charity organizations in the
U.A.E, England and Ireland, but my families have not been helpful. My health is
deteriorating so badly, I really need you to help me.

You might be wondering why I did not ask my close relatives to help me. I once
asked members of my family to close one of my accounts and donate the money
which I have in the account to charity organizations in Bulgaria; they closed
the account but refused to donate the money to the organizations. Some of them
fled with part of the money while the others shared the remainder among
themselves I do not trust them anymore, as they seem not to be contented with
what I have left for them. The last of my money which is a huge cash deposit
that I have with a financial institution abroad will be put in your care if
only you will agree. I want to make you the beneficiary to these funds so that
you can disburse 80% of it to charity organizations and keep 20% of the total
funds as a compensation for your assistance and support. I want you to assist
me with a good heart. Please contact me through my private email:
[email protected]

Be blessed my beloved,
Mr Armstrong Morgan.
[email protected]
Last edited by Ralph on Sat Mar 28, 2009 11:26 am, edited 2 times in total.

#8422 by The Enchantress Mon Mar 23, 2009 6:50 am
Well done Ralph a fine example of using good search practices to prove the scam.

Another thing to consider in scams like this is the ridiculousness of what they propose. A rich person who is terminally ill and wishing to donate the fortune to benefit charitable purposes would simply contact the charities direct or by proxy, using a lawyer for example. Contacting a complete stranger by e-mail is simply ludicrous and preposterous.

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Never send money by Western Union/Moneygram.
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Online anyone can claim to be anyone, any age and from anywhere.
#8763 by zvpayne Fri Apr 03, 2009 3:45 pm
Thank you for your searching. It almost seems convincing as I got the email , and we raise money for school.

I googled and this site came up. Thanks for all your hard work.

#8767 by Ralph Fri Apr 03, 2009 8:37 pm
Hi zvpayne

Welcome to Scamwarners

I am glad you were suspicious enough to do some searching and even happier my information was able to help you.

Public awareness is our best form of defence against scams so please tell your family and friends about scams and feel free to send them our way if they need some help

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