Check Scams, Debt Collection scams and other financial scams.
#435673 by justiceman4590 Fri Aug 05, 2022 4:01 pm
Seahorse International Energy Resources (PTY) Ltd is strongly focused on the supply of Energy & Industrial Commodities and is a Joint Venture Partner with 2 x International Trade Desks.

Areas of focus are as follows;

* Energy Commodities:
• JET-A1 / JP54
• D6 Virgin Fuel Oil Low Sulphur
• EN590

* Industrial Commodities:
- Coal (FOB Only)
• RB1
• RB3

* Oil & Gas Projects:
- Drilling Campaigns
- Strategic Storage

For assistance please feel free to InMail me or connect with a message.

Please feel free to email us on [email protected] with your requirements.
Nicholas C. de Vogel
Chief Commercial Officer - GasOilInc Seychelles Trade Desk
chief executive officer
seahorse internationl energy resources (pty) ltd
[email protected]
Areas of Operations: Cape Town (South Africa) Grand Baie (Mauritius) Singapore (Singapore) Bangkok (Thailand)
3181745452 (QQ)
nicholas.c.devogel (Skype)
nicholasdevogel (WeChat)

#439935 by AlanJones Wed Jun 14, 2023 3:31 pm
From the WhoIs for fake domain
Creation Date: 2018-10-22T14:39:00.00Z
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2023-10-22T14:39:42.00Z

Registrant Name: Whois Agent (720151873)
Registrant Organization: Whois Privacy Protection Service, Inc.

The fake domain has no website set up, despite existing for 5 years.

Another email address used by dumb South African scammer Nicholas C. de Vogel - [email protected]

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
#440024 by Nicholasdevogel Sun Jun 18, 2023 6:31 am
Admin Note: This post was made by the dumb scammer himself in a pathetic attempt to avoid losing victims. We are leaving it here to show how far these disgusting creatures will go to steal from their victims.

Dear Alan Jones,

I don't know who you are or what your issue is with me, but feel free to make contact with me and sort this out.

You are very correct, I do not have a website, is my email domain and there will be a website in the future when I am good and ready to launch a website. There is no law on earth stating I need to have a website.

My company facilitates deals between buyers and sellers, I have never claimed to be a Buyer nor a Seller as I simply do not have the credit lines to be able to do as such. I have never misrepresented to anyone.

Some of the biggest movers of oil that I know use a simple address and have no website, so whatever you are accusing me of, please say it to my face.

I have never requested money from any one, so how can I be a scammer? In fact I go the extra mile to ensure that the buyers I work with do not incur any upfront expenses until they have verified product.

I can only imagine you are a person of little integrity by slandering my companies name.

It's such a shame that people have to make false accusations against people just trying to make a living in this tough world of business.

I wish you all the best.


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