I have my licence to sell Life Insurance so imagine the surprise to get this in the email?
Long Contract
Of course we have contacted the real organization on this matter!
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Subject: Job Offer #82401. Junior Distributor.
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Good day,
We are glad to inform you that after examine your resume we came to the conclusion that you are qualified much for this position: "Junior Distributor".
Junior Distributor takes part in Commercial interactions between potential customers and our company. The job is related to remote Internet operations. Every payment order will be accompanied by detailed instruction. It is also the duty to interact and report all the details of every action you take to our manager. The brief training course is enclosed. To be successful in this role, you will need to be an energetic and flexible person with strong computing skills.
Your main duties will be to communicate with clients over the telephone or through the Internet, to conduct the reports, to fulfill our tasks following our instructions, to work with business forms on your own, to conclude agreements with our potential clients, to receive payments from potential customers. You will be able to get new information from our "Project Manager", contact your head office and to check the report on the earnings. You will get monthly salary for your work; your salary will be divided into two parts and bonuses from each transaction depending on the amount of the deal.
My name is Susan Barrett. I will be your instructor for a month before you will obtain enough skills for independent work.
To start working you need to complete the following steps:
1. Please download the attached contract, make sure that everything is clear in it.
2. Fill out all the required fields in print letters.
3. Send it to our US fax number '(866) 839-1070'
Attached is a PDF version of your contract. If you do not already have Adobe PDF Reader installed please go to http://www.adobe.com to install it..
We'll process your contract and get in touch with you in 1-3 business days.
ING Funds Distributor, LLC
Amstelveenseweg 500
1081 KL Amsterdam, Nederland
Tel: +31 20 342 3472
Fax: + 31 20 274 7354
Long Contract
- 1 -
1. Names of the contracted parties
Between: ING Funds Distributor, LLC (the ‘Employer’)
Amstelveenseweg 500
1081 KL Amsterdam, Nederland
Phone: +31 20 541 5411
Office in New York:
230 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10169
Phone: 347-694-7585
And: __________________________ (the ‘Employee’)
Tel: __________________________
Cell: __________________________
Email: _________________________
Fax: __________________________
2. Job description
The Employee’s job title is: Junior Distributor.
The task of the Junior Distributor is to process payments between our partners' clients and our company, in
particular, to manage cash and balance receipts, follow up on accounts, etc.
The job is related to remote Internet operations. Every payment order will be accompanied by detailed instruction. It is
also the duty to interact and report all the details of every action you take to our manager. The brief training course is
Some details of the work with our company are subject for changes. However that should have give a reason for
worries, as our employees are always notified in advance, and participate in work only if they agree to
the changes.
3. Candidate requirements
3.1 Must be 21 or older.
3.2 Willingness to work from home, take responsibility, set up and achieve goals
3.3 Ability to create good administrative reporting
3.4 Prior customer service experience is a good benefit, but not a must
3.5 Honesty, responsibility and promptness in operations
3.6 Effective interaction with customers
3.7 Familiar to working online, Internet and e-mail skills
3.8 The ability of stable communication with our company and on-time and detailed reporting
3.9 One or several personal bank accounts needed.
- 2 -
4. Address of the workplace
Home or the place of your permanent job.
5. Salary
The Employee’s net salary is $24,000 per annum + 4% - 7% from each transaction depending on the amount of the
deal. The exact commission will be discussed right before the deal.
The amounts of our deals vary from $1,000 to $45,000. The number or the deals that you'll take part in is not limited
and only depends on your personal skills, responsibility and communication abilities. If our managers see that in your
work, you will be responsible for more and more valuable deals with bigger amounts. In other words, your salary
depends on you totally, no limits.
Payments are sent two times in a month directly into your bank account (specified in the bank details table) or by
check. If there is no bank account the Employee is to open one.
6. Hours of work
Approximately 1-3 hours a day, from Monday to Friday.
From time to time, the Employee may be asked to work outside of the contracted hours.
7. Holiday entitlement
The Employee is entitled to 4 weeks (20 days) paid holiday per annum.
8. Grievance procedure
In all but one instance, the Employee must report any grievance to their immediate project manager. Where, and only
where, the grievance is with the immediate project manager, the Employee can make their grievance known to the
immediate project manager.
