Information on romance scams and scammers.
#186745 by bradk Wed Jan 08, 2014 8:50 pm
Mode Note: This post was made by a Scammer. He is attempting to do Recovery Scams. This is one of the lowest bottom feeding scammers. They scam victims that have already lost money.

Poor dirty old scammers. I am so happy that my in law helped me recover and arrest the scammers that tricked me. If you lost so much to the scammer, please contact me and i will get you connected to my in law. If you are lucky enough and he accepts, then smile all the way

#187610 by csn Fri Jan 17, 2014 3:35 am
I have been talking to a scammer for the last 2 months. I knew he was a scammer from pretty close to the beginning but i enjoy talking to him. Anyway now he wants me to request a leave for him from So i did and they want 800 dollars to process the request. I am not going to send him any money but i was reading how you all wanted the info on theses scammers so i copied all the messages down and the emails from the supposed army mail. Would you like me to cut and paste it here or send it to another place. Let me know. And have a good day.
#187635 by jolly_roger Fri Jan 17, 2014 9:10 am
Hello csn. And a warm welcome to the forums.
Could you publish the e-mail address or addresses that are being used in the scam? It's also useful to publish the e-mail header (but remember to omit your own details) to show the origin of the sender. If you could post up the money request, that will prove it to be a scamming trickster. Sad to say but the military type scams are littered throughout the forums. Happy to hear you have lost no money.
#188404 by kat16 Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:05 am
today i was chatting with a guy who is supposed to be from the us army, we originally started chatting just before Christmas, we exchanged photographs etc, for the past week i didn't hear anything from him, then suddenly to day I have a msg from him saying he wanted to come visit me , and requested that I write a letter via email to whom it may concern requesting his leave, I asked for a name and an email of the person I needed to send the email. the email was [email protected]. I know that the army never use an open email address. as when army guys request leave it is done internally with appropriate paper work. and any out sider cannot request any such leave on their behalf. Just to find out if the email address worked I sent an email requesting the leave etc, i didn't sign it with my full name only my initials, to my suprise i got an automatic reply to which I have kept , If I had carried this through I thought I may have been asked for money , using my own initiative I decided I would confront the guy and tell him to read something I had copied and pasted regarding fake leave etc. no suprise he as now gone off line.!
I am quite happy to post the appropriate notes etc and email address and photos of this guy .
please let me know guys if you would like to post the relevant information which I have collected. :D [b][/b]
#188405 by kat16 Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:13 am
csn wrote:I have been talking to a scammer for the last 2 months. I knew he was a scammer from pretty close to the beginning but i enjoy talking to him. Anyway now he wants me to request a leave for him from So i did and they want 800 dollars to process the request. I am not going to send him any money but i was reading how you all wanted the info on theses scammers so i copied all the messages down and the emails from the supposed army mail. Would you like me to cut and paste it here or send it to another place. Let me know. And have a good day.

Would love to know about this because I have talking to a guy for about the same time, and today was asked the same thing. maybe we could exchange his name etc we may have the same guy, i have pics also.
ive posted to day about my recent scam alert.
have a good day
#189916 by linda74espi Tue Feb 04, 2014 12:47 pm
I think I'm being scammed. I've been talking to a so called Sgt. Alex Butterfield in Afghanistan. He hasn't asked me for anything yet, but did say he wanted to take a leave to come and see me, but that I had to request for it. I did some research, and found out that the military never requests help from any outside party for a leave of absence. They are very capable of processing the request directly from the soldier without the help of any outside party. This is the first red flag that triggered me to start searching around. Mr. Butterfield is also using a yahoo email address to correspond with me, he says he does not have an assigned military email address, which I questioned him on. So I asked him that I needed real proof, I asked him to speak with his Commander to see if he could confirm his identity to me using an assigned military email address. Today I received a bogus looking email from [email protected] from a supposed Steve Kellyson which I suppose is supposed to be his Commander! Attached to the email are two photos of a Sgt Butterfield in service all right! You can read his name clearly on his uniform! So I say to myself, man he's really going all out to make me believe he's actually Sgt. Alex Butterfield. I did an email search on him on Spokeo, and found two other sites where he's posted with the exact same information. When I researched his IP Address, it's coming out of CA, not somewhere in Afghanistan. The signs are all there, but I'm still hesitent to believe. One thing for sure, I'm definitely not sending any money whatsoever! Not now, not ever!

Can anyone confirm the email address: [email protected] I would really appreciate it! Thanks.
#189920 by AlanJones Tue Feb 04, 2014 12:55 pm
linda74espi wrote:Can anyone confirm the email address: [email protected] I would really appreciate it! Thanks.

A definite scammer. The email address [email protected] is not an official US military address, that would be a .mil domain (with nothing after the .mil). is a free email domain provided by

Please can you post details of the scammer, such as the email address he is using and some of the early mails he sent you (these will be scripted and sent to other victims) as these might help other victims discover he is a scammer.

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
#189977 by linda74espi Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:29 pm
I figured! It amazes me at the length that these individuals go to try and convince someone that their legit. The suitor that's pursuing me is Sgt. Alex Butterfield. He claims to be originally from the Dallas/Arlington, TX area 39 years of age and a Taurus. He uses the email address [email protected]. Of course he claims he's a widower with an 11 year son named Josh. Which his aunt in New York is taking care of him while he's on duty. Met him on Skout which is a chat app, of course, he approached me. It wasn't far too long before he was madly in love with me, claims to still be. He hasn't asked me for anything as of yet, but there's red flags going off all around me. Luckily I haven't given him anything, much less any of my personal information.

Ladies beware! He's real clever and good. Even after I confronted him about knowing how the whole scam works, pointing out that I knew his IP Address was from CA, and that I found one of his photos on another scam website under a Smith Collins, he still denied everything. I even asked him why he didn't use his assigned military email address, and he claimed that he didn't have one, just used yahoo. Amazing! I guess these guys have nothing better to do, than to prey and lie 8 hours a day like a normal job!

Not sure how to go about posting his pictures on this site. If anybody can clue me in on how to do it, I'd appreciate it! Thanks.
#189985 by Bryon Williams Wed Feb 05, 2014 12:24 am
^^Information on how to post pictures can be found here. I use scamwarners it is easy and you can mark the pictures.


Please contacta moferatorstor if you have a question or information about this post.

Please do not tell the scammer he is posted here.

Please remember the fallen.

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