#14304 by The Enchantress
Fri Sep 25, 2009 5:28 pm
Liar and romance scammer
Phone number used +447031868630
Note - this is a UK service that redirects call to any cellphone anywhere in the world and much favoured by scammers.
Mail address used [email protected]
Liar and romance scammer
Claims 40 or 43 years old, born in Italy but now lives and works in Liverpool or London, UK.
Note - The distance between Liverpool and London is 176 miles (284 km)
Phone number used +447031868630
Note - this is a UK service that redirects call to any cellphone anywhere in the world and much favoured by scammers.
Mail address used [email protected]
It is my great pleasure to use this little privilege to write you through this medium. First and foremost, my name is Samuel Kenny, I was born in Italy but presently live and work here in London. with my family, I am just new to the site and i saw your profile and decided to contact you so that we can know more about each other if you don't mind. I will be very Glad if you can take little of your time to reply my mail and i will tell you more about myself as we go on to communicate. Hope to hear from you soon, do take care and have a wonderful day.
Am really happy to receive your shot note thanks for your kindness, sorry for late reply am not used to this site!
Meanwhile i would like to tell you a bit more about myself,
My full name is Samuel Kenny, 40 years old, I was born and grew up in Italy, i was 19years when my family moved down to UK, now am a citizen of United Kingdom, I am the only child of my parents, I have no brother and sister for my parents love me so much, I came from a happy family, I do smoke, I drink once in a while but just little, my hobbies are traveling. Reading novels, swimming, watching sport like foot ball Liverpool is my team….
My Father was a very rich man, he was a businessman and also a government contractor who owns over lands and properties, while my mother worked in the government, but my father was very sick in the last 10 years, he suffers from a heart attack, he was taken to many hospitals and he letter died. and left me and my mum. when ever I remember about my father's death I feel uncomfortable! thats why i dosen't like talking about my pass because it makes me feel like crying all the time, but i have to tell you this because am interested in you and willing to know more about you as well, i live in liverpool. and I work as a business man as well as my father, i took over my father's business after his death,I am a Man with so much understanding and I love who also appreciates understanding, honesty, love, care and truth.
One thing I would like to seek from you is Honest, I want us to be honest to each other in everything we do, and of course you would agree with me that honest is the key to a good and lasting relationship, without truth we cannot move forward. I believe in co-operate existence in any relationship, which I believe is the best for a matured relationship. I believe love to be the power that can bring two together from a far or near and I hope you will get hold of this point as I do too. At times age and distance do come in between; but that's only when it's allowed to... Personally,what matters is the state of the hearts, If there's a connection, then nothing else matters...you could reply me with whatever you think i should get to know you.
Finally, I will wait for your response and please do not hurry to write me because I know we all lead a busy life, so please take your time and write me when you have the chance to do so, I will also appreciate to have your pictures and mobile number for easy and better communication for i don't really have much time to be coming online everyday. besides am new to site, I hope you have a nice day
could guess you are doing absolutely great today.... If I am right then give thanks to the Almighty God. I am doing pretty well today; am bouncing in good health as well, in all I give praises to God almighty. Nice Reading your beautiful mail, I was very happy to read your letter.I understand everything you wrote in your letter and I would like to say that I think the same way, it is true that we never see each other but I have so much confidence that you are the wife of my dream, the person that I have spent all these years searching for, I hope that our dreams come true in a short future.
I want to tell you more about myself and my family because you deserve to know everything about me, I am the only son of my parents, I have no brother and sister for my parents love me so much, I came from a happy family, my Father was a very rich man, he was a businessman who over land and properties, while my mother worked in the government, but my father was very ill in the last 4 years, he suffers from a heart attack, he was taken to many hospitals and he letter died.
Like i said before i would like us to be honest to each other in everything we do, and of course you would agree with me that honest am the key to a good and lasting relationship, without truth we cannot move forward. I believe in co-operate existence in my relationship which I believe is the best for a matured relationship. I believe love to be the power that can bring two together from a far or near and I hope you will get hold of this point as I do too. At times age and distance do come in between; but that's only when it's allowed to... Personally,what matters is the state of the hearts, If there's a connection, then nothing else matters..
I would like to have your contact number so that we could be contacting each other, am really interested to know you more and communicate with you, please if you don't mind here is my number ( +447031868630 ) am looking forward to hear from you soon, do take good care of you self and have some nice days ahead.
