Scams operating under the guise of a charity.
#25798 by avenging_angel Wed Apr 07, 2010 1:11 pm
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[/b/] Nigeria (Lagos)* [/b]

United Nations Association
of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
(UNA-UK) is a Company limited by Guarantee.
Registered in England no. 2885557.
Registered office 3 Whitehall Court, London, SW1A 2EL


On behalf of the United Nations,we say greetings to you and your
establishment as the case may be.
It is no longer news of the recent earthquake incident that occured in
Haiti that took thousands of lives and have also affected the economic
development growth of the Haiti Government.You can read more about the
quake on this website ... index.html

We as the United Nation have now decided to engage in a worldwide fund
raising scheme that will enable us get funds from
people/companies/churches and NGO's to assist the Haiti Government.This is
a voluntary development,You can assist this scheme with whatever you have
and the total funds will be sent to the Haiti Government by the end of
this month february,A fund rasing programme sheme is to enable us raise a
total of $5 Million Dollars and send to the Haiti Government and indicate
to them that this fund was raised from all over the world.

Like we informed earlier,This is voluntary,and if you have any ammount to
assist the Haiti citizens and their government,Then send us a mail or give
us a call,we will send you account details of our account officer or you
can also send you assist fund through Western Union Money Transfer or the
Money Gramm TRansfer,it all depends on how you wish to assist this
programme.Be informed that such assistance can only be rewarded by God
Almighty,as such voluntary help are definitely rewarded.

This earthquake have really affected the Haiti Citizens as it has render a
lot of them homeless and jobless,Recently FIFA,The Football Federation
assisted the Haiti Government with about $2,350,000.00usd and that have
gone a long way to help them,But we intend to do better with your

Kindly send us a mail or give us a call if you wish to assist the Haiti
Crisis,But if you dont wish to assist,Please kindly delete this message
from your e-mail,as this message was sent from an automatic device to
numerous e-mails around the world.

This is not a SCAM!!! please,This is voluntary and not compulsory.

We hope to hear from you,see contact details below:

Mr. Smith Brian
E-mail:[email protected]
Direct Line: (44) 750 189 5842
Fax:           (44) 844 774 8008

Yours Faithfully,
Mr. Smith Brian.

2 March

United Nations Association
of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
(UNA-UK) is a Company limited by Guarantee.
Registered in England no. 2885557.
Registered office 3 Whitehall Court, London, SW1A 2EL
Thanks for your response and concern.
As you have indicated to donate £10,000  for the Relief of the devastated Haiti Citizens/Government by Bank Transfer,Then see below the account details of our Account Officer and make the transfer.
Bank Name:Natwest Bank
Bank Address:removed may still be under investigation
Account Name: removed may still be under investigation
Account  Holders Address: removed may still be under investigation
Account Number: removed may still be under investigation
Iban:GB41 NWBK 0109 1758 773061

As soon as you make this transfer,Just send us a scanned copy of the transfer receipt for documentation and reference purpose and also send us this personal details of your's below:
Your Full Names:
Your Contact Address:
Your Mobile Number:
Any form of identification(Drivers License or International passport scanned copy will be okay).
We need this details as well for documentation.
Kindly get back to us with all this details along with your transfer receipt of the £10,000 that you wish to donate charitably for the people of Haiti.
Attached to this mail is a scanned copy of my international passport for identification.
We hope to hear from you,see contact details below:

Mr. Smith Brian
E-mail:[email protected]
Direct Line: (44) 750 189 5842
Fax:           (44) 844 774 8008

The bank account given by this scammer could belong to a victim who has been turned into a mule for the scammer. If discovered the owner of the account could face charges!


#68766 by Bubbles Tue Sep 27, 2011 11:36 pm
Our goal is to educate potential victims and people who have been victimized and support them getting away from the trap the scammer sets.

Finding the actual location of a scammer is very difficult if not impossible. Our goal is not to chase down scammers because they hide behind fake names and other methods of disguising themselves. Please read the purpose for this site. Read here: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=13

Bubbles, former Scamwarners moderator.

Rest in Peace 24 June 2015.

Gone, but never forgotten.

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