#146468 by Terminator5
Wed Jan 23, 2013 8:31 pm
The source host name is "pyperd.lnk.telstra.net" and the source IP address is
Geo-Location Information
Country Australia
City Sydney
From: "First-Class Mail Service" [email protected]
Subject: Tracking Detail (E)PRG21 262 368 4465 9208
Begin Scam Email:
Fed Ex
Order: SGH-9061-33192552
Order Date: Thursday, 17 January 2013, 11:10 AM
Dear Customer,
Your parcel has arrived at the post office at January 18.Our courier was unable to deliver the parcel to you.
To receive your parcel, please, go to the nearest office and show this receipt.
Best Regards, The FedEx Team.
FedEx 1995-2012
End Scam Email
Hyperlink in Email to http//:golfgala.de
Geo-Location Information
Country Australia
City Sydney
From: "First-Class Mail Service" [email protected]
Subject: Tracking Detail (E)PRG21 262 368 4465 9208
Begin Scam Email:
Fed Ex
Order: SGH-9061-33192552
Order Date: Thursday, 17 January 2013, 11:10 AM
Dear Customer,
Your parcel has arrived at the post office at January 18.Our courier was unable to deliver the parcel to you.
To receive your parcel, please, go to the nearest office and show this receipt.
Best Regards, The FedEx Team.
FedEx 1995-2012
End Scam Email
Hyperlink in Email to http//:golfgala.de
Daniel 8 :25