May the everlasting peace that comes from the Almighty God’s presence be with you? I thank you so much for your respond to my mail and for your wonderful introduction. as well as letting me email you directly, In fact, I do not know how to express my feelings. It’s really a pleasure knowing you and I pray that God guide us in each and every step we make. In all things, I want us to be strong and believed that our future is bright. I am glad to know you and will always try my best to be whatever God wants me to be for you. It is a wonderful opportunity God has given us to know, explore and get to know each other. I can say that it is not by accident that we meet but I will consider it as a divine arrangement from God. So my dear let us have faith in God, because He makes a way where there seems to be no way
I know you must have been waiting to hear from me. I am still new to site and pray that God help and guide us. I do believed that religion has nothing to do with this relationship because we all are serving the same God
Well, my dear, to tell you the truth. I am highly overwrought and do not know what to say than to pray for God to perfect His will in our lives. If He says my communication with you shall be fruitful let it be so. More important is for us to empty our thoughts and allow God to lead and direct our paths. After all, He created us and knows the right thing we desire. It's my joy to be in contact with you and I look forward to what he has in stock for us in the future. I will be willing and happy to be your guide of what he has called us to do in the future if that is His will in our lives. Let's continue to pray and seek the will of God. One thing I know is that if God wants to accomplish something nobody even distances, culture, and religion can not hinder it.
He can do possible things of what is impossible to man. Indeed, you can trust me that I will be true and honest to you. Feel free to ask me what you want to know about me by this you will know me well. With sincerity and honesty, I will answer it all as far as my life is concern. May God bind us together with His love as we go on discovering His perfect will in our lives? I know and believe that our relationship now is part of God's divine plan to us.
At times, we might be expecting him to bring to us those that are within our vicinity, but He would look up and bring to us someone from afar, from different country we never dreamed of having contact from. And he who knows our heart desires will get someone for us from somewhere we do not even think of having contact with.
Like as I earlier said, destination, race or age will not be a barrier in any relationship approved by God.. I really wish to meet you in the future because it would help us much. In my life, I need someone who will assist me carry out the work of charity he has been calling me to establish for Him in the future, in order that the poor and the less privileged shall benefit from it. As God brings us together, we shall be there to assist each other in every part of lives.
For the couple of months now I am having the feelings and he had promised me that He would bring my way a partner with whom I would spend the rest of my life. He really blessed my family both, spiritually and otherwise, but all is not complete without an honest and sincere woman. Please dear, I am not being so fast, but I need to express myself and disclose to you my heart desire.
May God guide us well, Amen. My regard to your family and stay blessed till I read from you again. I have attached a copy of my picture and I hope you will like it and I look forward to see yours.
How was your day?, i could guess you are doing absolutely great today... If I am right then give thanks to the Almighty God. I am doing pretty well today; am bouncing in good health as well, in all I give praises to God almighty. i hope everything is well with you and your family. Dear, I was just thinking about us this morning and i decided to go on my computer to email you, in fact i really thought about lot of things concerning us and our previous conversation, before writing this email i really had a lot of things in my heart to tell you but it was quit unfortunate that when i got on my computer to write to you, i got lost of words and really don't know what to write or how to put my heart intention in write, but i will just try my best to explain
My Dear, I really don't know what has been going on with me since to days, i have been thinking so much about you all this while, all this may sound strange to you due to the fact that we have not meet each other and we are just new to each other but i want to let you know that i really care about you, i wish you can understand how i really feel right inside me, sometimes i use to think about the best way to let you know how i really care about you,.....
Dear, do you really know how it feels when something is right?, that is how i really feel about you, i feel that we are right and perfect for each other. I really hope that i could have the chance to make a way into your heart so as to let you know that i really care about you and to prove my love. Love is a great gift and we cannot control it when it is real, i understand that it might seems to early to tell you all this but i have to let you know them, i really care about you and i am falling in love with you and this is true. Please take good care of yourself and i hope we can chat again soon, Have a nice day dear.....cheers
It is very important for me to express to you how much you really mean to me. I wish I could do this in person while holding you in my arms and gazing into your eyes. But since we are physically separated by miles of emptiness, this expression must come in the form of letters such as this.
Dear, I know it is difficult for you, as it is for me, to be separated for so long. Life seems to be full of trials of this type which test our inner strength, and more importantly, our devotion and love for one another. After all, it is said that "True Love" is boundless and immeasurable and overcomes all forms of adversity. In truth, if it is genuine, it will grow stronger with each assault upon its existence.
The longer I am away from you, the greater is my yearning to be with you. You are my Charming princess, and I am your devoted prince. I cherish any thought of you, prize any memory of you that rises from the depths of my mind, and live for the day when our physical separation will no longer be.