9. Disciplinary procedure
Where the Employer believes that the Employee has acted in an unfit way in the course of carrying out their duty, or
the Employee brings the Employers business in to disrepute, the Employee will face a disciplinary inquiry.
If the Employee is found to have committed a minor misconduct, the Employer has the option of a verbal warning (in
writing), or a written warning depending on the severity of the misconduct.
If the Employee is found to have committed gross misconduct, the Employer has the option of a verbal warning (in
writing), a written warning, a final written warning, or instant dismissal. The Employer also has the option to suspend
the Employee where the Employer needs to make an inquiry into the misconduct.
IMPORTANT: in case not following Employer’s instructions and keeping the payments for more than 4 days, the
Employee is to be taken legal action against. ING company has signed an agreement of cooperation with Interpol and
FBI and in case of claim re Employee’s fraud activity the latter is to be arrested and bear all responsibility.
10. Notice periods required from both the Employee and the Employer
The minimum notice periods are as follows:
- 3 -
Time in Employment Minimum Notice
Under 1 month No Notice
Over 1 month 1 Week
2 years’ service 2 Weeks
3 to 12 years’ service One week for each year to a maximum of 12 Weeks.
The Employee must send a copy of their notice to the company’s address, as 1 above.
The Employer will send a copy of the notice to the Employees address, as 1 above.
In the case of the Employee being dismissed for gross misconduct, the Employer will decide if any notice period will
be applied and/or worked.
Changes in the terms of this contract or in other terms, conditions & rules of employment will be notified to you before
the date of proposed change, and will have effect with your acceptance or acquiescence.
I accept and agree to all of the above Terms & Conditions of my employment:
Signed: ______________________________________ (Employee)
Date: __ / __ / ____
Signed: ______________________________________ (Employer)
Date: __ / __ / ____
- 4 -
Please fill in the following information:
Date __________
Last First Middle
Street Address:
City State Zip
Previous Address: (Complete only if at current address less than 2 years)
City State Zip
Home Phone #:( ) Message Phone # : ( ) Preferred Contact # : ( )
If hired, can you present evidence of your U.S citizenship or proof of your legal right
to live and work in the U.S? Yes No
Are you at least 18 years of age or older? If “no,” a work permit may be required.
Yes No
For reference purposes, have you worked financial structures? If yes, please list
name(s): _________________________________________________________
Yes No
Have you ever worked for import/export company? Yes No
Are any relatives or members of your household currently employed at this
institution? If yes, give full name and position.
Yes No
Are you able to perform the essential functions of the position applied for, either with
or without reasonable accommodation?
Yes No
Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense (other than convictions relating to
marijuana that are more than two years old), and/or arrested for a crime for which
trial is now pending.
Yes No
(Note: A conviction is not an automatic bar to employment. The nature of the offense,
date of offense, the surrounding circumstances and relevance of the offense to the
position applied for will be considered.)
Have you ever been discharged from any employment, asked to resign or advised
that if you did not resign, your employment would be terminated. Yes No
- 5 -
Type of School Name and Location No. of Years
Completed Did You Graduate? Major &
School/GED/CHSPE Yes No
Business/Trade or
Technical School Yes No
College(s) or
University(ies) Yes No
Are you attending school now?
Yes No Name/Course
of Study:
Keyboarding WPM: Computer Programs:
Special Equipment:
List Foreign Language(s) (optional):
Speak Read Write Interpret and/or translate
Do you have any other experience, training, qualifications or skills, which you feel, make you especially suited for the
position applied for?
Yes No If yes, please explain.
- 6 -
This Agreement is expressly limited to its terms and supersedes any other discussions, communications or
agreements regarding this subject matter, whether oral or written.
This agreement is entered into this _______ /_____/ 2009.
Month Day
Name: __________________________
ING Funds Distributor, LLC
Amstelveenseweg 500
1081 KL Amsterdam, Nederland
Tel: +31 20 541 5411
Office in New York:
230 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10169
Phone: 347-694-7585
Fax: 866-929-7861
Of course we have contacted the real organization on this matter!