Check Scams, Debt Collection scams and other financial scams.
#172143 by rococo Tue Jul 23, 2013 3:35 pm
Profil DailyFlog: ma_ju
Name: Ma Ju
Basic: 36 year old, man from South Africa
Message from ma_ju
Date: 23, Jul 12:51:01
Subject: atm

This is inform you that we have concluded in our meeting today regarding your the Delivery of your ATM Card and the Courier Company name is Chase Express Courier Services.

It is my pleasure to inform you that ATM Card Number; 6280 5120 0111 0685 have been approved in your favor. Your Personal Identification Number Code (ATM Pin Code) is 2200 and you can as well change it immediately as soon as you get the Atm Card. The ATM Card Value is $10.7m USD Only. You are advised that a maximum withdrawal value of $100.000.00 USD is permitted on withdrawal per Day. You ATM Card is an "Inter Switch ATM Card, and this means that you can make withdrawal in any ATM location and ATM Center of your choice anywhere in the world. But your withdrawal limit still remains $100.000.00 USD, or it's equivalent in your local currency.

To enable us release your ATM Card to you, we have concluded delivery arrangement with Chase Express Courier Services , because they are affiliated to one of the Largest Insurance Companies, here in South Africa, "Nicon Insurance Corporation". You ATM Card has been insured by the Chase Express Courier Services South Africa, from the Nicon Insurance Corporation, in case of loss of theft. Please understand that these are standard procedures in order to ensure transparency.
In view of this development, you are requested to choose from the options listed below, as the listed options for delivery were the best gotten from the Chase Express Courier Services. All options covers insurance, so make a choice and get back to us with the option that you have chosen from the list below. Please take time to pick a choice, from the under listed:

CECS GOLD (2 DAYS DELIVERY) Mailing$350.00 00.00
Vat (5%)$195.0000.00
CECS SILVER ( 3 DAYS DELIVERY) Mailing$250.00 00.00
Vat (5%)$150.0000.00
CECS BRONZE (7 DAYS WEEK DELIVERY) Mailing$150.00 00.00
Vat (5%)$100.0000.00
Having made your choice, I will appreciate an urgent reply is highly needed so that we can proceed immediately.
Kindly send to me your full information below:
1)Full Name:
2)Full Address:
3)Telephone Number:
4)A copy of international Passport:
Note: Please Beware of the imposters and bunch of crooks you are communicating with and If you don't stop further communications with them you will keep on sending your hard earned money to them throughout the rest of your life and you will end up not receiving your legitimate funds entitlement from Federal Government of South Africa if you are sure you are the rightful owner of the funds.
Yours sincerely,

Name Maxwell Julio
Phone Number cell 27731407825
Office Land line 27110517213
Fax Number 27867631152

South Africa’s Inspector-General of Police,
In Charge of Anti Fraud Unit.compesation


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