Another pretext for sending you a fake check, and having you forward part on via Western Union to an imaginary shipper. Aimed at people advertising their computer services on Craiglist, etc. For example.
EDIT: Minor typo.
Hello,How you doing?
My name is Andrew lampard ,i from from Ky and right now i work in Michigan I read your description and am interested in your services,I just brought some computers and they are are laptops pentium 4 dell computer ..i want you to Install software such as Microsoft Office and Antivirus, clean inner & outer computer components, update software to current status,Get back to me with you total cost for the services of 4 computer and also all the software you need will come with the computers .i will like You to know that my mode of payment is by cashier check and also i have a shipper who will bring them to you and also bring them back when you are done with them... I await your urgent response so that i can put the arrangement in order.
EDIT: Minor typo.