Information on romance scams and scammers.
#201212 by scooby101 Mon May 12, 2014 9:54 am
Mark Kelvin: Hi my love
Mark Kelvin: i miss you so much
Mark Kelvin: how are you doing today
Mark Kelvin: i am fine my love and i miss you so much honey
Mark Kelvin: i was here this morning to chat with you but i miss you
Mark Kelvin: and i came on again now and i find you i am so happy
Mark Kelvin: i miss you so much and i am in my office now
Mark Kelvin: i am getting prepared for tomorrow morning interview
Mark Kelvin: okay my love
Mark Kelvin: how was your day honey
Mark Kelvin: tell me your plan of the day honey
Mark Kelvin: okay my love
Mark Kelvin: and how is work today
Mark Kelvin: i hope you are not over stressing yourself much
Mark Kelvin: okay my love
Mark Kelvin: well i hope i am not disturbing you more
Mark Kelvin: and stress you more too
Mark Kelvin: okay my love
Mark Kelvin: because i dont want you to stress yourself more
Mark Kelvin: i love you so much and i cares about you
Mark Kelvin: baby we are made for each other and we cares about each other
Mark Kelvin: no matter what okay]
Mark Kelvin: and support each other too in anywhere we want it so we can be happy ....that is all about cares and love
Mark Kelvin: and i love you so much
Mark Kelvin: and you are all i have in my life
Mark Kelvin: you are my love and you are so special to me
Mark Kelvin: and i cant wait to spend all my life with you
Mark Kelvin: and i am so glad and thankful to God for sending you into my life
Mark Kelvin: and i love you so much and all this years that i have been alone ohh God where just keeping you waiting for me and i am happy and thankful to God
Mark Kelvin: and i love you so much\
Mark Kelvin: the way i love you ohh is sweet i have never love this way before even my late wife i love you most
Mark Kelvin: and me too every day
Mark Kelvin: and i love you more every day of my life now and i will contiune loving you
Mark Kelvin: yes baby that is what matter true love will last forever
Mark Kelvin: and going with sweetness and happiness and joy
Mark Kelvin: i am so glad for making you happy
Mark Kelvin: thanks and you make me happy too i love you
Mark Kelvin: you bring out in me what no one else have ever bring out and i am so happy
Mark Kelvin: oh thanks my love
Mark Kelvin: and dont forget tomorrow morning is my interview
Mark Kelvin: just keep it in your mind and contiune praying okay\
Mark Kelvin: we need this contract in our happiness together so we can plan our future and buy house and leave happily okay
Mark Kelvin: the contract is a big one and large and after this contract we are going to plan with the money okay
Mark Kelvin: yes and i believe too
Mark Kelvin: you know it is good to believe because believe make things work out
Mark Kelvin: yes honey
Mark Kelvin: that is why i so much believe and have faith in you
Mark Kelvin: i always listen to my heart and i dont cares about anything because i know you are the right one for me
Mark Kelvin: good and i love you
Mark Kelvin: just let us follow our heart always okay
Mark Kelvin: let nothing come between us okay
Mark Kelvin: yes baby ...i promise you
Mark Kelvin: and you promise me too
Mark Kelvin: good and i promise you too with all my heart and life okay
Mark Kelvin: and you too with your life?
Mark Kelvin: okay my love
Mark Kelvin: and i swear toom okay
Mark Kelvin: i will never use force on you and i will make you smile and happy together
Mark Kelvin: honey can we talk later?
Mark Kelvin: i need to put some thinhs in order for tomorrow interview
Mark Kelvin: and we will chat later tonight
Mark Kelvin: okay my love
Mark Kelvin: takecare i love you
Mark Kelvin: chat later kisss
Mark Kelvin: please take care of yourself for me okay kiss
Mark Kelvin: bye for now kisss
Mark Kelvin: kisssssssssssssssssssssssssssss