Meanwhile I wish to let you know that am making an arrangement of my traveling to France as i told you, you have brought to me a lot of happiness and favors since we meat, i wish you really know how i feel having you and how happy my mum was seeing me so happy,!!!! Honey i will do anything within my possible best to have you and settle down as a man until that moment arrives, I send to you across the miles, my tender love, my warm embrace, and my most passionate kiss.
Honey, you have changed my life completely. You're the one who makes me handsome. You're the one who makes me strong. You're the one who makes me feel so important; you're everything to me. Everyday, every moment that goes by I think of you. My brain tells me to give up, but my heart says I can't stop loving you. I spend all day dreaming of the moment you would call to say you feel the same way. As much as I try to pretend, the truth is, I can't stop loving you. I don't know how to stop.
All that I can offer you is a family. I can offer you a family that will stick together through the good and the bad. I can offer you a family that will support each other every day. Honey, that's all I can give...I hope that’s what you want. Thank you for the comfortable conversations. I am here with open arms where you will some day finally arrive... right where you belong. I never been confused as you mention Please don’t ever forget me and knowing that my heart will always have a piece just for you. and you alone.
Thank you for a month of memories I will never forget. They say time can fade feelings but during our time together I will take a lot of pictures in my mind and they’ll be stored in my heart forever. I want to tell you many things. I want to share my feelings with you. I want to speak my heart out. I haven't mustered enough courage to tell you how much I feel for you. What I want to say is I've loved you since day one. Since we said hellos, I know deep inside me, you'll be a part of me. I've loved everything about you. I've loved you clandestinely; I kept it so hard Love Always,
Good-morning and how are you doing today, hope you hard a good sleep with nice dreams last night. thanks so much for such a wonderful mail you sent to me, it makes me feel like a man and i know my mum will be so much happy to see that your really like her and accept her as your mother-in-law, Honey If I could have just have one wish, I would wish to wake up everyday to the sound of your breath on my neck, the warmth of your lips on my cheek, the touch of your fingers on my skin, and the feel of your heart beating with mine....Knowing that I could never find that feeling with anyone other than you.... honey A gentle word like a spark of light, Illuminates my soul And as each sound goes deeper, It’s YOU that makes me whole There is no corner, no dark place, YOUR LOVE cannot fill And if the world starts causing waves, It’s your devotion that makes them still And yes you always speak to me, In sweet honesty and truth Your caring heart keeps out the rain, YOUR LOVE, the ultimate roof, So thank you my Love for being there for me always I miss your voice
How are you doing today, i have really miss you a lot that i couldn't stop thinking about you every moment here, i hope your fine and in good condition of health for me, honey am really sorry that i couldn't rich to you after my meeting with my client, i try calling you so many times but i couldn't connect, i guess is the bad network or some else i don't really know, i would like to talk to you tomorrow about my business okay, please try call me when your free okay,
Honey please do not be worried much about me okay am fine and very well for you here, loving you is the greatest thing ever happened to me in my life and i promise you that i will continuously be loving you, thanks so much honey for making my dreams comes true, your the love of my life and strength in my business, please always be there for me okay, please do take good care of yourself and always have nice days ahead my love....Cheers...........
The name of the company is Mahailia Jewelery Design and the product is Oxtra Fino Ship Lubricant (OFSL). In UK , it is sold for GBP2,800.00 per carton of 10bottles each, and the other one is Garnets stone, this is been sold GBP4,500 and the buyer of this product is the company that my father work as a market research director.and my father introduce me to the company before he died, since then i have been supplying it for then, Now They are is interested in buying 100 cartons of ( OFSL) and 1000 Unit of Garnets stone, i could only get 90 cartons of (OFSL) but none for Garnets Stone, and this company needed Garnets Stone much more than (OFSL) my client gave me the number to call for the supplier in malaysia who sells this same product for US$1,500.00 per carton, but i have already told this company that the price is GBP4,500.00 per carton, and they company is very much interested to buy for GBP4,500.00 per carton.
Please honey i would like to introduce you to that Malaysia branch as my fiancee, please i really need to confirm that they have this Garnets Stove, here is the contact of the Malaysia supplier.
( 0102188795 )
But you must make sure that they do not have this product understanding. please honey try your best on this for both of us okay, after this suppliers i could be making profit of GBP70.000 which will help us a lot in future, please honey if you don't understand it very well do let me know okay before talking to them, i love you honey and i will always be there for you okay do take care of yourself for me okay
Last edited by The Enchantress on Tue Oct 06, 2009 11:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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