Check Scams, Debt Collection scams and other financial scams.
#207815 by captaincarlo Fri Jun 27, 2014 4:41 am

Do you have boat available for booking from 12th to 18th October,2014.The number of guest to expect is 4 people.

Get back to me if you have opening for reservation during my stated date.

John Smith
34 St. Vincent Street
G2 5NW

Return-Path: <[email protected]>
Received: from ([])
Received: by with HTTP; Thu, 26 Jun 2014 21:02:32 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 04:02:32 +0000
Subject: Inquiry.....
From: joh064vv <[email protected]>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

#207826 by heinshe Fri Jun 27, 2014 8:26 am
I own Big Rideau Lake Boat Rentals in Canada, a houseboat rental Company
I have neen contacted by John Smith 34 St. Vincent St. Glasgow Scotland, regarding a rental, I knew it was fraud right away,
they always want to rent off season, the addresses are always glasglow and names are always smith
#212616 by bnb Wed Jul 30, 2014 6:46 pm
We have a bed and breakfast in New Zealand and had a request from John Smith in Vincent Street Glasgow which I considered a scam so looked on here, Wanted accommodation for 12 to 18 Oct looks like they re targeting accommodation providers now.
#212619 by Mike Wilson Wed Jul 30, 2014 9:16 pm
Hello bnb and welcome to Scamwarners,
Please post the email address that is currently being used in this scam.
If you have any additional questions about this scam please ask.

It is ALWAYS a scam
If the pet seller or shipper asks for money to be sent via Western Union, Money Gram, any brand of gift card. Walmart To Walmart , Zelle , PayPal friends and family option, or mentions Cameroon
#213033 by Barbaratrotman Sat Aug 02, 2014 4:00 am
This scammer has targeted me several times recently. I rent vacation rental properties in Barbados. The telephone number does ring out, where I don't know!! Below is the latest.

Thanks for the email and confirming that you can help me with this
reservation .I want to have the grand total cost for reservation.
I also want you to confirm if its possible to make advance payment via
credit card to properly secure the reservation ...

Awaiting your swift response,

John Smith
34 St. Vincent Street
G2 5NW
#213101 by Cherry Bay Lodge Sat Aug 02, 2014 7:54 pm
Hi, here is the latest Bed and breakfast scam in NZ I have received from John smith : Cheers Stewart

-----Original Message-----
From: joh614v [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, 30 July 2014 3:00 p.m.
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Inquiry


I want to inquire about the rooms reservation for 6 people from 12th to 18th October,2014 (7 nights), 2014.

The information that I request are as follows:
Arrival date: 12th October
Departure date: 18th October
number of guests: 6
number of rooms :3
Get back to me if you have opening for reservation during my stated date.

Warm Regards,

John Smith
34 St. Vincent Street
G2 5NW
#213348 by Mike Wilson Mon Aug 04, 2014 4:35 pm
This shows how the scam works.

Current email address John Smith <[email protected]>

Also note the contact telephone number is a UK redirect that can be answered in any
location in the world. Any UK telephone number starting wih +4470 or 070 is a scam.

The credit card will be stolen and the scammer will pressure you to make the payment
to his "travel agent" before you discover the fraud. The scammer is only interested
in stealing the $8,000 from me.

hello ,

Thanks for your email and for the total cost for the reservation
which you have provided.i have concluded all payment arrangement.

As soon as you receive my card detail for payment,i want you to take
the following steps:

A) Make an total charge of $15,500 + bank charges from my card Detail.

B) Deduct the total deposit of $7,500 needed to secure book-

C) send the balance of $8,000 Via bank transfer to the prepaid
American travel agent who will handle our traveling logistics which i
will advice.

The travel agent is in charge of the procurement of flight tickets of
guests to and fro.

However, because agent do not have credit card facility and for
security reason,i have decided that ONLY YOU will have to handle the
credit card information.


Awaiting your swift response,

John Smith
34 St. Vincent Street
G2 5NW

It is ALWAYS a scam
If the pet seller or shipper asks for money to be sent via Western Union, Money Gram, any brand of gift card. Walmart To Walmart , Zelle , PayPal friends and family option, or mentions Cameroon

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