#201435 by scooby101 Wed May 14, 2014 1:50 am
GoodMorning my love
Let these words not only touch your eyes, let them travel through your soul, and let them rest in your heart as you rest in mine…I love you.Words alone will never be able to express the depth of my love for you.
In case you didn't know, I'll be loving you always and forever!!
Just when I thought it couldn't get better, you prove me wrong! I love you!
Falling in love with you was the easiest thing I've done in my life
Hand in hand and heart to heart my love for you shall never part.
Even though we are apart, my love you will never part
I'll love the sun for days, the moon for nights, and YOU for forever
Loving you makes my heart explode with happiness.
Rains fall, winds blow, the sun shines... it all comes naturally, just like loving you.
Being with you is like having every single. one of my wishes come true.
Loving you has been the best thing to ever happen to me
Just had to let you know... you're the best! I love youThere is no long distance about love; it always finds a way to bring hearts together, no matter how many miles are between them.You are the sun in my day, the wind in my sky, the waves in my ocean, and the beat in my heartI wish I was there to hold you tight instead of just send this loving, Good Morning Thank you for being the one who calms all my inner fears.
Your love is all I'll ever need.You make me happy each and evryday!
You make me feel that Im the luckiest man in the world! Wherever you are... whomever you're with... whatever you're doing... know that I am thinking fondly of you and wishing I could be beside youI know I'm not perfect, i love you
kiss chat later
#201437 by AlanJones Wed May 14, 2014 1:52 am
Honey i miss you so much and every day you are on my mind . how are you doing and how is things with you and i hope all is well with you , honey i am sorry i have not be able to write you and i was having problem with my network okay and how are you doing my love?

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
#201524 by scooby101 Wed May 14, 2014 2:33 pm
Mark Kelvin: Hi my love
Mark Kelvin: honey there is good news for us,,,,,,,I won the contract
Mark Kelvin: I'm so happy
Mark Kelvin: the only thing is about the document
Mark Kelvin: I need the document and the man ask me money to make it
Mark Kelvin: I am worried, I don't have enough money and I want you to help me
Mark Kelvin: 500 dollars. can you help me please?
Mark Kelvin: honey the man wants it soon, then I get the contract.
Mark Kelvin: and i love you my wife soon
Mark Kelvin: you make me smile and i cant wait to take you to beach and have you in my arms all night long my love
Mark Kelvin: i want to grow old with you
Mark Kelvin: and make you my wife even when we are 100 years we will still love each other so much
Mark Kelvin: we will still treat each other like a baby
Mark Kelvin: oh my love that is why i came into your life to make you smile and happy for the rest of our
Mark Kelvin: honey i will give you my address now
Mark Kelvin: then you will go to moneygram and send the money into that address okay
Mark Kelvin: okay my love
Mark Kelvin: i will email you now my love
Mark Kelvin: honey are you going to send it now?
Mark Kelvin: you are the love of my life
Mark Kelvin: yes my love
Mark Kelvin: so i can make go and give the man tomorrow morning after i have pick it up so he can make it on time
Mark Kelvin: well no baby
Mark Kelvin: when are you going to send it ?
Mark Kelvin: okay my love
Mark Kelvin: i love you so much
Mark Kelvin: i pray by then things have not charge
Mark Kelvin: because those man give the few days to bring the document for them
Mark Kelvin: okay my love
Mark Kelvin: i will email my address now
Mark Kelvin: honey i love you too
Mark Kelvin: i cant wat to stay beside you and kiss you
Mark Kelvin: i am going to take very good care of you soon i love you
Mark Kelvin: honey try so we can chat later okay\
Mark Kelvin: when you get home okay
Mark Kelvin: i love you kiss

He has forgotten his anonymous proxy :laugh-s: wrote:IP Address Quick Report
IP Address:
Organization: Visafone Communications Limited
City: Lagos
Country of Origin: Nigeria
* For a complete report on this IP address goto ipTRACKERonline

NAME....Mark Pablo

Address... 1-8 Kensington Gardens Square,. London, W2 4BH

Country..United Kingdom

i love you so much and i cant wait to meet you and thank you so much for helping me , you are really the best and you are God sent to me and i will forever love you more and as you support me in this Contract i promise you i will be there for you and make you happy and treat you like queen, i love you.
#201680 by AlanJones Fri May 16, 2014 2:47 am
Good Morning my baby, how was your night and i am so happy that i get your message every day and night you are in my heart and i am glad i feel this way for you because i have been praying to find someone i will love and cherish and spend all my life with, ..i know that a day will come that we will be together as one and i love you and i cant wait to spend all my life with you, baby i have told my daughter about you and she is happy to know that we both are in a relationship and i am so happy for you coming into my life and i want to spend all my life with you and make you happy and i know some days will be in each other arms ...i love you XXX , well honey i have this contract interview i am working on right now and friday is the intervew and i really need this contract so much so i can plan my life with you and move to your place so we can leave together and i want to buy a new house for i want you to please pray for me to have the contract okay i really need it okay....... here is my phone number call me so we call talk on phone okay

Hi how are you doing and i miss you so much and i hope all is well with you , tomorrow is my interview and please pray for me okay and i miss you so much and i hope you are fine and i cant wait to meet you and spend all my life with you and i love you so much and i love you so much and i cant wait to be with you and spend all my life with you and i want you to know that i have future plan for us okay and i want you to love me back too with all your heart okay bye for now kisss

