Check Scams, Debt Collection scams and other financial scams.
#142182 by Ticklemetorgo Sun Dec 30, 2012 1:22 pm
I've been trying to do a bit of research on these idiots cause I've been getting calls from this office. I don't answer the call so I get an automated message saying something about a important matter regarding a document sent to me or my employer, and if I don't respond this will be taken to a higher level (higher level of what, I don't know) Now I got a message saying that according to a contract I agreed to they tried to collect money from my bank account, but it did not go though. So they now consider this fraud and I will be reported to the National Banking Association (who??) A few stories can be found here..

Everything they seem to be doing is illegal with collection tactics, etc. Not only that, they will not say what debt they are collecting from. I doubt that they are even collecting legitimate debts and wondering why they can still run what they are doing. They use several different phone numbers, toll free and toll numbers. IF you get a call from them or anyone you know get them, DO NOT GIVE OUT PERSONAL INFO TO THEM!! And send nothing to them at all. On the link above there are more stories and also what you should do if you get calls from them.

#142244 by TerranceBoyce Mon Dec 31, 2012 5:35 am
As a general rule I never identify myself when I answer the phone, though I use an answerphone and only pick up if I recognise the caller or feel good reason to do so.

If they haven't identified you, they shouldn't be discussing any personal or financial information, and I'm not sure they should be leaving any information like that on a recording machine, even if they have identified you.

Their approach sounds unorthodox and I wouldn't feel inclined to talk to them if they appear not to know your details such as address or bank information. The question is what their intent is - are they fishing for information ? You can unintentionally give useful information out to people in these circumstances when you are better to reveal nothing and see what they know about you.

Most people are too friendly and helpful when they answer the phone and that can be risky. You can unintentionally be giving them the information they need to step up the harassment.

They ought to be contacting you in writing and vague threats of taking it to a 'higher level' aren't impressive.

CAR ADVERTS - If a car seller mentions escrow - he's scamming you Never ever for any reason pay anything until you have seen and inspected the vehicle

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