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
#201785 by scooby101 Sat May 17, 2014 3:36 am
honey thanks you so much and i am so happy i have find my dream woman and i cant wait to be with you and treat you like queen i love you so much.........honey please write me the full name you use sending the money and your address too okay i love you so much..............
#201792 by AlanJones Sat May 17, 2014 4:07 am
Good morning my love here is my number.....+447087625365 honey that is my phone number and try call me okay......i am getting ready to live for my interview now and please pray for me okay i love you and i know with your love i will win this contract i love you kisss

I started thinking today of all the ways you make my life complete, and i ran out of space when i tried to fit it
on just one sheet. I love to imagine you smiling when reading this letter; i love to imagine you holding me even
\when we are not together. I love to imagine you and me forever; i love to imagine ways to always make our
relationship better. I love to imagine how we will make up after a having fight, I love to imagine what we will do
once you read this letter today.
You will never know just how much i care for you, but i will spend the rest of my days trying to show you. You make
me feel so over warm, and you are always there for me. Fighting is never an option and making love is always as
sweet as the first time. No matter what, there will never be another for me and i will always keep you safe. I want
you for all eternity.
bye for now kiss

+447087625365 - a +4470 redirect number, not something someone who is actually in the UK would need.

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
#201815 by AlanJones Sat May 17, 2014 6:52 am
ohh i am sorry maybe the network is bad okay and still keep trying it...i cant wait to hear your sexy voice and how are you doing today weekend? i love you so much kiss and i cant wait to be with you and spend all my life with you.....i love you so much and i know a day will come that we will be together and we will not miss each other and honey how was your weekend ?

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
#201920 by AlanJones Sun May 18, 2014 3:13 am
Good Morning my baby ,Every night when i close my eyes, you fill my heart with joy, and every morning when i open my eyes, you are the first thing on my mind, more than just a dream of what will probably never be. i am in love with you of that i am sure but i want to hold you, to kiss you, and adore you. If you will be mine, you will make me the happiest man in this world, if you turn me away, I wil be dying. But either way, you will always be the greatest love of all that i have ever had. Only the most special things in my world get to come inside my heart and stay. And now, I realize how deeply my life has been touched by you

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#201967 by AlanJones Sun May 18, 2014 11:20 am
Hi my baby,happy Sunday i hope you went to church today my love and i pray for you and i cant wait to be with you...i miss you so much and baby tell me how was your day today? did you miss me?

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#202070 by AlanJones Mon May 19, 2014 2:36 am
okay baby and i hope you pray for me......ohh that is nice weather and i wish i am right there beside you and i love relaxing in the pool i love swimming and nice garden together spending our time and planing future together and i cant wait to be close beside you and spend all my life with you .................i love you so much and i will forever cares for you and treat you like queen and i cant wait to be close to you and honey on Friday this week is my new interview okay and please just help me pray about it so i will win the big contract okay ....bye for now kisss

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#202078 by scooby101 Mon May 19, 2014 3:49 am
sweetheart....what is wrong i am worry and thinking about you and i miss you so much i have not had from you for days now and i am worry i cant sleep and i cant eat just worry and miss you badly and please i hope your health is fine now and please write me back so i will stop worried okay bye i love you so much
#202117 by scooby101 Mon May 19, 2014 12:16 pm
Mark Kelvin: Honey i try to pick up the money but the moneygram said the
money is not there.......please tell me did you really send me the money? i
am just confuse now.....i did not hear from you since the day i send me the
money please make me understand what is wrong?

i just want to let you know that i am not a scammer okay asking you for help dont mean i am a scammer okay
Mark Kelvin: well i am so sad right now for doing this to me..............for you to think i am a scammer all because i ask you for help....too bad...well bye if that is what you want........good luck with your seach
#202125 by AlanJones Mon May 19, 2014 12:30 pm
oh thanks my love and i am glad....i am going to win the big contract for us so we can plan our life together and the kids too and i want you to know that you are in my heart day and night and i cant wait to be right be side you and in your arms my love and today is Monday tell me your plan of the day my love and i miss you kiss and thanks for your players my love kisss

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#202188 by AlanJones Tue May 20, 2014 2:04 am
honey this contract is a big one.....a lots of contractors coming too for the same interview and anyone that win the interview will get the contract and this contract what a lots of money 1.8 millions U S dollar okay and after the interview then if i won it that is when i will know the Location of the contract okay and i just pray i have this contract and if i win it i am going to take cares of all the bills for the contract and after the contract is down all the money i spend on it i will get all back okay and i will tell you more about it when we meet okay and i just want you to pray about it okay we need this contract to plan our life together and all i just need from you is prayer and cares and your support too okay and everything is going to be fine with us okay...i love you

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